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  2. Hello everyone! Just I recently now have 9000 followers on TikTok! I am so proud I am making so much progress on becoming an influencer on Pop Culture, anime and cosplay! I have and ultimate goal to get to 10,000 followers. I have came so far from being a rookie TikTok influencer cadet to a true influencer. My TikTok fun will soon pay off. I feel so proud of myself of getting this far into my time on my TikTok journey it feels splendid.
  3. efaardvark

    WiFi Names

    Yes, proper placement and intensity was often part of the art of the whack. Someone untutored in the art could shake a malfunctioning device, kick it, beat it up all day without "fixing" it. Finally in desperation one would have to call maintenance. The guy from maintenance would come up, take a look at the symptoms, maybe ask a few questions, then give it the right <thwack> in the right place and there you go, instant fix. Guess that's why he was paid the big bucks.
  4. I totally forgot I don't know why
  5. About 20 years ago we had this huge monitor that often switched itself off, we found that a swift WHACK on the right hand side woke it up again.
  6. I told you~ But he passed away while saving 2 people from a rip current. Unfortunately, he died in the process, but that's a good way to be remembered.
  7. Still a number of series I’ve yet to check out, but currently Mushoku Tensei is my AOTS.
  8. Sakura

    WiFi Names

    Wonder if you can be bribed with a fountain pen to further investigate this WiFi lol
  9. viruxx

    WiFi Names

    I would.... but I don't wanna.
  10. Sakura

    WiFi Names

    Oh yes I meant nothing has changed related to how we all still deal with the problem lol we like to just hit things and hope it works after that
  11. Good luck! There's a bunch of weird sh..tuff going on out there these days, economically speaking. I don't think anyone really knows how the next decade or so is going to play out but you could do worse than meeting it on your own terms.
  12. efaardvark

    WiFi Names

    I beg to differ. Back then the rationale for the whack had a valid backing in physics. Now with everything being low-voltage silicon components wave-soldered onto circuit boards it's just tradition. Probably also a bit of exasperated venting. I'll admit that part hasn't changed.
  13. Yesterday
  14. HIIIIIIIRAIIIKOTSUUUUUU lol Wait the creator of Yugioh died?! Why did I literally not know that and it happened 2 years ago
  15. Sakura

    WiFi Names

    I think Viruxx should go check it out and come back and tell us what he found in the house it belongs to "Giving them a whack" is exactly what I do most of the time so I guess nothing has changed
  16. efaardvark

    WiFi Names

    So we're back to violence towards recalcitrant consumer electronics?
  17. My latest project: a tribute to Joey's ace monster: Red-Eyes Black Dragon in light of Kazuki Takahashi's passing. I still can't believe the creators for Yu-Gi-Oh! and Dragon Ball Z have passed away though.it breaks my heart into a million pieces, like a part of my childhood is now gone forever.
  18. Zeref

    WiFi Names

    Good. You might have find yourself in a situation you didn't wanted to be in lol
  19. I think it's one of those questions that we're better off not knowing the answer to.
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