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Everything posted by Ohayotaku

  1. Welcome, hope you enjoy it here
  2. Cold & gray. On the positive side, they’re not predicting we’ll get much where I live from this winter storm that’s supposed to come through tomorrow & monday. Hope they’re right.
  3. Finishing up 7 Deadly sins (Dragon’s Judgment & Cursed by Light) while finalizing my seasonal watch roster (trying to keep it under 15 so I can check off some PTW series)
  4. Welcome Hope you find things to interest you here.
  5. I’ve always devoted more of my time & money to anime than manga, but these are the manga I’ve been the most invested/interested in; 1. Battle Angel Alita (my #1, no contest) 2. Oh My Goddess 3. xxxHolic (it’s not porn, really) 4. Chibi Vampire (anime name was Karin) 5. Yotsuba (same managaka as Azumanga Daioh) 6. Shadow Star (via Super Manga Blast - kind of a cross between Parasyte & Madoka Magika) 7. Monster Musume (guilty pleasure) 8. Blood Lad 9. Gleipnir (since a season 2 is questionable) 10. Spy x Family(started, but currently waiting on the anime adaption)
  6. I’m not really a fan of Metal, but there are some Metal covers I really like Also, I think it’s considered more hard rock than heavy metal, but I do like me some Def Leppard
  7. I have mine referenced on my profile page, but it’s also supposed to be included in my signature, but I’m not seeing it. Not sure if it’s because I’m viewing it on my phone or if the functionality is broken..
  8. Per my MAL I made it through episode 5. Mildly amusing at first, but got bored of it.
  9. Not entirely sure how to interpret the question. Star Blazers was the one that really opened my eyes to the potential for a “cartoon” to tell a coherent story about grown-up subject matters with actual character development. And it would eventually be the series that first made me aware that anime is actually produced in another country with different cultural & historical perspectives (the whole Argo/Yamato thing). Though that realization would come many years later. As far as an introduction to the quirky weirdness that characterizes otaku “culture”, probably Project A-ko as it was full of satire & parody. And it was one of the first uncut/unedited anime I watched.
  10. Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy it here As to action/thriller recommendations: Attack on Titan (final cour just started) • Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress • Hellsing Ultimate • Akudama Drive Demon Slayer (Kimetsu no Yaiba) & Jujutsu Kaisen might work too. If there are any other genres you’re interested in or specific series you enjoyed, I can offer some more recommendations.
  11. Well that’s just freak’n adorable 


  12. Finished the last of the Attack on Titan OADs (Lost Girls) last night, so guess I’m ready for the beginning of the end tomorrow
  13. Today’s high was 20F & got a dusting of snow. Supposed to get down to 10F overnight, them only make it to the low 20s again tomorrow
  14. Hey, no judgement from me, I’ve just grown a bit weary of the formula, though UY & Tenchi Muyo are largely credited as the progenitors. And I think back in the day it’s humor was a way for otaku/weebs to feel they had something over normies for not getting the references/jokes
  15. For all the hype around Lum as one of anime’s premiere waifus, if I had to choose a favorite from the UY girls, it would probably be Benten, the badass space biker & one of Lum’s BFFs.
  16. Finished the final ep (for now) of The Faraway Paladin. Despite the 2nd half of the season feeling a bit lacking, I thought it ended fairly strong & will definitely check out season 2 when it airs.
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