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efaardvark last won the day on April 7 2024

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  • Favourite Anime
    Lots. Off the top of my head (and in no particular order)...

    Ghost in the Shell
    プラネテス (ΠΛΑΝΗΤΕΣ)
    Any "real" science fiction actually
    Angel Beats!
    Clannad: After Story
    Your Lie In April
    Pet Girl of Sakurasou
    Spice and Wolf
    FLCL (original)
    Any Miyazaki/Ghibli
  • Favourite Genres
    Slice of Life
    Space Opera
  • Favourite Character Type


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  • Location
    Someplace between Santa Monica and Sedna.
  • Occupation
    Data systems engineer
  • Interests
    reading (SF), electronics, science, engineering, space, computer programming.. and of course anime.
  • Gender

Video Games

  • Favorite Video Game/Series
    Kerbal Space Program. Anything that you can craft or build in actually... Minecraft, Valheim, Cities: Skyline, Stardew Valley, Terraria, etc.....
  • Favorite Video Game Characters
    GLaDOS, Duke Nukem, Jebediah Kerman
  • Favorite Game Consoles
    PC Master Race - May our frame rates be high and our temperatures low.

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  1. I haven't even paid for my car repairs yet and now I need a new refrigerator as well.  💢

    Got to do taxes sometime soon as well.  😱

    Just shoot me now.  :(

    1. Ohayotaku


      Car maintenance, home maintenance & taxes.  No spring or summer break. Adulting sucks 😞

    2. Wodahs


      just wait till you get to health issue's expenses on top of all them

      ill tell ya thats when life really sux and you go back to just wishing it was just all the other things that break and need maintenance

      i think i need to stop working before i become to broken

    3. efaardvark


      @Wodahs Already there.  Not so much recently but I did spend a few years beating cancer that left me without a thyroid and on hormone replacement for the rest of my life.  That was a rough patch but is now history, or at least stable and manageable.

      My big problems now are my mother who is aphasic (degenerative frontal-lobe disease similar to Alzheimer’s) and my sister in law who is disabled and diabetic.  My brother never really got the hang of the adulting thing and is .. not a big help.  He has a part-time job but he and SIL can’t even meet their own expenses.

      In the old days the social pact was you worked your ass off until you were 55, then you retired to enjoy the rest of your life on whatever pension and savings you’d been able to arrange.  Instead I’m already 57 with no possibility of retirement in sight.  My income is all we’ve got and I’m basically a single parent to 3 special-needs kids.  Unless I manage to win the lottery I’m gonna have to work till I drop. :( 

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