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What did you do today?


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Mostly laid around in my pajamas and had a lazy day, I did help @Zeref with some things though because it seemed like he was in a cleaning mood but I wasn't really feeling like doing all that x.x 

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I woke up and got a shower and now we are all discussing what must have happened in the building because there are signs in the elevator that says "No visitors to be unaccompanied at any time " and an email was sent out stating you must have your scan card to get into the building from now on, no one, including residents, will be given the door codes again. Personally I think it's @Sasuke fault 😭🤣

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1 hour ago, Sarada said:

I woke up and got a shower and now we are all discussing what must have happened in the building because there are signs in the elevator that says "No visitors to be unaccompanied at any time " and an email was sent out stating you must have your scan card to get into the building from now on, no one, including residents, will be given the door codes again. Personally I think it's @Sasuke fault 😭🤣

Ah, someone has probably been too free with giving door codes to their friends. I once worked in a building where just about every door had a card reader and unless you had the right access clearance your card wouldn't open the door.

Today I woke up at 9:30am, which is very late for me, so I didn't do much in the morning. After lunch I did a bit of clearing up in my bedroom, emptied the waste paper bin and cleared the overflow area around it then I cleared the mound of old printouts off my computer desk, so quite a productive day really.

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saw the inside of one of my bestfriend’s house for the first time since i’ve known him. only been to a non-family member’s house twice before this day, had many pets and we hung out with two of our other friends.

his cats are very cute and soft. i admit i get too excited with pets, so i invaded one of the cat’s space and she ended up biting me, also got lots of fur on my clothes. we walked around a mall for a little bit before i was dropped off at home, ate ten times more than i usually manage in a day.

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2 hours ago, Animedragon said:

Ah, someone has probably been too free with giving door codes to their friends. I once worked in a building where just about every door had a card reader and unless you had the right access clearance your card wouldn't open the door.

I told her that it's her fault because the signs went up after she had gotten back from being downstairs 😆

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5 hours ago, Zeref said:

I told her that it's her fault because the signs went up after she had gotten back from being downstairs 😆

It was either @Sarada or @Sasuke that caused it lmao I'm certain of that ~ 

I did a few things around the house but I've had a bit of a cold today so I've mostly laid around in bed. 

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Did a bit more exploration in minecraft.  Still looking for a decent-sized pale garden.  Or at least one that has a creaking heart in it.


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10 hours ago, Sakura said:

It was either @Sarada or @Sasuke that caused it lmao I'm certain of that ~ 

I did a few things around the house but I've had a bit of a cold today so I've mostly laid around in bed. 

I didn't do anything I wasn't even down there 🤣

I haven't done much today but later we are going to try that Randonautic app and see where we end up and what we find. 

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We tried the app as @Sasuke mentioned but we didn't really end up anywhere strange so I guess ours didn't end scary like some. Other than this we just went to Taco Bell and that was all today.

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I stayed in my bed a lot today since I felt a little ick ~ I did do the Randonatica thing with them though but like Pessi said, we didn't really end up anywhere strange. Dunno if that's good or bad lol 

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I've played some RS today but really I feel like that was about it.. Nothing really productive. I still feel a bit uwww so I've been resting and binge watching some anime with @Sasuke when I've been awake ~ 

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I had work and that occupied a lot of my day. After work we went to get something to eat at White Castle and walked around by the river looking at some lights and shops. Enjoying the last week of all the city Christmas lights before they are taken down after the 1st of the year. 

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I've been feeling better today and went out to dinner and the shops and stuff as @Zeref said ~ 

I played OSRS today and finally got the pet fox I've been wanting for half the year lol so that's a nice way to end the year in gaming. 

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3 hours ago, Sakura said:

I've been feeling better today and went out to dinner and the shops and stuff as @Zeref said ~ 

I played OSRS today and finally got the pet fox I've been wanting for half the year lol so that's a nice way to end the year in gaming. 

I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. Congratulations on getting the pet fox 🦊

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I slept in and played games with @Sasuke, went on a grocery run so we have something to eat tomorrow when a lot of things are closed, and later I'll watch a movie with everyone, probably watch some fireworks and sleep in again on New Year's day. 

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Posted (edited)

I've been back to working on my main account on OSRS trying to get 99 woodcutting. Getting the fox pet made me feel re-invigorated to do woodcutting lol. I'm only 500k to 99 now. So really only about 8-9 hours of gameplay and I could get it. 

I'm mostly waiting around to watch some fireworks now, there's some being set off downtown and we have a perfect view from my balcony so we'll just step out there to watch. After that I mostly just want to go to sleep since I've been up since early this morning. 

I also cleaned my room up, vacuumed, made it all spotless and rearranged some furniture for the New Year ~





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I woke up fairly early but stayed in bed watching videos and looking at memes.. It seems like everyone on here is having a lazy bed day

14 hours ago, Sakura said:


I also cleaned my room up, vacuumed, made it all spotless and rearranged some furniture for the New Year ~

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I helped :V 

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