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Everything posted by efaardvark

  1. And we do have a pudding-monster or two in here on the forum.
  2. I've done some decent pictures of events such as transits (when one body passes in front of another) with my iPhone. Any camera that can take long exposures can take interesting photos of the night sky. The general problem though is that stars are small and dim. To collect enough photons you need exposures that are long enough that the star(s) that you are trying to take pictures of will move in the field of view unless you have some sort of tracking mount. To make the image big enough you'll need a telescope with enough magnification to zoom in to the level of detail you want to see. That's a pretty deep rabbit hole. If you just want pictures of large, bright objects like the sun or lunar craters then a small tabletop telescope and an adaptor for a regular camera might do the trick. If you want detailed, full color images of small, faint nebulae then you'll need a good telescope on a nice motorized equatorial mount at least. If you're really serious you'll probably want a dedicated CCD eyepiece connected to a computer instead of a separate camera as well, along with some star-tracking software that feeds back into the telescope mount's drive to minimize drift, and probably some other software to take a series of images from the CCD and merge them to enhance detail and color. Yeah, it can get expensive.
  3. All of Williams' movies are worth a watch, but that one was better than most. As for my submission, and sticking to the weird ones, how about "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes", or maybe "Schlock"? Sad to say I own DVDs for both. Both are terrible movies, but more in the "so bad they're good" category.
  4. Today it was Spitzer replays. if you could buy a house or a ticket to Mars (free return trip INcluded), which would you pick?
  5. They should be 4 days long! I hate computers. Really. (Not really. Ok, sometimes.)
  6. 60 satellites on one launch??  Holy crap.  Are we talking rockets or buckshot here?  :) 

  7. One was cheese and one was cheese with sausage and bacon bits. I ate 4 pieces of the sausage/bacon yesterday (and two of the cheese) for dinner but there is still some of the cheese one left. I can hear it calling to me, even from two rooms away. It is saying, "I'm good for lunch too".
  8. Made and then ate some pizza. and (with extra ) The problem with pizza is that I always eat a couple pieces too many.
  9. This.  So much this...


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    2. efaardvark


      And today I find this in my inbox from our illustrious leader.  2024?  Pretty ambitious if you ask me, given NASA's last few decades of inertia.  We'll see...


  10. I've yet to see anything to discuss over there. Post something, over there, and maybe you'll get someone to discuss it with you. Over there. If I could read minds I'd be making a lot more money than my boss pays me. I hate making "favorites" lists too. Invariably I spend all day agonizing over the list (or worse, the One), only to remember something else minutes after posting that I should have included.
  11. Nothing. Been trying to find some time to get back to minecraft now that my brother's updated the server to 1.14, but rl is not cooperating. Tried playing for an hour yesterday after work but ran into technical difficulties & never got around to logging in. I really want to play with the new village/raider dynamics. Maybe sometime this weekend if the weather doesn't let me do the yardwork that needs doing.
  12. I just found out that Kerbal Space Program is getting new DLC! Normally I'm not a big fan of paid DLC, but for robotics (and some other stuff) I might make an exception. I'll have to see the price of course, but if I can find this bundled with the last "Making History" expansion (which was so vaguely interesting that I never got around to getting) then they'll probably get my money.
  13. But it was broke. When one can't even log in to play for several days and gets no explanation (or offer of refund for the days not served) then it is time to take one's business elsewhere. If it were a free service then that's one thing, but we are (were) not paying monthly to not be able to log in and play. Unfortunately the new server isn't looking too great either. Maybe we just got unlucky and hit a busy sunday-night backup or something. The lag wasn't unbearable, and at least the server was accessible. The new one is cheaper as well, so there's that. (Not sure which one my brother went with this time.. I should ask.)
  14. Actually no. Just last night in fact I experienced a few episodes of lag and pop-in, which was extremely rare on the old server. We've only been on the new server for two days though, so seeing this already isn't giving me warm fuzzies. We had some reliability and accessibility problems with the old server however. One time it was offline for 3 days with no real explanation.
  15. Here too. My brother just moved his game to a new server/service so we've spent the last couple days "testing" it. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
  16. I've been holding off. Apple's babyproofing of their newer iOS versions has made them untenable for me. I'm still running 10.something on an old iPhone SE (i.e. pre-6) until the battery dies then I'm going to Android. Not a big fan of that either but at least it's not iOS. The hardware selection is better too, especially in terms of performance/$$. I might explore other options like KaiOS or Tizen before settling down on Android, if they support modern hardware, but there's not a lot of options out there.
  17. Dance-fevered and guitar heros make room. Looks like the VR crowd is bustin' out too. (Audica should have used this 'tubie for their ad instead.)
  18. I couldn't get into any of these. Hinamatsuri and Chiyo's I finished, but I had to drop AA. Didn't like the humor, and the animation, sound, etc. did nothing for me either. I did like Aho Girl however, which is pretty similar. Go figure. :shrug:
  19. I liked that one too. It isn't my favorite or anything, but at the same time I think it is generally underrated.
  20. Watched some castle defense in Conan Exiles just now at lunch... For now, back to work...
  21. Well, around here it always seems to come back to cake...
  22. Got some swag (medallion and presskit) 503395465_IMG_44012.thumb.JPG.4cbc931ec9a125cb533954100bd3e618.JPG

    and a

    certificate of appreciation 1934780131_IMG_43952.thumb.JPG.39dbcb9a3738a982ef24f63ab2fb9c1c.JPG

    for TESS launch support.  Sweet...


    1. LonelyPoet


      That's awesome!

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