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Status Replies posted by XII360

  1. Kind of hate how I was reminded how messed up this world is. People are nice, especially the ones I met here, but many do not realize how many things are out there that take away a person’s motivation.

  2. Gonna miss this bugger, but i barely use it anyway, so i may aswell sell it to my classmate whom wants one, and wants to play games in one,

    This physically hurts me tho, as a gamer, selling consoles is pretty heart brokening =/


    Funny thing is, i don't even need to sell it, i have no worries on cash, but classmate really wants one, and this thing is just gathering dust, along with my 3ds XL, 

    i have plans on fixing the 3ds (assuming it wont cost too much) and selling it, but no plans on my vita q_q, oh well, gotta stay strong, i-i wont cry, i wont




  3. Gonna miss this bugger, but i barely use it anyway, so i may aswell sell it to my classmate whom wants one, and wants to play games in one,

    This physically hurts me tho, as a gamer, selling consoles is pretty heart brokening =/


    Funny thing is, i don't even need to sell it, i have no worries on cash, but classmate really wants one, and this thing is just gathering dust, along with my 3ds XL, 

    i have plans on fixing the 3ds (assuming it wont cost too much) and selling it, but no plans on my vita q_q, oh well, gotta stay strong, i-i wont cry, i wont




  4. Gonna miss this bugger, but i barely use it anyway, so i may aswell sell it to my classmate whom wants one, and wants to play games in one,

    This physically hurts me tho, as a gamer, selling consoles is pretty heart brokening =/


    Funny thing is, i don't even need to sell it, i have no worries on cash, but classmate really wants one, and this thing is just gathering dust, along with my 3ds XL, 

    i have plans on fixing the 3ds (assuming it wont cost too much) and selling it, but no plans on my vita q_q, oh well, gotta stay strong, i-i wont cry, i wont




  5. Decided to do New Game+ Of Trails in the Sky and I made it to the final dungeon in only 24 or so hours of playtime, including side quests and defeating the lieutenant in Grancel Castle.

  6. Oaww crap.

    Well crap guess i need to get a new accessory

    Me sad :[


  7. Oaww crap.

    Well crap guess i need to get a new accessory

    Me sad :[


  8. Oaww crap.

    Well crap guess i need to get a new accessory

    Me sad :[


  9. Oaww crap.

    Well crap guess i need to get a new accessory

    Me sad :[


  10. I'm soo lazy right now!! Making me all tired! 😫

  11. Hayy how you doing today. :)

  12. Hayy how you doing today. :)

  13. Hayy how you doing today. :)

  14. Hayy how you doing today. :)

  15. jesus christ, school/studying is literally google chrome

    IT EATS SO MUCH OF MY RAM, literally raping my brains memory >.>



    neat song tho', 

  16. jesus christ, school/studying is literally google chrome

    IT EATS SO MUCH OF MY RAM, literally raping my brains memory >.>



    neat song tho', 

  17. i have been a productive boi

    ...might aswell continue by finishing up my assignments/that, thingy experiment

    @ArchieKun how is u's doing's in this's fine's night's ?!

    and @alupacard-chan, you's been's ignoring's me's, atashi no saddo boi

    like, lemme draw a sad face real quick (without the graphics tablet bs, couse i just got outa bathroom <.>)





    ah, i still got it

    though, i know you're busy alu-chan, since its you xD, you keep on fighting whatever it is you're fighting, you and fin-san~

  18. i have been a productive boi

    ...might aswell continue by finishing up my assignments/that, thingy experiment

    @ArchieKun how is u's doing's in this's fine's night's ?!

    and @alupacard-chan, you's been's ignoring's me's, atashi no saddo boi

    like, lemme draw a sad face real quick (without the graphics tablet bs, couse i just got outa bathroom <.>)





    ah, i still got it

    though, i know you're busy alu-chan, since its you xD, you keep on fighting whatever it is you're fighting, you and fin-san~

  19. Haya hows it going I saw a genre topic finally popped up in the VN club. I'm excited to see where that one will go. :)

  20. Haya hows it going I saw a genre topic finally popped up in the VN club. I'm excited to see where that one will go. :)

  21. Haya hows it going I saw a genre topic finally popped up in the VN club. I'm excited to see where that one will go. :)

  22. Haya hows it going I saw a genre topic finally popped up in the VN club. I'm excited to see where that one will go. :)

  23. Haya hows it going I saw a genre topic finally popped up in the VN club. I'm excited to see where that one will go. :)

  24. Haya hows it going I saw a genre topic finally popped up in the VN club. I'm excited to see where that one will go. :)

  25. Haya hows it going I saw a genre topic finally popped up in the VN club. I'm excited to see where that one will go. :)

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