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Badly, lol ~ I wouldn't call it knowing how to dance I just flail about xD 

What sort of things do you have on your bucket list? 

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A few of my top things are:

1.) Go skydiving.

2.) See the pyramids in Egypt.

3.) Zip lining in a cave (doing this one soon).

4.) Hike at Mt. Fuji

5.) Learn to surf.


What do you hope to accomplish in the next 5 years?

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Be alive and not die in some kind of alien invasion / zombie apocalypse / end of the world scenario xD Uhm but really I just want to be doing some kind of project with my career, hopefully on a research trip in the middle of the Pacific studying migration patterns for great white sharks. I want to have my Masters degree completed too which I should have in 2 more years.

Have you ever been ice skating? 

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I -think- I might have when I was little... but I can't be sure. So, possibly, because there's a familiar feeling to ice skating or something like that when I was little. I remember how hard it was on my ankles, so I probably did. I bet big sis' helped keep me from falling over if I'm right. Sorry, my memories aren't very reliable, as you already know. ><

Where did you see yourself as an adult when you were a kid?

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Doing something opposite such as police or an archaeologist xD I am happy with what I have as a career choice now and I think little me still would be too.

Do you prefer pie, cake, or cupcakes?

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I'd have to say cupcakes, but not just any cupcakes, mom's strawberry cheesecake cupcakes. ^^ ^^ They are DEEEELICIOUS!!! Sometimes I sneak a few if I'm hungry without asking mom's permission which I'm sure she gets frustrated by, but they're so frickin good they're so hard to resist when I see them in the fridge. lol ^^;

Do you have a favorite music artist, and if so, who is it?

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Nope and if you see me running you better run in the direction I'm running because I'm definitely running from something that's going to kill me xD 

What is the scariest experience you have had?

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Sometimes. I believe everyone has at a point thought about what will happen after we die. Will I go to Heaven, Hell, nowhere, purgatory, or any other religious beliefs version of afterlife, or maybe nothing at all like what humans have ever thought about or expect. Since I can't come to a definitive answer I try not to dwell on it to much and simply enjoy life in the present.

Do you prefer to watch sub or dub anime and why?

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Dub because my blind self can't read the subs unless I scrunch up next to the screen and I always feeling I'm straining my eyes + not even actually watching the show.

Did you ever want to run away and join the circus?

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I can't say I have, but I have thought of running away and hitchhiking anywhere else a few times, but only after big sis' passed away.

Would you want to have gills so you can breathe underwater?

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Yes I could wear a turtleneck to hide them and I would be able to see all of the interesting things under water. 

Do you reply to text messages right away when receiving them or wait awhile?

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Prolly Duel Links. I love playing that when I'm bored, other than that I don't really get on a lot of mobile games anymore except Runescapes mobile version.

What's your funniest joke? 

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16 hours ago, Sakura said:

Prolly Duel Links. I love playing that when I'm bored, other than that I don't really get on a lot of mobile games anymore except Runescapes mobile version.

What's your funniest joke? 

I used to play that until there was an infinite loading loop that would never load the actual mobile game anymore. The Chromebook can use some mobile apps if they're also compatible with CB in Google Play. Some are mobile only though which irritates me. >< It sucked though because I had so much progress in Duel Links. Sooooo many different cards from events. >< >< >< It was fun while it lasted though, I can say that much. ^^

I don't actually have one. lol I'm not an original kind of guy when it comes to jokes, but when since I laugh so much at so many things it seems to get contagious because people around me will laugh, too. Does that count? XD

Do you like outer space and stargazing?

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Yes, I own a telescope for this reason. I haven't had much chance to use it lately but need to start doing that again.

If you could only watch 1 show for the rest of your life what would it be?

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It used to be a little green Volkswagon beetle car with flower petal hub caps and a bright cute interior xD I think that was every middle school girl I knew back then wanted that. Now I'm really happy with the Range Rover we just bought. We drove a rental one from Chicago to Louisville and liked it so much we decided to get one, so I guess in a way that's having my dream car lol 

Do you like to set off fireworks? 

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Yeah, when there isn't a fire ban out here anyway. If anyone sets off fireworks and there's a ban like that in effect I'm pretty sure people can get arrested for doing it. There's been consecutive fire bans though out here for quite a while, so we haven't been able to set off any fireworks in a long time. I can't stand firecrackers though because they're too loud for my ears to the point that it hurts my ears.

If you could have any mutant's ability from any universe of mutants, what ability would you want to have?

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I want invisibility powers. I can walk, talk, breath, draw, and generally exist really quietly. But my appearance is quite loud in that regard. I wish no one could see how happy I am right now. That way my smile will be unbreakable.

That's why my favorite anime character is Dokuro-chan, she smiles about everything because she comes from a future where people don't exist.

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18 hours ago, Forlorn said:


If you could have any mutant's ability from any universe of mutants, what ability would you want to have?

I'll answer this too since I think Froggy forgot to post another question xD 

I would want powers like Storm has so I could make my own tornados XD

What is the #1 anime you would recommend to someone to watch?

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