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Animedragon last won the day on February 2

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  • Favourite Anime
    Clannad, Cardcaptor Sakura, Fushigi Yugi, Magic Knight Rayearth, You're Under Arrest, Yuru Camp.
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    Slice of Life


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    West London,UK
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  1. YES!!! It's February 1st. January is over 🙂.  I now only have to survive February and the worst two months for me will be over for another year 🙂

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Animedragon


      A heritage railway on a normal day will only have one, or perhaps two locomotives in steam depending on the length of the railway and the number of trains they run in a day.

      At a Gala the organising railway will usually hire in guest locomotives from other railways and loco owners and the timetable for the event will be much more intensive than for a normal day. So where normally there would be around 4 round trips an day at a gala there could be 8 or more and usually a lot more locos in steam, on a large railway there could be as many as 6 or 8 locos in action. There is also often a variety of trains running, so while normally you only have passenger carrying trains at a gala there would often be goods trains running for the benefit of photographers who like to see something different.

      Other activities could include rides in the brake vans of the goods trains and if the railway has a turntable it will be in use to demonstrate how locomotives are turned round. Sometimes there will be footplate visits available and even on occasion an opportunity to drive a loco on a short piece of track for a small fee, places on these usually need to be booked in advance.

      And of course one should never forget the sales stands from various railway societies and other groups who think that their products will appeal to railway enthusiasts.

    3. Zeref


      It sounds like a good time. Being able to drive one would be a cool experience. I've never thought normal people would be allowed to do this. 

    4. Animedragon


      <late reply> Yes anyone can have a go, for a small donation to the railway, all the crew are volunteers so it is possible to join the railway and as long as you're fit and well you can train to become a driver. But you have to start as a cleaner and then fireman before becoming a driver.

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