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Everything posted by Kohloo

  1. Welcome to the forum, I hope you enjoy it here!
  2. Name: Party Foul Looks: Flaking red paint Type: Dinghy
  3. I really really really really like Kiki's Delivery Service. That ad almost made me mad. But it was ridiculous enough to not get quite mad. Totally weird though
  4. Sooooo Does this mean we've got a bit of a ménage a trois thing going on now? Cuz I'd be okay with that
  5. Lately I've been really drawn to Lamia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lamia
  6. Hi there and welcome to the forum! Post around and get to know some people. I'm sure you'll like it here ^-^
  7. Don't stare at the sun, it's not good for your eyes

  8. About 30min ago. My prescription from the pharmacy. Ah sweet pain relief Don't answer it
  9. Not a chance! Too warm (also too difficult)
  10. All of u! Everyone here ^-^
  11. When I'm on mobile device I tend to re-enter the forum address rather than finger scroll all the way back to the top xD

  12. I was rushing down the stairs with a stack of CDs. They flew out of my hands and I dove down the stairs to try and catch them, belly flopped on the living room floor. Don't ask me why that sticks with me, I have no idea, it's weird. Probably be a useless, emotional idiot
  13. The summers in Niagara Falls (glad I'm not there anymore)
  14. What I like the most about Canada is the fact that it's my home
  15. Spare parts is definitely always handy to have
  16. Home made spaghetti sauce (it has carrots, celery, onion, and ground chicken) on rice
  17. I mean, if someone offered me a scenario like that, I'm not exactly going to say no( Honestly, I'd even do it for 1 million). I can think of some things I could do with that money (paying off my loan, for one thing. Buy some land in a woodsy area, build a cozy little home, finally be able to have my own vegetable garden, you get the idea)
  18. The parents of my bf at the time (now ex bf) got me a cake. Otherwise I would have done nothing. I'm not really the sort to do anything for my birthday. I can take it or leave it lol
  19. I get along with my immediate family (parents and older brother) really well! I've just always had a really good relationship with them growing up. I've come to learn that my parents style of parenting isn't very common How uncommon is it? I broke it There's a family reunion about once a year. Every now and again we'll get together one or two other times during the year We both broke it
  20. Holy crap. How do I choose? Magic rainbow tycoon sounds more fun! I get along with my immediate family (parents and older brother) really well! I've just always had a really good relationship with them growing up. I've come to learn that my parents style of parenting isn't very common I don't bother much with my extended family. I don't know anyone on my biological fathers side, everyone on my mum's side are greedy vultures. I love it when my step-dad's family comes around, but it's not that often because we all live scattered about the province and such
  21. I have to use both crutches when I'm out of the house, there's no question about that. But in the house I'm able to get around with one or no crutches because of the brace. I still use the one crutch because I was told to try and avoid putting weight on the injured knee until we find out whether or not the meniscus is damaged
  22. Hi there and welcome to the forum
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