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efaardvark last won the day on April 7 2024

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  • Favourite Anime
    Lots. Off the top of my head (and in no particular order)...

    Ghost in the Shell
    プラネテス (ΠΛΑΝΗΤΕΣ)
    Any "real" science fiction actually
    Angel Beats!
    Clannad: After Story
    Your Lie In April
    Pet Girl of Sakurasou
    Spice and Wolf
    FLCL (original)
    Any Miyazaki/Ghibli
  • Favourite Genres
    Slice of Life
    Space Opera
  • Favourite Character Type


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  • Location
    Someplace between Santa Monica and Sedna.
  • Occupation
    Data systems engineer
  • Interests
    reading (SF), electronics, science, engineering, space, computer programming.. and of course anime.
  • Gender

Video Games

  • Favorite Video Game/Series
    Kerbal Space Program. Anything that you can craft or build in actually... Minecraft, Valheim, Cities: Skyline, Stardew Valley, Terraria, etc.....
  • Favorite Video Game Characters
    GLaDOS, Duke Nukem, Jebediah Kerman
  • Favorite Game Consoles
    PC Master Race - May our frame rates be high and our temperatures low.

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Single Status Update

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  1. Finally starting my vacation!  Theoretically anyway.  Gotta work at 12:10-9AM (pacific time) Christmas day for JWST, then sometime over the weekend move furniture so I can move Mom out of her nursing home and into an assisted-living arrangement next week.  Hopefully the new year will be.. less eventful.

    1. Ohayotaku


      I’ve been hearing some pretty wild things about the weather In Cali recently. Any of that affecting you? Where I am they’re now predicting Christmas will be in the low 60s despite yesterdays high being 34F 😂

    2. efaardvark



      So far I’m good here.  A bit of rain started in the wee hours this morning but that’s fine.  We need the water.  We’re supposed to get a series of fronts coming through but not much intensity.  Other than idiots on the freeways not paying attention to the laws of physics it seems like we’ll just have to deal with several days of rainy weather down here in SoCal.  Up north there might be issues.  They’re talking up to 10 feet of snow in the Sierras.  Again, we need the water, but these days the snow doesn’t stick around and people are worried about it melting and causing flooding once the storm is over.

      Actually, my brother in Wisconsin seems to be having more “fun” with the weather.  He’s reporting that there’s a 100-car pileup on the interstate due to ice and snow.

    3. Ohayotaku


      Sound similar to where I live being fortunate enough to miss out on the tornados that hit Kentucky & other areas to the south recently. So far the wildly varying temps have just resulted in rain & a couple days of wind gusts in my neck of the woods.

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