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drill last won the day on November 16 2021

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  1. @XII360 I am done with this banner.  Got this on my free summon.  She is +HP/-Def, but her base stats are a lot more balanced than Hector.  If I gave her the support I was going to give Hector (and the summoner support), and went for Fury instead of DC, and give Corrin Drive Spd 2 instead of Drive Res, she'd have the stats below at level 40.  Will probably be switching out Delthea for Faye with Firesweep Bow+, Seal Atk, and Atk Smoke for better support.


    Edit: Actually, I did all of the original calculations wrong, and am redoing them.  Specifically for Veronica who provides a +4 to all stats in range, and -4 to all states for enemies in range.  Because of not including this, Faye becomes obsolete on this team, so will still be looking for a replacement.  Also, because of this I might switch to DC instead of Fury.  She will likely have Swap or Reposition to get Veronica out of harms way.  Not sure if I can get Aether on her right away, but she might actually just want Sol if Veronica is attacking more often than not to get that effective +8 boost.  Or perhaps just getting a real healer for the team if that is what Veronica is contributing now.

    HP: 54

    Atk: 62-70 (54 + 0-8 from Veronica + 6 from Corrin + 2 from Summoner)

    Spd: 34-42 (23 + 0-8 from Veronica + 9 from Corrin + 2 from Summoner)

    Def: 51-63 (39 + 4-12 from Veronica + 6 from Corrin + 2 from Summoner)

    Res: 40-48 (32 + 0-8 from Veronica + 6 from Corrin + 2 from Summoner)


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    2. drill


      Actually, I just beat Ursula's Abyssal with ease using this team.  The reason why it can function without a blue is due to the fact that Myrrh can tank any red that comes her way with little difficulty.  Even in Abyssal mode, she took the might of the red cavalier, and took like 8 damage since he doubled?  It wall all healed with Sol.  If there are blue/green units on the field, role goes to Hector to defend.  If there are red/green units on the field, then it goes to Myrrh.

    3. XII360


      jesus christ, you beat impossible mode ?

      "wow", just "wow", im not even mad, im hella shocked and surprised that anyone can beat that mode

      i guess my team is just really outdated, rather than not >.>

    4. drill


      Yeah, was a bit surprised myself xP  If you ever want help making a new/revised team, I'm always up for helping out if you want.  Have to head on to work now though, so ttyl

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