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How are you feeling right now?


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14 hours ago, Animedragon said:

Ah, you've reached the worst stage of recovery. Where you want to get out and do things, but still aren't quite recovered enough to do them.

This is also the point in recovery where most people think they can start doing the things again, then re-injured themselves. Not to worry though I keep an eye on her 😆

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Lol don't worry I'm not trying to do a ton of stuff or anything at once ~ I don't want to wind up back in the hospital. I've mostly been feeling a lot better though. 

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9 hours ago, Zeref said:

This is also the point in recovery where most people think they can start doing the things again, then re-injured themselves. Not to worry though I keep an eye on her 😆

It's sometimes a difficult task persuading people that they're not quite as well recovered as they think they are 🙂

6 hours ago, Sakura said:

Lol don't worry I'm not trying to do a ton of stuff or anything at once ~ I don't want to wind up back in the hospital. I've mostly been feeling a lot better though

It's good you're felling better, just remember not rush and to over do things and take your time so you'll soon be fully recovered.

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I feel alright not too bad,  however nervous and anxious about a meeting I have tomorrow. I really hope it gose well if not its not going be pretty bad for me from now on with my personal life. 

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Sleepy because I just took a hot shower and after taking those I always get really sleepy no matter what time of day it is. It's basically bedtime though so that's a good thing. 

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Cold very cold. I'm also having some difficulty focusing on classes today since in person was changed to online due to the hazardous weather and I'm easily distracted by, well, anything...

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28 minutes ago, Soramee_ said:

I’ve been sick for nearly a week now so not good at all. Also sleepy even after sleeping for 12 hours

Hope you feel better soon.

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Wide awake because I took a nap earlier around 9PM and really I should have just stayed in bed since it's 1:53 in the morning as I'm typing this but I'm very very awake right now so I'm going to just do a few things online until I get sleepy again lol the good thing I guess is that it's the weekend. 

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