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About this blog

This blog will contain mostly about:

  • Potato Vs. *Insert Anime Name/ Anime event and etc. * - RyePotatoes' thoughts about upcoming animes, anime seasons and anime related stuffs.
  • Random Potato Talk - RyePotatoes' motivation speeches about anything. (Well, if Rye is motivated to do motivation speeches. :P )
  • Potato Scribbles -  literary works made by a Potato
  • Exclusive on Potato Patch  - And maybe, some things happening on Rye's life.


This is a blog mainly for RyePotatoes. Duh

Entries in this blog

Random Potato Talk #5

It's been a long time since I've written here in my blog. I really write writing and somehow it's my way of venting out my feelings, emotions and especially my frustrations. Speaking of frustrations let's talk about my frustration about cooking. So if you knew me for like quite some time maybe way back December 18 or something I've written this blog about living on my own in college and so here I am today still unable to cook a single grain of rice for dinner. We all have that feeling heroic mom



Potato Scribbles #1 : Writing

Writing is my favorite. Looking at different hand writings is a delight. Looking at a pen gradually lose its ink as a few words goes by resembles life. Every curve, every straight line, every stops and spaces will only become meaningful at the end of the paragraph. Why do I write? I write simply because I love watching my pen touching the paper leaving marks as if claiming its territory. It's sometimes referred to as a talent but I looked at it as a past time spent between my soul and thes



Exclusive on Potato Patch #5 : Valentine's Day

I was really happy on Valentine's Day even if most of the single friends I knew were so bitter about it and started calling it Single Awareness Day. I actually forgot that it was actually Valentine's Day because I got so busy with my requirements at school and it turned out that  I passed for my College Entrance Exam so I was really hyped up and I didn't have the time to think about a certain holiday that obviously have nothing to do with me. I'm going to live without calendars and watches now I



Exclusive on Potato Patch #4

HAPPY NEW YEAR MINNA-SAN! It's finally 2018! Twelve Months ago it feels like the start of 2017  They say we should meet the new year with positive thoughts and positive vibes!  On my Instagram, Facebook and Twitter my feeds were filled with 2018 New Year Resolutions and I was like "Here we go again!"  The first day of 2017 didn't really go well for me since my dog died and I've been really depressed ever since. I didn't really picture out any of my dogs dying and this was the first. My mum



Random Potato Talk#4 : Opinions!

It's Christmas again!  Only 4 more days to go and it's Finally Christmas!  Christmas has always been a very special occasion/event/ holiday in my country. Aside from it being a religious belief it has also been a part of our culture and family tradition. It's a season where everyone finally goes back to their family after being away for a long time cause of work, education and etc. I know that everyone doesn't really treasure Christmas nor celebrate it and that is fine. I can totally unders



Exclusive on Potato Patch #3

So I've been talking with my Parents lately. I just turned 18 which is very surprising for cause their little girl is finally acceptable in liquor bars and in jail but is still mentally 5. I'll be graduating High School this march and after that it's already college life which I am not very particular with since I am an 18 year old that is mentally 5  In college I'll be going away on the next city beside ours which is like two hours or so. (It's not that far actually but it is still far for me)



Exclusive on Potato Patch #2

So this blog entry for today is somewhat a story about myself and a motivation speech or something. I was kind of confused if I would call this a random potato talk or an Exclusive on Potato patch and assuming you've read the title then you already know which I picked as a title.  This blog entry is kind of a secret that I intend to share with the intention of teaching or conveying a lesson to everyone. This is also quite personal and I trust everyone can be trusted with this information about m



Exclusive on Potato Patch #1

So lately I've been busy with school. I didn't have much time visiting here on AF and it is possible for me to be a lot more busier than before causing me to  maybe visit less often than I can before. This is a big change for me since AF has been a part of my daily life ever since 2015. Of course, I wasn't that active before. I can even still remember myself being so unsure and scared whether I'll join the various threads this forum had to offer before or not. I was scared of course. Maybe they



Random Potato Talk#3

It was a typical Friday night. I was sitting on my bedside table with my laptop right in front of me with three tabs opened on my Google Chrome. One was AF, the other was on my Facebook and the last was on my Youtube which showed the list of my favorite Youtubers I subscribed to varying from beauty vloggers to art gurus. It was another tiring day, I just came home from a day of babysitting my younger sister and I have no idea what to do. I've seen the not so busy activities on AF that day and I



RyePotatoes VS. Yuojo Senki

So the RyePotatoes VS. *insert anime names/ anime events/ etc.* Series is a series of blog entries containing my First Impressions and detailed reviews on certain animes  This blog entry is intended to help AF's users to atleast get a bird's eye view of the anime that is being featured without worrying about spoilers! Arigatou Gozaimasu for reading!   Link of Yuojo Senki on MAL (just in case you'll feel like reading the synopsis) ---------------------------> https://myanimelist.net



Random Potato Talk #2

When I was young, around 5th grade, my teacher asked the boys in our class about their thoughts on girls. One boy from the class (which I still know now on Facebook because he went on another school from me) said, "Girls are our Mums! They clean the house and take care of me." It was a sincere answer and I'm pretty sure he was able to say that because it's what he have witnessed in their own home.  Women should be like this. Men should be like that. We all offer our each and own opinions on



Random Potato Talk#1

Anxiety, Depression and so on. Obstacles we often meet that we are meant to defeat. Ever since I was little I grew up thinking that if I'll just try harder I'll surely achieve everything. If I'll just give it another chance I'll over come it. But as time goes by I figured out that things won't really go that way. I figured out that life is brutal and no matter how many times I'll try opening boxes of rainbows storms will always come our way. When life gives you lemons make lemonade. In ever



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