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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. I totally forgot I don't know why
  2. Sakura

    WiFi Names

    Wonder if you can be bribed with a fountain pen to further investigate this WiFi lol
  3. Sakura

    WiFi Names

    Oh yes I meant nothing has changed related to how we all still deal with the problem lol we like to just hit things and hope it works after that
  4. HIIIIIIIRAIIIKOTSUUUUUU lol Wait the creator of Yugioh died?! Why did I literally not know that and it happened 2 years ago
  5. Sakura

    WiFi Names

    I think Viruxx should go check it out and come back and tell us what he found in the house it belongs to "Giving them a whack" is exactly what I do most of the time so I guess nothing has changed
  6. Glad tomorrow is Friday tbh. I need it to be the weekend already.
  7. Sakura

    WiFi Names

    Okay someone is weird with their wifi XD
  8. Same because we had breakfast together and I skipped lunch and haven't yet ate dinner but I do have chili on and should be ready for dinner soon so I will soon be eating that.
  9. Finally, finally, got 99 farming on OSRS lol ~ Took forever. Next goal is 99 Smithing I supposeeee.
  10. Totally forget AQ Worlds was a game lol ~ I played that too. They have AQ World 3D now too that I think is available on the phone & browser but it's nowhere near as good as AQ Worlds. ~ Oh I remember there used to be some 2D dating sim games like this, I remember one called "Chrono Days" and another called "Wonderland Days", I think it still exists but I'm not sure. The pictures and stuff weren't as detailed as the ones above because I think they were mostly hand drawn but it was fun to play through them lol
  11. K-on, Lucky Star & Clannad are personally my faves. I've heard a lot of people say My Dress Up Darling & Yuru Camp are good too though I haven't watched them yet myself. Oh and Fruit Basket! I'm not sure if Golden Time is considered slice of life or not but it's really good too.
  12. A lot of stuff that deserves views or attention hardly ever gets it unfortunately x.x There is some really great art out there though that definitely deserves more attention than it gets.
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