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Everything posted by Metro

  1. I'm glad I'm still young the fact I have little to no troubles besides school stress but in debt ways nope I'm not in debt. "A Lannister always pays his debt."
  2. Well I prefer just getting the money since I can just use it anywhere but gift cards are pretty nice especially if its a store I like.
  3. Pretty good, I've been extremely bored though since its only been raining so I cant do any outdoor stuff,
  4. Curry Who is your favourite Japanese youtuber?
  5. Hello everyone. This is the thread for make people aware of servers that I own that anyone part of the Anime Forum can join, if you are interested state what game you have and I will add you to a conversation where I will take your username and add you to the white list if any of you own any servers as well and are willing to share it with anime forum community I will add it here, (If the servers are closed or people can't join is probably because its down for maintenance, recording or the servers have just gone down) Server Status: Garry's Mod: Under going maintenance Rust: Open! Minecraft: Open!
  6. I'm not afraid of failure, I'm afraid of time.

  7. Happy Birthday!

    1. Senpai


      oh thank you, i didnt expect anyone to notice

  8. “I believe… whatever doesn’t kill you simply makes you…stranger.”

    1. Kohloo


      Sounds about right

  9. nearing 300 posts which is the most I've ever had on a forum :D

  10. If there was a Death Note or SAO that would be amazing :P

    1. Metro


      my bad I just saw Death Note in the sales package but a SAO would be cool.

  11. Welcome to AF and I'm just going to state my opinion that I don't think Sloth was doing anything wrong to me it looked like people were getting touchy on others opinions. This is an anime forum where we come to find like minded people and enjoy ourselves not fight over who's right or wrong.
  12. Welcome to AF hope you enjoy your time here!
  13. Welcome to AF hope you have a great time!
  14. I think I might start vlogging

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Metro


      kinda like what Taylor R, John Hill and all of them people do since they are really inspiring and stuff and they make you smile.

    3. Kohloo


      I have no idea whose those people are! Lol. I've never watched any sort of vlog

    4. Metro


      John hill is a skateboarder and Taylor R is a model who lives in Japan

  15. "What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence."

  16. Welcome Oly! Hope you like it here.
  17. this just turned into one of the best days of my life

  18. Metro

    No Man's Sky

    Ok with No Man's Sky out on PS4 and right around the corner for PC I want to know your guys thoughts personally I'm really hyped to play it, with 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 planets which would take 5 billion years for 1 person to go to every planet, and every planet is different its mind blowing. I will give a proper review on it when it comes out on PC the same as I did for the Division so sit tight.
  19. Metro

    Daily Quotes.

    "For every dark night, there's a brighter day." ~Tupac "During your life, never stop dreaming. No one can take away your dreams" ~Tupac "You know it's funny when it rains it pours They got money for wars, but can't feed the poor." ~Tupac
  20. I don't cope when I'm sick and that's basically ever 2 days.....
  21. my IRL friends are pretty cool but they are nothing like me I'm seeing as the odd one out of all of them but I'm cool with that
  22. Water but if I do drink something else its either Apple Tango or Irn Bru
  23. Well hahaha my username has a bit of a backstory to it basically when I was a lot younger and I was on different forums I went by the name of Legocrazy505 or ghost101 in some cases but mostly Legocrazy505 and I had that name for quite a long time but then my brother made a steam account and took my username since he wouldn't use his old one and about that time Megamind had come out so he told me to use Metroman as in the hero guy from it and I was going to use Metroman007 but it was taken everywhere because 007 (James Bond) so I went for 008 instead, and that's the story of my username but I don't really like it all that much anymore so I go by Metro.
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