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  2. Welcome to the Insanity! Enjoy your time here, just watch out for *ducks flying Mi-go*. Dammit! Who keeps opening THAT door?? *chases after the escapee while yelling* Anyways, welcome!
  3. Today
  4. I have to play MMO’s soon, I’ve been so lazy recently lol

  5. Welcome to AF suga! Hope you enjoy your stay here
  6. Echo_419


    I'm new here. I was looking for a new place to chat about anime. I was on reddit, but reddit kinda sucks. I found this site on google. So, I thought I'd give it a try.
  7. Ranko from Hula Fulla Dance Mossan from FLCL Alternative Jasminka Antonenko from Little Witch Academia: The Enchanted Parade Elma & Lucoa from Dragon Maid Honoka from The Dangers in my Heart and in the muscle-bound sort of bulky, Noi from Dorohedoro
  8. I like you already have Chocho up there in a picture ^ She's my favorite "thicc girl" in anime. I also like Risley Law from Fairy Tail.
  9. I like reading about the mythical monsters and creatures that supposedly lurk around such as Moth Man, The Jersey Devil, Bigfoot/skunk apes, the White River monster, Kentucky goblins, Beast of Bray Road, Loch Ness, La Lhorona, and not mention all the Japanese lore of the various Yokai. My favorite though are Wendigo & Skinwalkers. Both of which scare the hell out of me but I still find them interesting. I went down a rabbit hole of learning a lot of both and watching a bunch of videos late at night about them several times Oh there is also something called a "Not Deer" which is sort of like a Wendigo I guess but a little different and that creeps me out but it's very interesting. There isn't much information about the Not-Deer though. I guess all my favorite myths/legends are more to do with creepy creatures and beasts though that are rumored to be in certain areas and have a lot of local town lore behind them.
  10. I love rats, mice, hamsters, guinea pigs! I had all of them at one point or another as pets growing up. I think beavers or squirrels are my favorite though. I know beavers are considered huge pests but I think they are adorable despite that (and also they tend to be pretty mean). Squirrels near me though are pretty friendly and will eat from your hands. Probably not very safe or sanitary since they could bite but the squirrels in the city are pretty used to humans doing this downtown and I think it's fun to sit there while they come up to you and scamper around your feet. My sister just got 2 pet rats so that's pretty cool too. I get to be a rat aunt and play with the tiny bebes.
  11. I didn't know Barbie had a lesbian princess movie
  12. Yes! The really old black and white one. My mom used to watch it and I would watch it with her. I think there is a new version of Twilight Zone but I haven't seen any of it (Like I think 2019 or something). I watched a lot of old Black and white shows with her like Perry Mason, the original Addams Family, Mannix, Dragnet, and more popular ones like I love Lucy & Andy Griffith. I could probably list a lot of 60's & 70's shows I watched just because of her lol I haven't seen Outer Limits though, based on the Wiki you linked, it sounds pretty good. I think when it comes to these types of shows I am more a fan of the X-Files which is weird to think at this point that's 31 years old
  13. This was the old 60s version from before color was invented*. As a kid I watched TZ and Outer Limits all the time. The first season of OL was kinda cheezy but after that the writing, directing, and acting all got better, though mostly it was still unknowns on the writing and acting side. Even now it's fun to go back and see the works of some actors and writers (especially for Outer Limits) before they became big names. Captain Kirk before he became Captain Kirk for instance, or Harlan Ellison or Clifford Simak on the writing side. (* And yes, everything before the 70s was monochrome. Things like sunsets and rainbows were a lot less interesting back then. )
  14. Anyone want to bet on if she's actually a girl?
  15. What are your favorite myths and legends? https://bettermyths.com/387-2/#link-for-aesops-fable I always liked the Devil and the Tinker. A guy gets granted three wished, outsmarts the devil, pisses off god, tricks death multiple times, and ends up becoming immortal.
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