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  1. @XII360 Was aiming for Summer Linde and Genny, but you know what I got?  +Def/-Spd Summer Takumi.... At least he has Fury 3 or Odd Res Wave 3 that can be passed on.

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    2. XII360


      i say, drive attack 2 is okay-ish, i mean more attack buff on your allies is always neat, + its 2 tiles away, unless you want more defense ?, fjorm is hella tanky though'

      i guess, everything is neat, fjorm tanker, ares damager, hector all around main character of the team

      what you mainly lack now would be a support healer, one that will get hector back to 100% for armored boots to get back, and allow him to tank more damage/do more damage's, and maybe, change dragonic aura -> glimmer, i remember you saying your hector is +atk - something thats not useful, so having a glimmer with 2 would be neater, probably

      lach-chan should be a decent (not the best but i use her too ;o)healer, slap her either earth balm for defense plus, or give her imbue, for instant full hp heal

      heres a setup for lach, if im to give one

      weapon: i would have suggested gravity, but since you dont have a dancer, its not really suggestable, probably fear, slow, or pain+'s would be okay

      support: physic (+ if you can), if you have physic +, her healing capabilities increases by allllot,

      special: imbue, for insta full hp, or ones that give def/res buff's, they are okay too

      A: Fortress defense 3 or Fort Res 3, (couse she wont really be dealing damage, so having more defense, or resistance would be neat

      B: either a seal skill, or a chill defense, personally id give her a chill defense, forcing one person to get lowered 7 defense without being near is actually alot of help, especially if she is avoiding hits

      C  GIVE HER THE ODD RES 3 !, well i mean if you want too, she will be a support, so giving her odd res 3, or anything that buffs teammates, would be neat, but shes not the best healer, just so yknow~!, shes just decent ;o , (e.g give her the attack drive 2, since she will be 90% be in the back, drive attack would be neater on her)


      orrrrrrrr you could get a dancer in the last spot, that will work too, but if you do, give someone in your team, the C skill "breath of life 3", that heal can take you a long way on event's, my julia was my healer before, when i didnt have a genny;


      incidentally, my team composition is                   ~~~~~~~~stat's read as: attack/speed/def/res~~~~~

      Xmas tharja: tanker/delayer, tank killer (depends on the role i feel like giving her)  [stats: 46/18/34/36]

      weapon: candelabra+ (+hp and +def), (support: ) swap, (special: ) iceberg if killer, noontime if tanker

      A: Close counter if killer, Fortress def 3 if delaying, (B:) Wary fighter 3 (C:) attack smoke 3, (S:) armored boots

      Ninian: dancer/tanker/buffer [stats:38/36/26/27] 

      weapon: light breath + (+hp, +def), (special skill: ) sacred cowl

      A: hp/def 2 (B:) escape route 2 (have yet to think of a switch for this) (C:) spur def 3 (gonna change it too drive res 2, when i get one) (S:) attack smoke 3

      Bride cordelia: Insta killer/damager/hitter/hp cutter [stats; 51/40/16/19]

      weapon: brave bow+, (support: ) rally attack/speed, (special skill: ) moonbrow

      A: life and death 3, (B: ) chill defense 3, (C: ) savage blow 3 (S:) initiate attack 2

      genny: healer/slower/somewhat magic-hitter(her attack is op >.>) [stats: 45/25/21/34]

      weapon: gravity+, (support: ) physic+, (special skill: ) imbue

      A: hp+5, (B: ) wrathfull staff 3, (C: ) drive defense 2 (S: ) drive attack 1

      so far this team composition gets 90% of the job done, mainly bridelia damage op, to bad she cant get hit once, or its GG >.>, unless ofcourse she gets buffed by those drive def'res buff's, otherwise even with buffs, theres a 80% chance she will get insta'd

      but hey, she also insta's them, 4x hit's and doing special skill twice in one go >:o

    3. drill


      Great team there!

      Perhaps Hector having Aether since no one else really needs to be healed?  Also, this is why Hector has Pivot for when he drops below 100%

      Fjorm could get Defense Tactic 3 from the Legendary Ike I haven't used in forever which would make my team almost immune against physical threats xP

      And last but not least... made this in an online generator.  Think she turned out well.  My Lene is +Atk/-Spd.


    4. XII360


      i guess, but pivot will cost you a turn, and then you wont be able to hit anyone if you use it, which would semi suck ?

      aether is 5 c/d though, but it does give you some heal and damage +, not as spammable-ish tho'

      yea def tactic would work, and having oddwave, on odd turns would make your group tanky and hard to kill, not to mention heavy-hitting, be careful on double-hitting enemies tho', even with high defense, they can still pack some heat

      i agree, that lene would be 100% neat, hard-to-kill, and also nice hit, + speed is high-ish that she can avoid some double-hitter's, her main role would be to just dance for your allies, though, would probably switch close def 3 -> a in battle buff skill, feels like it would be more useful, seeing as she will be avoiding direct confrontation anywho'

      unless she will be taking some hit's, that defense is overkill >.>, +14 defense, jesus, her weakness would be tomes >_>

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