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Zeref last won the day on June 15

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  • Favourite Anime
    FMA Brotherhood, Bleach, Attack on Titan, Gundam, Ghost in the Shell, Fairy Tail, Samurai X, Bakemonogatari, Seraph of the End, Steins Gate, Soul Eater, Toradora, Fate Stay Nite, Black Clover, Overlord, One Piece, Death Note, Gintama, Mob Psycho, JoJo, Unnamed Memory, Tokyo Ghoul, The Promised Neverland, Fire Force, Yugioh, Death Parade
  • Favourite Genres
  • Favourite Characters
    Luffy, Saitama, Mikasa Ackerman, Esdeath, Saber, Zeref, Rin Tohsaka, Archer, Motoko Kusanagi
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  • Location
    Chicago, USA
  • Interests
    Gaming, Game developing, Travel, Basketball, Football (Soccer), Hiking, Hockey
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  • Favorite Video Game/Series
    Elden Ring, Pokemon
  • Favorite Game Consoles

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  1. Did you know that rats laugh when they are tickled? Rats have what appears to be a “laugh centre” in their midbrain that is activated when the animals are tickled or when they engage in play behaviours. Researchers first discovered that rats could laugh in 2016 after they found tickling the rodents on their belly and back sent them into fits of squeaky giggles.
  2. The current state of the world we live in today with everything that has happened since 2020.
  3. Swimming is my favorite Summer activity and also any water sport that goes along with it. What is your favorite thing about the country or city you live in?
  4. Live as one as it sounds like I might get some sleep. Would you rather hike through a cave for exploring or hike through the mountains?
  5. Zeref


    10 games is still almost 200k XP a day which as casual gaming isn't very bad. You are still doing farming for pet?
  6. Yes as AnimeDragon said things get better as you become more familiar to the place. And lucky you that you also have me with you lol
  7. We had a couple rain clouds last night I think that helped dropped the overnight temperature to the 70s however today it is back up to 90s. The humidity here is what is the worst part. The air feels sticky and heavy as if you can't breathe.
  8. People do bathe in tomato sauce for skunk stink and that is similar to rubbing ketchup all over you. The tomato sauce smell sticks to you for awhile so I would think that the ketchup smell would too for several days.
  9. I have not but I would like to take a cruise on the Disney cruise ship because it looks like a lot of fun. Do you make a list before you go to the grocery shop or freestyle it?
  10. Oooops, my bad I'll give you one mopped and swept floor coming up.
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