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The last time I dressed up was technically when we went to that anime convention at the beginning of August and I dressed up as Videl. I'm hoping to dress up this year for Halloween in a cosplay too but I don't yet know what. 

What's your favorite scent?

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I like Sauvage and Fahrenheit by Dior, Dolce & Gabbana Light & Blue, Particle Gravite for men.

Last TV show you watched and would you recommend it?

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Total Divas and no. It's just trash TV I watch when I'm super bored as background noise mostly lol ~

Is there a food you hated as a child but love/like now? 

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I hated onions and I like them now in and on everything. I also hated wheat bread and like it now. 

What is your favorite game to play?

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Depends on my mood lol ~ usually OSRS though. I don't really get tired of it, I always come back to it. Also FFX for the nostalgic feelings that it gives me, Samurai Warriors is up there too for the same reasons lol 

Have you ever tried being a vegetarian? 

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Yes. It half work for me but I enjoy eating meat sometimes too so could not commit to it entirely. 

Have you ever considering becoming a live streamer? 

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Yissss we always had one growing up lol I'm surprised I'm not dead honestly with all the things me and my friends used to do on those o_O We would do everything from going up on the roof when my parents weren't home and jumping off the roof onto it, to playing WWE on it and do all the WWE moves, and my trampoline never had a net or anything like that around it either lol ~

Are there any sports you like to play or watch?

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Yes, a few years ago there was a crime show where they would tell viewers about a crime and then a police officer would come in and ask if anyone in the area at the time had information about the crime to contact the police or the programme. I also quite like the shows where a camera crew ride with the traffic police.

Have you ever been stopped by the police while out in your car?

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I love shows like that where the camera crews ride along with the police or law enforcement officers. 

I was speeding once, I guess something like 15 or so miles over the limit and didn't realize and got stopped. He didn't do anything to me though other than tell me to be careful and it was just a warning. I am usually good about always following the speed limits but I was late for something that day, can't remember what. Never had any other speeding or traffic stops or been stopped by the police in a car. I've been stopped by the police while not in the car but that's a whole different story xD 

Following this trend, have you ever been arrested?


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On 9/1/2024 at 4:09 AM, Sakura said:

Yissss we always had one growing up lol I'm surprised I'm not dead honestly with all the things me and my friends used to do on those o_O We would do everything from going up on the roof when my parents weren't home and jumping off the roof onto it, to playing WWE on it and do all the WWE moves, and my trampoline never had a net or anything like that around it either lol ~

Are there any sports you like to play or watch?

those games were really dangerous when I was a kid, most of the current generation should thank God they are alive🤣

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On 9/3/2024 at 12:47 PM, Elonelir said:

those games were really dangerous when I was a kid, most of the current generation should thank God they are alive🤣

Yeah I honestly have no idea how I survived some of the things I did lol looking at it now scares me but back then I had no thoughts xD 

@Above ~ Yesshhh I've camped out in a tent before, I used to think that was something fun too but I'm not sure I would really be about that life now lol 

Have you ever gone to summer camp? 

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Nopeeee, usually milk.. I was trying to do better and drink milk anyways but a lot of times I'm drinking soda @ class before 9am o_o

Who is the #1 person you look up to in your life?

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I guess my dad because he has been a very influential and supportive person in my life just like my mom has, also to my older sister. 

What 3 things would you bring with you if you had to live on a deserted island for a week?

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Sasori, Gaara, Sesshomaru lolll ~ Erm really though not sure.. food obviously, something to make a fire with, and clean water seem like the most logical ideas to me. I think a week on a deserted island sounds like paradise though o_o

Would you rather have wood floors or carpet floors? 

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When my best friend asked me out in a poetic romantic way I said yes. Im so happy with my loved one now. (loved one for me = boyfriend) 

Do you think about the future or stay focused on the present moment ?  ( whats going on in your life now  )

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