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Who is your favorite Super Hero in any anime or cartoon?

The Pocket Guy

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Personally, I think my favorite super hero would be between Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star, Batman, or One Punch Man. It's one of those three for sure. This list meets a lot of my expectations... more so than other lists I have seen on the net; however, I do not agree with who is number 1. What is everyone's take on it? Who would you all consider a "super hero?" LOL it's funny... when I think super hero, the first thing i think of is L from death note. Isn't that strange. I bet he's on a list of heroes somewhere.



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Spider-Man from Spider-Man: The Animated Series. Part of it is because I grew up with that '90s cartoon, and most of it is because Spidey's my favorite superhero of all time (which I've already explained in a similar thread). I looked up to him a lot as a kid, being just this Joe Average constantly traumatized and toyed around by his writers, and yet managing to stay lighthearted all the same. I'm almost surprised Spidey didn't at least hit Stan Lee in the face when he met him in the animated series (though to be fair, he's gotten over most of his tragedies at that point in the series).


In terms of what I think qualifies as a superhero... The funny thing is, some people consider magical girls a form of superhero, but for girls. There are also a lot of anime characters with superpowers aside from Saitama that people considered to be legit superheroes, the most famous of whom would of course be Goku himself, often compared to the likes of the one and only Superman (he lost that fight against Supes in not just one, but two calculated matches in Screw Attack's Death Battle; fanboys were salty).


So, by that definition, I guess you could say Miki Sayaka is a superhero too, one with a similar sense of justice as some of my favorite "Straight Arrow" superheroes like Captain America and Spidey (not that big of a fan of Supes myself, but I feel he's unfairly hated and unfairly compared to Batman). And since characters like Iron Man whose superpower comes from his suit, you might even consider mecha pilots (like Simon from Gurren Lagann) to be superheroes as well, but that's probably stretching it.


And since some detectives of the past were also considered to be superheroes (The Spirit comes to mind), are anime detectives like Edogawa Conan superheroes as well? Even if they don't have a secret identity like how a lot of superheroes don't have them? It's certainly an interesting notion to consider. Though I guess technically speaking, Conan does have a secret identity. lol

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Spider-Man from Spider-Man: The Animated Series. Part of it is because I grew up with that '90s cartoon, and most of it is because Spidey's my favorite superhero of all time (which I've already explained in a similar thread). I looked up to him a lot as a kid, being just this Joe Average constantly traumatized and toyed around by his writers, and yet managing to stay lighthearted all the same. I'm almost surprised Spidey didn't at least hit Stan Lee in the face when he met him in the animated series (though to be fair, he's gotten over most of his tragedies at that point in the series).


In terms of what I think qualifies as a superhero... The funny thing is, some people consider magical girls a form of superhero, but for girls. There are also a lot of anime characters with superpowers aside from Saitama that people considered to be legit superheroes, the most famous of whom would of course be Goku himself, often compared to the likes of the one and only Superman (he lost that fight against Supes in not just one, but two calculated matches in Screw Attack's Death Battle; fanboys were salty).


So, by that definition, I guess you could say Miki Sayaka is a superhero too, one with a similar sense of justice as some of my favorite "Straight Arrow" superheroes like Captain America and Spidey (not that big of a fan of Supes myself, but I feel he's unfairly hated and unfairly compared to Batman). And since characters like Iron Man whose superpower comes from his suit, you might even consider mecha pilots (like Simon from Gurren Lagann) to be superheroes as well, but that's probably stretching it.


And since some detectives of the past were also considered to be superheroes (The Spirit comes to mind), are anime detectives like Edogawa Conan superheroes as well? Even if they don't have a secret identity like how a lot of superheroes don't have them? It's certainly an interesting notion to consider. Though I guess technically speaking, Conan does have a secret identity. lol



Spiderman is a great one too! I grew up with the animated series too. Carnage was pretty crazy in that cartoon. I also enjoy the Spiderman comics. Particularly the Maximum Carnage series. I think that is probably the greatest comic book series I have ever read in my life. My girlfriend bought me the whole comic book series in on thick comic. I read it over and over. Or I just mesmerize at the art.


I have nothing against Superman. I am not a big fan either, but the Justice League movies and cartoons are great. I liked superman in Batman Beyond when he became old and was being controlled by a space creature. LOL that was pretty cool. But it just goes to show that he isn't invincible. You can't take him on with pure power. The people that do manage to beat him put a lot of thought into it. However, kryptonite has been used on him too many times.


Yes I would consider Conan a super hero! Haha! I mean why not? He would be on my list. Heck I am considering Black Jack as a hero as well.

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You can't take him on with pure power. The people that do manage to beat him put a lot of thought into it. However, kryptonite has been used on him too many times.

Agreed on the pure power part. It's a good reason why Goku lost against Superman in that simulated battle in the Death Battle video. An unstoppable force (Goku) against an immovable object (Superman) is just contradictory, and there's no way Goku could've beaten Supes that way.


It's also why Superman seems boring, since he has no significant weaknesses other than Kryptonite. But, I think his dull nature has less to do with his invulnerability and more to do with his writers and their inability to write an invulnerable character well. It's definitely a challenge, but I feel that they've missed a lot of opportunities writing someone who's practically a god among man.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Agreed on the pure power part. It's a good reason why Goku lost against Superman in that simulated battle in the Death Battle video. An unstoppable force (Goku) against an immovable object (Superman) is just contradictory, and there's no way Goku could've beaten Supes that way.


It's also why Superman seems boring, since he has no significant weaknesses other than Kryptonite. But, I think his dull nature has less to do with his invulnerability and more to do with his writers and their inability to write an invulnerable character well. It's definitely a challenge, but I feel that they've missed a lot of opportunities writing someone who's practically a god among man.


Writers are definitely missing an opportunity with Superman. I like seeing him on the opposing side, and people have to take him down. I do not like when Superman is a good guy... well.. maybe sometimes. It is a challenge to write for someone like the Superman character and it is a real challenge to keep the character fresh I think.

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I'm just gonna say Deadpool even though he's technically a "Anti-hero" ... Doesn't matter, I love 'I'm so much!



Me too!!! He's so sexy!! His movie was sooo great!! I honestly had low expectations for his movie, but it blew me away in every way possible!! Dead Pool hates being called a hero though. LOL He's so cool!!

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I grew up watching Teen Titans when it was on cartoon network back in the day, it had an anime-inspired art style. Though looking back, it wasn't very well animated, however it used that to it's advantage for the jokes.

Nowadays they have Teen Titans GO!, which I would compare to Keroro Gunso in that it's funny for the first few episodes, but it starts to feel like your intelligence is being insulted after a while.

They were going to have a live-action Teen Titans television series, but that never came to be and instead they opted to make Justice League vs. Teen Titans, which wasn't very good imo.

If they were to make a Teen Titans movie as part of the DC movie universe, then I'd be willing to go see that.


Oh, and they should make a new anime series for it.

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Last super heroes I remember liking were from the DC universe, so I would probably say the entirety of the Justice League, but I am kind of tired of super heroes.


Right now, I would say Kaito Kuroba would be my favorite, since some have considered the character in my avatar a super hero.

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I've always liked Batman for whatever reason


Same actually. I just like him because reasons. I mean, he's basically the edgiest edgelord of the edgeverse. Parents killed? Check. Mission for vengeance? Check. Wears black tights? Oh, you fucking know it. Beats the heck out of people with his bare fists? But, of course! Rich? Handsome? Gadgets? Tech? Nice car? Check, check, check... Screw it, he's the best!


I wanted to like Superman most of all, but Batman existed. I don't need any other super heroes. Hahaha.

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Same actually. I just like him because reasons. I mean, he's basically the edgiest edgelord of the edgeverse. Parents killed? Check. Mission for vengeance? Check. Wears black tights? Oh, you f****** know it. Beats the heck out of people with his bare fists? But, of course! Rich? Handsome? Gadgets? Tech? Nice car? Check, check, check... Screw it, he's the best!


I wanted to like Superman most of all, but Batman existed. I don't need any other super heroes. Hahaha.

Finally, someone that understands my love for Batman!! :D

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I like Green Arrow a lot. No particular reason. In the animated movies he's almost always super hilarious and he's basically just Robin Hood. What's not to love?

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I grew up watching Teen Titans when it was on cartoon network back in the day, it had an anime-inspired art style. Though looking back, it wasn't very well animated, however it used that to it's advantage for the jokes.

Nowadays they have Teen Titans GO!, which I would compare to Keroro Gunso in that it's funny for the first few episodes, but it starts to feel like your intelligence is being insulted after a while.

They were going to have a live-action Teen Titans television series, but that never came to be and instead they opted to make Justice League vs. Teen Titans, which wasn't very good imo.

If they were to make a Teen Titans movie as part of the DC movie universe, then I'd be willing to go see that.


Oh, and they should make a new anime series for it.


I thought the teen titans before titans go was really good. I didn't have a problem with the animation. I wouldn't know what there would be wrong with it. But I am not too picky when it comes to animation. However, after I saw beck mongolian chop squad' s animation, everything else looked good. The animation on there was very poor.

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Avatar Last Airbender - Zuko


Also Saitama :) how can you not love the most underrated hero ever :P



Zuko was a great character in avatar! Probably my favorite character in the show is Zuko or his uncle Iroh. Iroh was just so funny. The relationship the 2 characters had was beautiful. They were the best thing in the show, but so was everything else.

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I like Green Arrow a lot. No particular reason. In the animated movies he's almost always super hilarious and he's basically just Robin Hood. What's not to love?


Yeah he is pretty funny. Hah. Do you like the live action green arrow show?

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Same actually. I just like him because reasons. I mean, he's basically the edgiest edgelord of the edgeverse. Parents killed? Check. Mission for vengeance? Check. Wears black tights? Oh, you f****** know it. Beats the heck out of people with his bare fists? But, of course! Rich? Handsome? Gadgets? Tech? Nice car? Check, check, check... Screw it, he's the best!


I wanted to like Superman most of all, but Batman existed. I don't need any other super heroes. Hahaha.


He is smarter than all the super heroes with powers. Therefore he could beat most of them or maybe even all of them.

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How do you like Batman the best? Do you like him in the cartoons, movies, video games, etc? And which particular one?? O.o

Oh you misunderstand. I just like Batman because he's Batman. I don't fangirl over him nor do I know much about him

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The only reason I even started liking Batman is because of my older brother. His 'superpower' is money and gadgets, sounds a whole lot more interesting to me than any other superhero. Same reason I also like Iron Man


Also, why did you double post and quote yourself with one word responses? Seems entirely pointless.

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The only reason I even started liking Batman is because of my older brother. His 'superpower' is money and gadgets, sounds a whole lot more interesting to me than any other superhero. Same reason I also like Iron Man


Also, why did you double post and quote yourself with one word responses? Seems entirely pointless.


Idk. I tried editing, but I couldn't figure it out. I meant to say, "okay" or "alright" instead of the word, "sure." Saying the word, "sure" seemed rude. I apologize.

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