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Blog Entries posted by RyePotatoes

  1. RyePotatoes
    It's been a long time since I've written here in my blog. I really write writing and somehow it's my way of venting out my feelings, emotions and especially my frustrations. Speaking of frustrations let's talk about my frustration about cooking. So if you knew me for like quite some time maybe way back December 18 or something I've written this blog about living on my own in college and so here I am today still unable to cook a single grain of rice for dinner. We all have that feeling heroic moments when you just suddenly woke up from an 8-hour slumber induced by no sleep late last night due to a long quiz that never happened caused by your teacher feeling like, "Oh, I'm not gonna give a quiz today just cause I don't want to." and think that you could do everything you want to do cause you think you're the most capable being on earth. So here you were, washing some rice, readying for your first ever cooking show and humming to yourself while putting it over your rice cooker.  You take out your phone taking the most epic picture possible just cause it's your first time cooking rice and its expected in your country to know how to cook rice at the age of 10 and you're already 18 and ambitious enough. You take this little stroll in insta until you smell something burning and this time it's not your hair. It's your nonexistent work of art. You forgot to add in some water and all you had to do was wait for that rice cooker to just say keep warm! 
    So College life is going well for me aside from the fact that I had to buy my Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner from the Cafeteria. Good job self! You're going to survive it all so come at me life! *notice the potato sarcasm* So if you're having a bad day out there cause you're crush can't notice you, or your being bullied by someone who doesn't really know your true self at school, or you're bored all the time just cause you have all the time in the world and time is your slave or you're just plain frustrated with life's problems and hurdles remember there's a girl out there that is supposedly  expected to capable of cooking rice at the age of 10 and is now 18 but still can't have dinner due to her own clumsiness, negligence plain old stupidity. Don't be too harsh on yourself. We learn from mistakes but for me I think I'm going to learn from youtube since Mum's not here. 😛 
    Keep Breathing~ 
  2. RyePotatoes
    So the RyePotatoes VS. *insert anime names/ anime events/ etc.* Series is a series of blog entries containing my First Impressions and detailed reviews on certain animes  This blog entry is intended to help AF's users to atleast get a bird's eye view of the anime that is being featured without worrying about spoilers!
    Arigatou Gozaimasu for reading!  
    Link of Yuojo Senki on MAL (just in case you'll feel like reading the synopsis) ---------------------------> https://myanimelist.net/anime/32615/Youjo_Senki
    First Impressions
    Judging from the photo that I saw on MAL, I was already having second thoughts on whether I would like the anime  or not because of the way it was drawn. (Yes, I'm very picky when it comes to drawings and graphics). For me, the Main Character was kind of weird having a very serious face with a small body attached to it so I was kinda having my own biases already just judging from the Photos. I thought the anime would seriously just be about Wars and smart tactical ideas from the Main Character. I kind of expected the Main Character to be different from other Main characters since she was already described in MAL as the "Devil of the Rhine" so I did expect some malevolent action coming from here and there. Hmmm, I did expect a not so happy ending though because I've been having a bucket full of Happy endings from the recent animes that I have recently watched. I noticed that the anime only have 12 episodes so I kinda expected it to be a Cliffhanger cause come on, nobody ends a war within 12 episodes with just 24 minutes each! 
    What the Anime Really was
    So the anime graphics was not a problem. I actually loved the graphics and how the anime was drawn. (Lesson learned: Don't judge an anime by it's cover) The opening song totally shouts evil in every beat, I felt eagerness laid on every note and kind of imagined bloodstains, gun powders and loud gunshots just by listening to the opening theme song. (Maybe I'm too imaginative? ) The main character was indeed evil in her own ways and was kind of different from other superiors you'll ever see in other animes. I mean, who would think about a subtle approach of killing your subordinates after not following your commands? Yes, that's how evil she is. The development of the Main Characters were also featured in the story and anime viewers will also see the humor and irony of having a female child in a war environment. What differentiates this anime from other war animes is that the anime is set in a 1700s kind of war with not so modernized guns and canons mixed with magic and flying armies.  

  3. RyePotatoes
    So lately I've been busy with school. I didn't have much time visiting here on AF and it is possible for me to be a lot more busier than before causing me to  maybe visit less often than I can before. This is a big change for me since AF has been a part of my daily life ever since 2015. Of course, I wasn't that active before. I can even still remember myself being so unsure and scared whether I'll join the various threads this forum had to offer before or not. I was scared of course. Maybe they won't agree with my comments and suggestions. Maybe they'll find me weird enough not to talk to me. 
    AF wasn't my first forum that deals with anime. My cousin and I decided to troll around here for the time being because I was having a hard time on another forum which I was a member of that time. I needed a place that I can hide to for a while. The goal wasn't even set for me to reach a year here but I guess things changed. My name back then was MaskedMalevolent which I find too childish after a few months that I changed it to RyePotatoes afterwards. The Rye is the first three letters of my real name, Ryelle. The Potatoes is because I feel like a potato.  There's no special meaning behind it actually  
    After some time the trolling changed when I met new friends in here and I've even established a family tree around here. It was more than what I expected it to be. In the past two years I can't say that I have been active everyday and for me that was fine. The forums grew and that 500+ members on the forum statistics doubled and there were a lot of new members again that I've met. There were dramas and all but I thought Internet life is just like that I guess.  I've actually missed the old friends I had here.  Including those friends that changed and moved on with their lives and I can't say that's the best part of it. 
    I hope this blog entry helped you to get to know me better by knowing why I joined AF.  I can't say this is my best asset but I thought it'll be better for you guys to get to know my darkside ( which became my reason for joining this forums) once in a while rather than thinking I'm such an angel or anything.  
  4. RyePotatoes
    It's Christmas again!  Only 4 more days to go and it's Finally Christmas!  Christmas has always been a very special occasion/event/ holiday in my country. Aside from it being a religious belief it has also been a part of our culture and family tradition. It's a season where everyone finally goes back to their family after being away for a long time cause of work, education and etc.
    I know that everyone doesn't really treasure Christmas nor celebrate it and that is fine. I can totally understand that because everyone have varying opinions and preferences about stuffs and that's what makes us unique in all perspectives.  What's not fine is stepping unto someone's preference and act very much like a jerk about their point of view. It's Christmas season and I wish to impart this blog as a present to everyone out there that there are things that are best to keep to ourselves. The world won't just revolve around you and your opinions. Your opinions may not even matter to everybody.  This season may not be important to you but it may be important to somebody else and you can't change that. You can't have people morphing their opinions to match yours just because you have your own opinions that contradicts to some people and you think that you are right for the most part. Respecting other people's opinion is easy. If respecting other people's opinion is too hard for you then better yet ignore their opinion and continue on with your life. There are a million stuffs that you can focus on aside from dissing other people's opinion.
    May you have a Merry Christmas Everyone! 

  5. RyePotatoes
    So I've been talking with my Parents lately. I just turned 18 which is very surprising for cause their little girl is finally acceptable in liquor bars and in jail but is still mentally 5. I'll be graduating High School this march and after that it's already college life which I am not very particular with since I am an 18 year old that is mentally 5  In college I'll be going away on the next city beside ours which is like two hours or so. (It's not that far actually but it is still far for me) This would be my first time living on my own. I mean, I can't even cook a decent meal without all the burns and so on. I can cook rice but that is all!
    I'm afraid of going away and suddenly realizing after some time that my parents have already grown old. I'm a family-centered person and I find it hard living the nest all of a sudden. I know all of you might say that I'll get over it or that I can go through it and somehow I can survive it. But I'm kind of still afraid. I've actually stopped watching anime too cause I feel like I'm already too old for it.  Which is kind of a wrong way of looking at anime like that because anime had always been a part of my childhood. I have been quite busy to with the college papers that I need to look in to that's why I've been inactive in here too. I really want to stay very active and greet new members cause that is what I've been doing ever since I joined here. 
    This blog is not a good bye blog of any sorts. I just want everyone to know what is up with RyePotatoes nowadays.  
  6. RyePotatoes
    I was really happy on Valentine's Day even if most of the single friends I knew were so bitter about it and started calling it Single Awareness Day. I actually forgot that it was actually Valentine's Day because I got so busy with my requirements at school and it turned out that  I passed for my College Entrance Exam so I was really hyped up and I didn't have the time to think about a certain holiday that obviously have nothing to do with me. I'm going to live without calendars and watches now I think.  Looking back at all the Valentine's Day that passed me by I wasn't really concerned about romantic gestures and having dates. I was much more concerned with the part that I should buy chocolates for my parents and make cards for them so that they'll take us out on a date. I'm quite family oriented probably because of how my Mum grew us up. This concern went on and on until the recent occasion and I don't feel anything bad about celebrating Valentine's Day with my family. I think there are two perks about it. One is that I don't have to be labeled a loser about being single by those Valentines Stereotypes and Second I can help my parents from not making the decision in adding to the total number of the human population by November. I'm actually a superhero. Lels.  
    One thing that happened on Valentine's day that changed my perspective about love was the poem that my teacher in Literature  shared with us about someone relating love to an onion. When we talk about love we always picture out romantic stuffs and gestures such as Chocolates, Cards and Roses. Instead of a typical Valentine's Day filled with Chocolates and Cards my mind dove deeper with the onion. 
    "I give you an onion.
    It is a moon wrapped in brown paper.
    It promises light
    like the careful undressing of love."
    When we indulge ourselves in loving someone we hurry on the loving part and forgot about the details. We hurry like our life depends on it. Like if I don't hurry now I might let a 1000 year chance slip out of my hand. We aren't supposed to hurry. Opening an onion is the same as encountering love. Quickly undressing it to discover it's core can make your eyes well up with tears resulting with you getting hurt. But taking a steady hand with a slow manner of slicing it, making your hands introduce themselves layer by layer can somehow lessen the tearing effect. In love we always get hurt and that is inevitable but suffering for that pain and letting it take over you is an option  Keep breathing everyone! Kampai~
  7. RyePotatoes
    Anxiety, Depression and so on. Obstacles we often meet that we are meant to defeat. Ever since I was little I grew up thinking that if I'll just try harder I'll surely achieve everything. If I'll just give it another chance I'll over come it. But as time goes by I figured out that things won't really go that way. I figured out that life is brutal and no matter how many times I'll try opening boxes of rainbows storms will always come our way.
    When life gives you lemons make lemonade. In every dark cloud there's always a silver lining. Just go with the flow. There's always a plan B.  These phrases are so easy to say and so idealistic but in truth it's hard to achieve and hard to do. When people are in  rough situations we close our doors and even our windows (if possible) for opportunities and other possibilities. We often focus on the hard part and disregard the fact that we can still do something about the problems we are facing. 
    This blog entry is meant for people who have friends or family members that are experiencing Anxiety, Depression and so on. I implore everyone to please be mindful of what we say towards people who are experiencing depression and anxiety. We don't tell them "it's okay " or "everything's going to be fine" those phrases are already heard frequently and somewhat robotic. At the very least, we can do a better job in comforting them by being an ear they can talk to or a pillow they can hug or punch.  We give advice ONLY when we are asked to.   
  8. RyePotatoes
    So this blog entry for today is somewhat a story about myself and a motivation speech or something. I was kind of confused if I would call this a random potato talk or an Exclusive on Potato patch and assuming you've read the title then you already know which I picked as a title.  This blog entry is kind of a secret that I intend to share with the intention of teaching or conveying a lesson to everyone. This is also quite personal and I trust everyone can be trusted with this information about me  
    Two years ago, 2015 when I was still 15-16 years old I was facing a lot of troubles on my own. Ever heard of Fifteen by Taylor Swift? Yeah, that was pretty much what I was listening to that time obviously cause I can relate much to it. Everything was new. I've experienced having internet friends, my high school life had become a little interesting and soon I was about to graduate from Junior High. I've had this first forum around somewhere. I was culture shocked of course. Who wouldn't? Growing up I wasn't familiar with blondes, brunettes, red heads, colored eyes aside from brown or black and different skin tones. On my first forum I was a lurker. I would randomly like posts and just be online quietly, watching what these people would talk about all day without me really having a two way interaction with them. Of course some forum members noticed and I've received some posts on my profile and I can still remember how happy I was that somehow I got noticed not in a strange or weird way. 
    Along those lines I've grown close with a specific person in that forum and eventually he became my boyfriend. I knew back then that online relationships doesn't really work but naive as I am I still embarked on a relationship. Being inlove is fun. It made me think that I was lucky and for the first time I was really loved. Every time I would receive an I love you my heart fluttered and brings shivers to my spine. The idea of me getting jealous was fun and everytime he would console me on how I shouldn't get jealous was something new to me. In other words, I was childish and naive. Time passed until I discovered that he was cheating on me. That event caused too much drama since many of my close online friends found out and they've cause quite a rampage in that forum causing me to take refuge here. We broke up of course and that chapter of breakup was followed with four consecutive breakups until June 2016. My most painful heartbreak.
    Reading this far I bet you wouldn't think about me having this many boyfriends in just a short time huh? Well, guess you wouldn't know a person until you really know them  Looking back now I really want to strangle my 16 year old self, put it in a sack and throw it in a river somewhere. I was young and I was seeking for attention that those boyfriends gave to me in a short period of time.  I am quite unreasonable and I never really learned from the last. I cried a lot of tears, gave a lot of efforts and felt a lot of feelings inside. Being young and inlove is fun just for the sake that it is fun and self rejuvenating. Being young and inlove can make you think that somehow this thing before me will last forever and somehow it'll eventually work. I want everyone to know that love, relationships and your attitude now are all temporary. Everything can change even people. Knowing that everything is temporary I suggest you hold on to it while you still can and when it's time to let go you just let go. Love is wonderful and intimate. Love start with one step and another. I suggest you start with the step of loving and accepting yourself  
  9. RyePotatoes
    When I was young, around 5th grade, my teacher asked the boys in our class about their thoughts on girls. One boy from the class (which I still know now on Facebook because he went on another school from me) said, "Girls are our Mums! They clean the house and take care of me." It was a sincere answer and I'm pretty sure he was able to say that because it's what he have witnessed in their own home. 
    Women should be like this. Men should be like that. We all offer our each and own opinions on how Women and Men should be. Men should take her bae on dates, or give her a bunch of flowers with a bucket full of chocolates on every special occasions such as anniversaries, monthsaries, weeksaries and even daysaries (if possible) or men should never hold much more think about holding a hand against women or that men should be sensitive enough to care or in other words be a walking possession of women . On the contrary women are expected to be "untouched", a good cook who can do chores, a being that should never express her opinions; summing it all up, a walking possession of men.
    Watching my Facebook feeds I see a lot of photos expressing gender equality which ONLY highlights the rights of women. Didn't anyone thought about the fact that Men should have their share of shout outs about their rights as well? I saw a guy once who helped this struggling lady with her heavy bags. In a moment I imagined and thought to myself if this said Gender equality exist then that guy could've left that lady struggling with her bags. He didn't need to go out of his way and help that lady. Let the girls carry their heavy bags. Let the girls settle fights with punches and kicks. If it's gender equality then it's every gender for themselves. 
    Gender equality doesn't exist. We have to be honest that each and everyone of us whether you are a man or a woman, a girl or a boy, a lesbian or gay, we have our own opinions about each gender.  These opinions can't be changed with a single flick of a magic wand or a single blog entry that is made by a Potato online. It is not our rights that should be changed or implemented BUT our own mindsets. Let's take it easy with everyone. Let's put our standards about each other a little lower.  
  10. RyePotatoes
    It's finally 2018! Twelve Months ago it feels like the start of 2017  They say we should meet the new year with positive thoughts and positive vibes!  On my Instagram, Facebook and Twitter my feeds were filled with 2018 New Year Resolutions and I was like "Here we go again!"  The first day of 2017 didn't really go well for me since my dog died and I've been really depressed ever since. I didn't really picture out any of my dogs dying and this was the first. My mum woke me up on the second day of 2018 and told me the depressing news. She was like, "Dot Died" and I didn't really had the time to refresh my brain and I thought I really accepted it already cause the day before he was already pooping blood and the vets were closed cause it was a national holiday. He was suffering hard and I couldn't do anything and feeling that as an owner is the worst thing ever. I hugged my hotdog pillow once more and stood up. When I saw him lying over his bed with blood and my dad getting ready to put him in this huge black plastic bag and bury him in our yard I started crying and I felt stupid. Really stupid. It was a really dramatic moment for me and it felt a lot more painful than all those breakups. I stayed in bed all day and fell asleep. Funny thing is that I wasn't really ready for the truth cause in the moment I woke up I laughed at the idea and told my mum that I had such a horrible dream. When I was little I hoped my dreams would come true and now I take it back.
    Even if my first few days of 2018 didn't go exactly as planned I still hope this year will still be great! I have a lot of things happening this year and I'm hoping for the best especially for that entrance exams that I am hoping to pass! This year might mean me not watching too much animes as before since I am entering college. I still do hope that I get to watch a lot of animes though. I hope your New Year went fine and will be great! Happy New Year Minna-san and no matter what happens Just keep Breathing! ~
  11. RyePotatoes
    It was a typical Friday night. I was sitting on my bedside table with my laptop right in front of me with three tabs opened on my Google Chrome. One was AF, the other was on my Facebook and the last was on my Youtube which showed the list of my favorite Youtubers I subscribed to varying from beauty vloggers to art gurus. It was another tiring day, I just came home from a day of babysitting my younger sister and I have no idea what to do. I've seen the not so busy activities on AF that day and I was planning to make a blog entry or add a picture on my gallery. I was reading through the threads until one notification appeared together with a ding that I wasn't expecting.
    It was from an old friend that is now my acquaintance due to some unfortunate events. The person left a message with only two letters, "Hi." with an annoying meep sticker that I used to love. Being a weak person as I am I replied with a single Hello and things came rushing back. All the joy, the excitement, the giggles I let out and the pain that rot me to my core came rushing back. It was a storm of mixed feelings and as we continue talking I felt all of it all at once. I need to act cool. I need to show this person that I'm not bitter. I need to show this person that I'm not the me that this person knew back then. I need to stand my ground. So we talked and talked and talked. Through the exchange of "what's up?" and "how are you?" the conversation went longer and finally after some time I was able to muster the courage of ending the conversation I never wanted to end. 
    Things change. Relationships change. Nothing remains constant no matter how much you'll hold something tightly within your clutch. The bond I shared with that person changed and somehow I feel no regret about it. Of course the first few days and months were painful but eventually you'll grow and somehow adapt to that big change. Let go of what you need to let go. Don't keep those remaining tingling feeling and let go of it all. No good can result from all those tingling feeling.  Be brave to take another step forward and don't ever look back! 
  12. RyePotatoes
    Writing is my favorite. Looking at different hand writings is a delight. Looking at a pen gradually lose its ink as a few words goes by resembles life. Every curve, every straight line, every stops and spaces will only become meaningful at the end of the paragraph.
    Why do I write? I write simply because I love watching my pen touching the paper leaving marks as if claiming its territory. It's sometimes referred to as a talent but I looked at it as a past time spent between my soul and these different strokes on paper.
    Every idea and plot some times cease running and somewhat feels shy to confront this wondering mind of a self-proclaimed writer. There are also times when ideas struck hard and these hands feels numb and can't keep up with the mind which resembles to a long awaited intercourse between the pen and paper. Every touch proclaims longing and desire to touch the familiar pages once again. 
    P.S. These phrases actually just came to mind yesterday when I was supposed to write for my journal. I hope you like it.  Constructive criticism is always accepted.  
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