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  1. Localization happens. Pokemon Rice Balls changing to Jelly Donuts for America for no reason. Coffee is associated with America so it was probably a localization that the image said coffee, but they just did a literal translation from the source so they still said tea, that'd be my guess anyway.
  2. I played Snake within a demo of the upcoming horror game Blair Witch because honestly it was more interesting than the actual game to me, so won't be getting that one unless the full release shows me something that they didn't have in the early demo.
  3. Actually Marines are a part of the US Navy, it hasn't always been that way, but they are now. Marine is the french word for sea and was a general term used by the English to describe any troop that had to arrive via sea in the French military. Despite the perceived separation of the branch by the public the Marines have been a part of the US Navy for 185 years. Prior to 1834 they were an independent service and the original proposition was to include them as part of the Army, but commandant at the time (Archibald Henderson) swayed Congress from that idea and they were included as a technical branch off the Navy, but they maintained the distinction within the department being regarded as sister services than a fully unified branch of military. Long story short Marines are Navy, but more so in a technical sense and they maintain separation that most regard them as separate branches entirely including those that serve in them. As for the game and being annoyed with it, it all depends on which country of origination they're from America is weird about the distinction a lot of other countries not so much. The Royal Navy includes the Royal Marines for Britland and they're not weird about keeping it as a distinction for example.
  4. There's a lot of Dragonball Z games where power levels are clearly defined, but that doesn't stop them from being a thing. - Game looks woefully generic to me, banking on licensing to sell the game but will ultimately be forgettable and not worth the time of anybody that isn't a fan of the series. (Like a lot of the aformentioned Dragonball Z games) Even it's hook isn't entirely unique, the idea of fighting over-powered opponents isn't really anything new in a fighting game either.
  5. Borderlands The Pre-Sequel. Something about it I just absolutely loathe despite liking the series overall. The gameplay doesn't feel the same as the previous games even though there really wasn't any big changes it feels less tuned like playing an old early gen shooter. The humor is dry and they're trying hard with a lot of jokes that are localized to Australia which may or may not be funny there. Certain mechanics are simply annoying adding nothing to the actual game. Like all Borderlands the scaling is poor towards end game only giving the illusion of customization of load-outs and their number of gun combinations is a major point they try to use to sell the game and it boils down to that quite frankly you have about 5 or 6 guns to choose from unless you want to intentionally handicap yourself by using inferior gear some gear that is so bad that it renders the game unplayable (at higher levels). The fact of the matter is counting a gun as a separate gun simply because a part is different is just a cheap way to inflate the numbers and if other games did the same they'd be able to claim a large number of gun varieties as well, but they don't because they're not actually different guns just slightly better stats on the same basic gun. Heck even Call of Duty has thousands of combinations of guns and they're not a loot driven game. I also don't like Gearbox, so that adds to the apathy towards poor games from them. I wanted to finish it before Borderlands 3 came out, but I'll likely just end up not and pretending it doesn't exist instead and focus on Borderlands and Borderlands 2 even with their flaws.
  6. Sent a request for Seshi to sticky the ID thread, we gamers must unite before we are completely forgotten to the anime giants...y'know all two of us apparently.

  7. Xbox - Dwlr PSN - None currently the last time the network was hacked got locked out of my Gamertag and Sony couldn't help it be recovered so I have to make a new one and haven't yet. Nintendo - On request (varies depending on where I am at the time)
  8. Request from a shoppe on another site, figured I'd dump it hear as a +1 example.
  9. Think my time here is drawing to a close. Kind of out of topics to post in and September is just around the corner which means so big name games releasing. :/

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Seshi
    3. awesomedude20


      The way this notified me, it made it seem like Seshi was leaving and I started to panic.

      NOT THAT YOU'RE LESS IMPORTANT, still sad to see a member leave, it's very true that the forum is a tad dead right now. We're working on it, basically ;D

      If you are heading out, well, do check back sometime, and uhh...


    4. Vitis


      I'm most assuredly less important, just some guy that showed up and stayed for a bit though I'm not quite gone yet, come September I probably will be unless there's something that piques my interest to return for like more gamers coming around, shoppe picks up, maybe a SoTW basically something forum based that isn't anime related.XD I might try to get a Code Vein discussion going when it gets closer it's anime-esque. Even when I'm effectively gone I tend to return like a bad penny or check for notifications every so often, really wasn't expecting any kind of response or I would have been more specific in the initial post.

  10. There now I have an anime themed signature earning myself +1 to camouflage.

  11. Dug up some examples that still existed on my out of use image hosting sites just to add to the thread to hopefully get it going a bit initially. C4D formed background typically the most requested style. Smudge formed background with C4D accents. Simple merger of two images, extremely popular during my brief stint on a forum centered around a sort of tactical card game (I don't think you can play it anymore) as people wanted to use cards as their signatures but the cards weren't of the proper size and shape and often cut off on one or more sides. The voil (the bat character) is one images and the background is a free use photo of a dessert recolored to match the color scheme of the voil.
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