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Everything posted by Loli

  1. End the fantasy or you'll hurt deeper.

  2. Perspectively Sakura having more posts here than the user above
  3. Break thru new limits

  4. Worrying about the future when you're in your 70+ years yet could die any day any moment.
  5. Not minding debts knowing I can pay them off later, instead being thankful for what I have.
  6. Live without doubts, don't miss your chance.

  7. I was spoiled from the gate, outlived my childhood for too long..
  8. Not paid enough to work that hard.
  9. I found another speaker I thought was stolen at work alongside my 3rd powerbank, and it was at full charge! :3
  10. I bought a new speaker and it sounds fire, so loud!!! <333
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