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Everything posted by KaiyaSaysHaiya

  1. Zeruel/14th Angel I think (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
  2. cat emojis 😸 > normal emojjs 😄

    1. efaardvark


      Yes!  😸

      There's even a 🙀 to go with the 😱.  (Some days you just gotta.)

    2. KaiyaSaysHaiya
  3. Halloween profile!!


    1. Ohayotaku


      Cool idea 

      Changed mine to Arc from Skeleton Knight in Another World & the background to the girls from Zombieland Saga.

    2. KaiyaSaysHaiya


      Nice! Looks good ^^

  4. Hmm.. I'd have to go with home-made meat pies and rice Not together tho lol What's your favourite band?
  5. I physically cannot wait this is actual torture But yeah, I'm gona be going as Himiko Yumeno from Danganronpa V3 <33
  6. Just started BNA! I've enjoyed the parts I've seen so far, but I have a feeling my expectations are too high for the series. I suppose I'll just have to wait and see! I also just finished Uncle From Another World! It's certainly not the best series out there, but it's enough to keep me interested when I have nothing else to watch. Also, WHY THE DAMN CLIFFHANGER OMG I'M ACTUALLY GONNA SUE NETFLIX /j
  7. Gotta love Green <33 Do you prefer the 2001 Fruits Basket anime or 2019?
  8. I only starting reading manga this year, but the first manga I read was Noragami, it's really good
  9. Some art I've been doing this afternoon for a Scratch art contest ^^ Also something I drew a few days ago!
  10. It's really annoying when people ask "How are you so good at art? I wish I was talented like that." because it's not so much talent, it's more from practice, observing and stuff like that. You can't just instantly be great at art, you need to put in some time and commitment. I just realised this is a kinda old post, but yeah
  11. Yasuhiro Hagakure from Danganronpa! Technically he's a video game character but there's an anime adaptation so that's good enough for me Do you prefer to draw men or woman (if you draw at all)?
  12. Sword Art Online. I watched the first season (completely oblivious of the existence of the next few seasons) and I just fell in love. I had a watched a few anime before it, but not many and SAO just instantly hooked me in. I loved the concept and just everything. In fact, I probably got too obsessed. I also got obsessed with Pokémon: Indigo League at the time, so these two anime were the only things I would talk about. It was always Kirito this, Team Rocket that, and I think my friends just got SO sick of it. I have no idea how I didn't pick up on that at the time. But yeah, SAO basically consumed my life and tbh I'm grateful. If I hadn't gotten into SAO, I mightn't have gotten into anima at all!
  13. I ike to write short poems, depressing song lyrics and x readers bc yes Here's one of my trash poems bc why not 'Beyond The Grave' 'Life oh so precious, nobody can grasp a captivating experience that shall forever last Beyond the grave, we blossom and bloom dancing continuously under the full moon Nobody can nor shall break from the chain as we so gracefully dance through the pain So all together we shall hold hands and sing as we soon will find out what this next life will bring'
  14. Anime gives you a reason to sit in your room all day without having to talk to real ppl
  15. My wallpaper has family, but my lock screen is Kokichi eating Shuichi lmao I had to go digging through my gallery to find the image
  16. Chihiro Fujisaki (Danganronpa: The Animation)
  17. Today I started Neon Genesis Evangelion It's such an iconic series, I dunno why I didn't start it sooner
  18. I'm on episode 2 of Arcane: League Of Legends The Animation is amazing and I love most of the characters that have been introduced so far <33
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