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Everything posted by KaiyaSaysHaiya

  1. Here, have a cookie 🍪

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. KaiyaSaysHaiya
    3. Animedragon


      Thank you. I'll have it with my mid-morning cup of tea. 🙂

    4. KaiyaSaysHaiya
  2. This. This is what true beauty looks like.
  3. When I first watched SAO, I literally walked up to the TV, cried and ran around the room like a crazy person. Need I say more?
  4. Michiru Kagemori (BNA/Brand New Animal) Yes, another BNA character
  5. Happy Halloween!! (or at least in my timezone)

    I wish the spookiest spooks to you all

    1. Emotion Flux

      Emotion Flux

      In that case, I hope you have a happy and spooky Halloween!! ^^

    2. Deeath


      Decided to do some corpse paint! For my black metal loving soul!!!!

      The children were scared of me, I was giving out candy - and nobody came up to me - lol, so I just put out a sign with the bowl that said "Take 2 please" but still love the corpse paint \m/!!


    3. KaiyaSaysHaiya


      Haha, I see why they'd be scared

      Nevertheless, looking good!!

  6. Bc I can't wait until tomorrow Happy (almost) Halloween!! Perspective
  7. Himiko Yumeno is now living rent free on my bag Ignore the dirty floor lol
  8. I have officially watched about 40 anime! I guess that isn't many but it's close to 50 so I'm happy.

    1. Emotion Flux

      Emotion Flux

      It's still a lot. Never let anyone tell you any different. I still remember when I was just getting into anime, I didn't think it was a lot I had watched either, but it was. Trust me, 40 is impressive.

  9. Just finished BNA, and I loved it. I will say, I didn't particularly like the ending and the very end of it felt kinda rushed. Maybe it's just me, I dunno. But yeah, overall it was a great series!!
  10. Zeruel/14th Angel I think (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
  11. cat emojis 😸 > normal emojjs 😄

    1. efaardvark


      Yes!  😸

      There's even a 🙀 to go with the 😱.  (Some days you just gotta.)

    2. KaiyaSaysHaiya
  12. Halloween profile!!


    1. Ohayotaku


      Cool idea 

      Changed mine to Arc from Skeleton Knight in Another World & the background to the girls from Zombieland Saga.

    2. KaiyaSaysHaiya


      Nice! Looks good ^^

  13. ugh, TMJ is so annoying 😿😿

    my jaw is being weird

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KaiyaSaysHaiya


      eh, tbh I don't have it too bad

      although thanks for the concern??

      my brain isn't working sorry

    3. Emotion Flux

      Emotion Flux

      It's ok, I'm like that most of the time so I understand. I don't have TMJ, but my brain is uncooperative most of the time. lol Sucks when there's miscommunication like that. I'm glad you don't have it too rough though regarding the TMJ at the moment. :D

    4. KaiyaSaysHaiya
  14. Hmm.. I'd have to go with home-made meat pies and rice Not together tho lol What's your favourite band?
  15. I physically cannot wait this is actual torture But yeah, I'm gona be going as Himiko Yumeno from Danganronpa V3 <33
  16. Just started BNA! I've enjoyed the parts I've seen so far, but I have a feeling my expectations are too high for the series. I suppose I'll just have to wait and see! I also just finished Uncle From Another World! It's certainly not the best series out there, but it's enough to keep me interested when I have nothing else to watch. Also, WHY THE DAMN CLIFFHANGER OMG I'M ACTUALLY GONNA SUE NETFLIX /j
  17. Gotta love Green <33 Do you prefer the 2001 Fruits Basket anime or 2019?
  18. I only starting reading manga this year, but the first manga I read was Noragami, it's really good
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