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Status Updates posted by Kohloo

  1. I quit my job!

    1. zoop


      Congrats! I think. :D Did you have something better lined up, or are you going to be focusing on something else?

    2. Belgrade_assassin


      ^ My thoughts exactly, meanwhile: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKggnBh2Mdw

    3. Kohloo


      My last day is February 24, I'll be looking for different work

  2. Why

    1. Hentai


      Because, hentai is life.

  3. S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y NIGHT!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Belgrade_assassin


      Oh I know, I just can't help it whenever I see words Saturday and night together. :)

    3. Wodahs


      and thats why my head went to Cold Chisels song Saturday Night

    4. Belgrade_assassin


      @[1584:Wodahs] gets it~ :D

  4. 2 shots of espresso, a splash of coffee, ample amount of ice, top it off with a bunch of chocolate milk. I'M READY!!!!

    1. Wodahs


      But where's the bailey's Irish cream *o*

    2. Kohloo


      Sadly, I cannot have alcoholic beverages at work

  5. Watched the first episode of ACCA 13. It was....really boring.

    1. Kohloo


      I'll keep up to date with it for at least a few episodes though to see if it gets any better

    2. Optic


      Not watching yet but do keep us updated... the setting did sound interesting. And I quite liked a lot of Madhouse's (the studio that did this one) previous titles..

    3. Kohloo


      I also started watching Hand Shakers. I'm absolutely in love with how the do the animation, especially the backgrounds and even the background characters. The world actually feels alive and as if though even the background people have their own personalities

  6. I'm getting sick and I'm not happy about it

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Kohloo


      Chicken noodle is the absolute worst. Bring that near me and you will wear it!! *hissing from the bed* Tea though? I will accept tea *had so much honey lemon tea yesterday, bladder went into overdrive*

    3. Wodahs


      See works Kohloo has more energy already xp

    4. Kohloo


      I think I almost died. I went into a coughing fit just as I was about to swallow food. So I was choking and having a coughing fit at the same time

  7. Sup peeps

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kohloo


      @[1584:Wodahs], doing pretty fine! Got an 11 hour shift today, but so far it's going smoothly (2 hours into it). I don't mind them every once in awhile :) @[1304:Kirry], hey guuuuurl, you lookin' fine!

    3. Wodahs


      Hope the shift is coming to an end in a fine manor , and you get to enjoy the rest of what you have left in your day

    4. Kohloo


      I'm almost at the end of it, 45min to go! Worked 10am-9pm

  8. Mmm delicious quiche

  9. My hair is all.....poof...and stuff.

    1. Metro


      I know how it feels......

    2. Kohloo


      I'm wondering what it will do today. I slept in a braid last night

  10. *sings loudly* you can go your own waaaaaaay *gets totally into it* *guitar solo*

    1. Belgrade_assassin


      He/she sure can! :D

    2. RyePotatoes


      *sings background effects As well*

    3. Wodahs


      tries to whistle the tune but remembers cant whistle for s**t so just hums along trying to look cool with all the others

  11. Was browsing Netflix and started watching Dirk Gently's. It's pretty good!

  12. I love you all, be my lovers!

    1. Frost
    2. Optic


      @[1363:Kohloo] seems really ecstatic!

  13. Why is the bed always the comfiest when I have stuff I need to do

  14. Who shovels snow in the middle of the night? I do.

    1. RyePotatoes


      Ehhhhhh? O.O Don't ya feel cold?!

    2. Kohloo


      No different than shoveling snow during the day really, the temperature didn't change much

    3. Mimori


      I do the same thing

  15. Oh no, not the winter hands! Aaaagh *itchy*

  16. if only i could wipe it all away and make it white. a blank void would be better than this. i don't even know who i am anymore....

    1. Wodahs


      just be you [URL=http://s195.photobucket.com/user/w0dah5/media/dont-change_zps0osrdsdy.jpg.html][IMG]http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z189/w0dah5/th_dont-change_zps0osrdsdy.jpg[/IMG][/URL]

    2. Kohloo


      First of all, I can't stand motivational shit like that. Second of all, it has -nothing- to do with me changing for people. As far as I'm concerned, everyone can kiss my ass

    3. Frost
  17. Sexy set is sexy

  18. broccoli onions

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kohloo


      I was actually saying that randomly because of two soups we have at work, cream of broccoli and french onion. They smell awful and smell even worse mixed together lmao

    3. Wodahs


      I heard broccoli onions and first thing that came to mind was cheese and white sauce :P no reason just is :) wasn't even deep n meaningful

    4. Kohloo


      I like cauliflower with the cheese and white sauce

  19. Finally decided what to do for the ultimate freestyle contest :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wodahs
    3. Kohloo


      @[1584:Wodahs], I don't sing @[1304:Kirry], yes!

    4. Gwen


      make me proud


  21. One book of discs done! Threeee more to go! *head slams into table*

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kohloo


      so...403 discs here...and then probably around another 50 back home...I've got a month to get the 403 done. LESS THAN A MONTH, I STILL NEED TO SEND THEM BACK. IT'S MORE LIKE 3 WEEKS OH MY GOOOOOOD

    3. Frost


      I'm not sure if I should laugh or feel sorry for you :P I laughed a little... :crazy:

    4. Wodahs


      i have some free time I can help you copy them , give me a copy and ill copy them for you :P

  22. I'm still here! Just been a bit busy these last few days

    1. Frost


      I have missed you ;-;

    2. Kohloo


      Aww I'm sorry

  23. I love my AF wifie, Kirry

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Frost


      Oh tuxedo mask~ you've saved me! (Even though I really saved myself xD)

    3. Kohloo


      See, you got this. Im just here to look good *strikes a pose*

    4. Frost


      Ohhhhh myyyyy. So handsome

  24. I totally forgot I put stars on my profile page *dazed and in awe*

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