EnviousEnvy Posted June 5, 2021 Author Share Posted June 5, 2021 Animal Crossing (Switch) Worked on another one of Cyrus and Reese's anniversary events as well as collecting those summer shells. Lionel fully moved out after getting his photo and I ended up moving Kyle in (he seemed pretty cool and I don't think I ever had him as a villager in previous Animal Crossing games). I'm hoping I'm close to getting Mira's photo because I want her to move out... not that I hate her or anything but I rarely talk to her otherwise. She just doesn't interest me like I thought she would. Tammi will never leave my island, lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pax Posted June 7, 2021 Share Posted June 7, 2021 I'm currently playing a sniper. I love this type of game. Practically every time I get drawn in so that in my free time I can't focus on anything other than playing. I have been playing the sniper for a week and I am currently struggling with a mission that I have not been able to complete since yesterday. I'm already so pissed off, but the game can't beat me! The mission is to sneak into the enemy's base and steal data from his computer and I really don't know what I'm doing wrong because either I get hit by their sniper, which I can't locate, or he blows me up Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnviousEnvy Posted June 11, 2021 Author Share Posted June 11, 2021 Outriders (Xbox) Downloaded this awhile and only just recently started it. My fiance played it the day it released so he's a bit further than I but he's still helping me . I only unlocked World 4 but am staying on World 2 for a bit longer. Skyrim (PS4) Been on a Skyrim phase again. Killed Astrid so I could become leader of the Dark Brotherhood and killed the real emperor too. Also worked on another main mission too (forgot which one it was at the moment). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnviousEnvy Posted June 16, 2021 Author Share Posted June 16, 2021 FFVII (PS4) I kind of put this game to the side for awhile and just recently picked it back up. I did quite a bit actually all day yesterday and still playing it now (going on 2:30AM). After Avalanche got framed being the baddies during one of their latest missions to take out another reactor, Cloud escaped and found Aerith. Did some side missions for her and learned that her mother hates Solider and Shinra so tried leaving the house but Aerith wasn't dumb. After a little detour and found Sector 7, Tifa took off in a carriage which later involved Cloud and Aerith in a tournament in order to try and find Tifa. Just beat the tournament as well as the a surprise battle with Hell House (I honestly expected it to be a Behemoth which sadly I was disappointed it wasn't... I love those things). And now I get to find out what's next hopefully (and NOT another battle, lol). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnviousEnvy Posted June 22, 2021 Author Share Posted June 22, 2021 Resident Evil Village (PS4) Defeated mama vamp (or whatever the hell she is), escaped the castle and started finding the other vials. Also defeated fish boy. TWD Telltale Version (PS4) Finally finished up episode 2 of season 2. Rebecca admitted to Clem that the baby wasn't her man's but another's. Talked to Kenny about what happened after being split up. Did I mention I'm terrible at picking sides because I just want to make everyone happy, ugh. This is my 2nd time playing season 2 so I think I'm going to try and stick with Kenny in the end; but who knows? Maybe I'll change my mind again . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnviousEnvy Posted July 7, 2021 Author Share Posted July 7, 2021 Sea of Thieves (Xbox) Started doing the Pirates of The Caribbean quests with my fiance. The quest with the sunken Black Pearl was soo long, lol. I'm not complaining though... Honestly it made me fall in love with SOT all over again. Had to quit for the night due to my fiance having to work in the morning but cannot wait to get back to the game! Stardew Valley (PC) Maxed out Sam's heart and triggered an event with me meeting him after dark in his bedroom (). His mom walked in but I hid and after she left I confirmed his feelings. Also triggered an event with Emily and I believe one other person (can't remember though ). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kohloo Posted July 11, 2021 Share Posted July 11, 2021 I built a small post office in the Sims 4 using only the base game for a challenge. I’m quite pleased with it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnviousEnvy Posted July 13, 2021 Author Share Posted July 13, 2021 Stardew Valley (PC) I livestreamed Stardew Valley for a little over 3 hours. Got my first barn and purchased a cow. I'm currently in spring of year 2 and focusing more on crops and livestock this time. I almost have the community center complete as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnviousEnvy Posted July 16, 2021 Author Share Posted July 16, 2021 Resident Evil Village (PS4) Finished the game finally (probably the first game I finished in months though ). Still think Chris is a werewolf Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pax Posted July 25, 2021 Share Posted July 25, 2021 I enjoy a few games from almost every major genre, but I’ll just focus on a couple of games of a pretty specific kind here. I love relaxing games where I feel like I’m part of the world. That translates into games with a story in which I’m more than the gun or sword that rips through enough enemies to win, and where my actions have consequences. I like talking to characters, and having some choice in where the conversation goes. It doesn’t matter if I get to create a character or if I’m given one, or if they’re a guy or a girl, or how old they are, as long as I can relate deeply enough that I feel I am that character while playing, wanting the same things my character wants, experiencing the emotions they experience. A beautiful and realistic setting draws me in. I don’t need graphics that aim to reconstruct real life to the finest of details, and beautiful doesn’t mean colorful or pretty. I’m captured by 2.5D games, 16 bit games, and games with cartoon styling. A realistic setting isn’t one in which it’s the present day and no one has any super powers, but it is one where the suspension of disbelief is maintained, where people act like people instead of plot devices, and where I don’t keep thinking of all the stupidly easy ways this situation could have been avoided from the get-go by 11 year olds with a little bit of sense. The richness of the story also counts for a lot. The more I feel like the story is an experience my character is having in a world, and the less it feels like the entirety of that world, the better. I want to hear about my past, where my friends lived before I met them, that party everyone else went to, what kind of pizza I like, the ex-girlfriend I hope never to see again, and a hundred other little things that make a story feel full and rich. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
efaardvark Posted July 26, 2021 Share Posted July 26, 2021 Installed (pre32) optifine in 1.17.1 of minecraft. Optifine actually makes MC playable at 4k on a 4-core Ryzen 5 3400G APU in a deskmini X300 set-top-box case. True, 20FPS on low settings is marginal, but given that there's only the integrated GPU in the Ryzen chip - no room for a discrete GPU in that X300 case - that it is playable at all at 4k is remarkable. If I drop the resolution down to standard HD and turn vsync on I get a solid 30fps, even with sildur's shaders, a x128 texture pack, and a bit of eye-candy enabled in the settings. (The display is a "TV" in the den so anything more is a waste of computing cycles. 30fps is as fast as it gets.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnviousEnvy Posted July 27, 2021 Author Share Posted July 27, 2021 Stardew Valley (PC) I don't think I'll ever make money in this game. I always spend more than I make, ugh. I'm focusing on crops and livestock mainly; also doesn't help that I hoard practically everything just in case. Mass Effect (PS4) I livestreamed for a little over 2 hours. I made it to Peak 15 and defeated Liara's mother. I also saved the Rachni queen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
efaardvark Posted July 28, 2021 Share Posted July 28, 2021 Found this gem from a couple years ago where someone recreated the Interstellar docking scene in KSP machinima. I'd seen it done in Space Engineers and Star Citizen before but this KSP one is spot-on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnviousEnvy Posted July 30, 2021 Author Share Posted July 30, 2021 Akiba's Trip: Hellhound & Debrief (PS4) Just started this late tonight. Didn't play much of it though but I think I'll like it (I have played the other one about a year ago and liked it a lot). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnviousEnvy Posted August 3, 2021 Author Share Posted August 3, 2021 Stardew Valley (PC) Finally bit the bullet and married Sam even though I wanted to wait another year. Need to work on upgrading the house again too. I have added more cheese machines and added my first Mayo machine as well. I want to upgrade my barn and chicken coop really bad too. ACNH (Switch) I almost forgot about fireworks on Sunday but luckily I caught it on time and got almost all of the items from Redd's box (I think I'm only missing one). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnviousEnvy Posted August 7, 2021 Author Share Posted August 7, 2021 Crash Bandicoot (PS4) Finally beat that one level in this game. Literally took me like four hours ACNH (Switch) Tia asked to leave the other day so I had to go villager hunting today. Honestly thought it was going to take me a few hours as normal to find a villager I vibe with... nope. After I think 3 villagers I ran across Melba and went with her. She seems cute and not snotty. I also just got Mira's photo and now she can leave. She just started getting snotty with me so I'm done with her, lol. She better change her tune otherwise I'm having hasenfeffer for dinner. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnviousEnvy Posted August 13, 2021 Author Share Posted August 13, 2021 Haven't done much gaming but have picked up this bad boy 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnviousEnvy Posted August 16, 2021 Author Share Posted August 16, 2021 Ratchet & Clank (PS5) Started the new Ratchet and Clank a couple of days ago. Had to defeat robots and thugs during the celebration and ran into Dr. Nefarious whom ended up breaking the Time Rift early on in the game. Ratchet soon became separated from Clank and Clank ran into Rivet. Rivet supposedly is the female version of Ratchet. I beat the first planet and second planet today then worked on finding new armor and the hidden bolts. The Speedles are also a serious pain in the butt to navigate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnviousEnvy Posted August 27, 2021 Author Share Posted August 27, 2021 ACNH (Switch) I recently got the AC Sanrio amiibo cards from my local Target. So I am finally able to nab all the Hello Kitty merch in the game as well as the other items. Other than that I haven't played a whole lot of games today due to the storms and not wanting to deal with the power going off and on throughout the day/night. Oh and I also got the red PS5 controller today as well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnviousEnvy Posted August 31, 2021 Author Share Posted August 31, 2021 Ark (Xbox One) Spent about 6 hours playing this with my fiance and a friend. Rain into a few issues with connecting to servers but after a few tries (and my fiance having to restart his entire character over due to a glitch where he couldn't craft anything even if he died or restarted the game) we finally got it working. We got pretty far, built a base (I think that's what it's called ), built some structures as well as tamed some dinos. Currently we have 2 triceratops that we ended up breeding so in the end we got 3, also tamed a tech Dino and a couple of others that I can't remember the species at the moment. We did run into a few raptors that would not stop terrorizing us until we eventually got fed up with dying and went after them . I believe we even tamed one which we did lose for awhile until my friend accidentally came across it again (we forgot to turn off wandering for it, lmao). It ended up 4AM before we realized just how late it actually was and quit for awhile to get some sleep (oops). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
efaardvark Posted September 1, 2021 Share Posted September 1, 2021 Anyone here tried Amazon's New World (beta) yet? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnviousEnvy Posted September 9, 2021 Author Share Posted September 9, 2021 Horizon Zero Dawn (PS5) I spent the past few days playing HZD. I'm replaying it due to the fact that I actually never beat the DLC yet. I got as far as crossing the bridge on my way to Meridian. AC Valhalla (PS5) I keep putting this game aside for some reason even though I really like it and have the season pass. So spent a few hours on this searching for wealth and some side missions. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
efaardvark Posted September 10, 2021 Share Posted September 10, 2021 UPS delivered my pangolin today!! So of course the first thing I had to test on it was Kerbal Space Program. Unfortunately I didn't have much time to play but this laptop is definitely a keeper. My old MacBook Air struggled even in the VAB and actual game play was more like a slideshow. Even to get that much the fans came on full-speed and the machine got so hot I was honestly afraid to run it that way for more than a few minutes. This new one stays (almost) silent, gave me frame rates mostly in the 30s and 40s, often higher, and doesn't get nearly so warm. The one problem is the speakers. They're on the bottom so they sound like . Speaker placement and acoustics on laptops (even my old MBA) is always problematic so this was not unexpected and definitely not a show-stopper, but I can already tell that I'll be using a headset or earbuds a lot with this one for sure. No problems so far getting everything downloaded and configured. The linux distro is of course System76's Ubuntu-derived Pop!_OS, which was pre-installed and so recent as to not even need any updating or patches. Even the gfx driver was already installed. (Ryzen 5700U APU using the open-source AMDGPU driver so really no surprise there.) Setting up the basics like email took about 5 minutes. Steam was another 90 seconds from the "Pop Shop" software installer. Ditto for discord and a couple other must-haves. Downloading KSP via Steam took a few minutes just due to the size of the DL but everything installed smoothly and quickly and I was gaming within 10 minutes of opening the box. So nice when things work as expected. This weekend I hope to have enough time to try a few more games. If so then Minecraft and Valheim are next for sure. Maybe I'll even finally fire up the Subnautica that's been sitting untouched in my Steam library since I bought it months ago. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EnviousEnvy Posted September 10, 2021 Author Share Posted September 10, 2021 Conan Exiles (PS5) Started a whole new save file with my fiance. After him dying half a dozen times he finally agreed with me to build a safe house to get away from the sandstorm and not have to be respawned to the beginning of the map. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
efaardvark Posted September 10, 2021 Share Posted September 10, 2021 (edited) 11 hours ago, EnviousEnvy said: Conan Exiles That's one I've had my eye on for a while. It is nominally Windows-only but the protondb says it is "gold" so it should be playable just fine on my linux system(s). Except that the anti-cheat borks multiplayer on public servers that have it enabled which for me removes a lot of the attraction. Probably for the best as I wouldn't have much time for it anyway. It is kind of expensive too .. well over $100US if you go for all the DLC. ($150 for the "complete" edition from the Steam store! ) Edited September 10, 2021 by efaardvark 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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