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What was the first manga you read


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It was a manga volume my mom checked out for my sister from the public library when we were in elementary school. I can't remember the title for the love of me, but it was a shoujo manga about a girl being friends with another girl who was a witch, and all the shenanigans that entailed. There was one scene the normal girl walked in to a house and the inside was coated in snow caused by the witch. I reread it like 3 times in one day because it wasn't like anything else I read at the time. Definately got me more invested in manga than I would have otherwise. Good times. šŸ˜‹

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My first time ever was Dragon ball, they had those in my local library. I read it before i ever watched anime. After i watched anime it was probably Soul Eater.Ā 

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While not the first manga I bought it is the first, and only, original Japanese manga I've bought. I got all five volumes from a Japanese bookshop in London and each has a nice glossy full colour card dust jacket. I can't read Japanese but I did find the English translations for each volume on the Net and printed them out.
This must have been before the English version was available as I wouldn't have brought them if I'd already got the English version. I did subsequently buy the English editions, I think they came out about a year later.


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JoJo's bizarre adventure. I saw the anime when I was 13 and the next year I decided to get started on the manga.

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When I was in the 6th grade a close friend had heard me talking about watching inuyasha on toonami So on my birthday that year they had bought me the whole boxset of inuyasha manga volumes.Ā  And it began!

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