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Stayed in bed late, watched some anime, ate a lot of food. Getting ready to go get a shower in a few minutes and then just play games until it's time for sleep. 

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Mostly stayed inside and didn't do much. I napped a lot and played games and watched some anime ~ not much of any interest. Working on my woodcutting some on RS, finished another 100k of xp. 

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Back at work today, working on a new project for the new year. Playing some games now after work. 

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Trying to get the most out of my last few off days before school resumes with the new semester lol ~ which is just lots of napping, playing games, being lazy, watching tv ~ mostly animes 

I started working on a GFX project today for a friends game that will be coming out in 2025. 

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I've been getting my things packed and ready to leave tomorrow for my flight and spending time with friends for my last day here. 

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2 hours ago, Sasuke said:

I've been getting my things packed and ready to leave tomorrow for my flight and spending time with friends for my last day here. 

Me too. I'm leaving Sunday so I've tried to get things together for going back but I keep being lazy :v

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I went out to do the grocery shopping with @Sakura for next week and it was not a good time. The "s" word was mentioned in the forecast as having a snow storm starting on Saturday night and the grocery store was more crowded than I ever been in. The line we had to wait in to get up to the till was about 45 minutes long despite that they had every register open. Most of the shelves were empty but lucky not much of the food we usually buy was gone. We bought meat earlier in the week which turned out to be a good thing since all meat was mostly picked clean and gone, same with eggs, milk and bread. 

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2 hours ago, Zeref said:

I went out to do the grocery shopping with @Sakura for next week and it was not a good time. The "s" word was mentioned in the forecast as having a snow storm starting on Saturday night and the grocery store was more crowded than I ever been in. The line we had to wait in to get up to the till was about 45 minutes long despite that they had every register open. Most of the shelves were empty but lucky not much of the food we usually buy was gone. We bought meat earlier in the week which turned out to be a good thing since all meat was mostly picked clean and gone, same with eggs, milk and bread. 

That was the wildest shopping trip I've had in awhile, people go nuts when they here the word snow. I legit saw some lady in a wheelchair plow through a display and keep on going and then me and my sister stood there and picked it up because what the heck o_o Not to mention the roads are swarmed with people right now driving all crazy swerving into every restaurant and shopping center x.x 

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7 hours ago, Zeref said:

I went out to do the grocery shopping with @Sakura for next week and it was not a good time. The "s" word was mentioned in the forecast as having a snow storm starting on Saturday night and the grocery store was more crowded than I ever been in. The line we had to wait in to get up to the till was about 45 minutes long despite that they had every register open. Most of the shelves were empty but lucky not much of the food we usually buy was gone. We bought meat earlier in the week which turned out to be a good thing since all meat was mostly picked clean and gone, same with eggs, milk and bread. 

Strangely that sort of reaction doesn't happen here in my part of West London, but then we don't often get snow here and when we do it's usually only an inch or two deep. I've not seen empty shelves in my local supermarket since the covid lockdowns. I don't know how the till line works in your store but in mine every checkout has its own line and it's a vital shopping skill to choose between the one with the shortest line or the slightly longer one with the smaller trolley loads in it.

5 hours ago, Sakura said:

That was the wildest shopping trip I've had in awhile, people go nuts when they here the word snow. I legit saw some lady in a wheelchair plow through a display and keep on going and then me and my sister stood there and picked it up because what the heck o_o Not to mention the roads are swarmed with people right now driving all crazy swerving into every restaurant and shopping center x.x 

Very good of you and your sister to pick up the fallen display. Any type of bad weather here brings out people in their cars and when we do get snow people suddenly discover that they don't know how to drive in snow.

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7 hours ago, Animedragon said:

Strangely that sort of reaction doesn't happen here in my part of West London, but then we don't often get snow here and when we do it's usually only an inch or two deep. I've not seen empty shelves in my local supermarket since the covid lockdowns. I don't know how the till line works in your store but in mine every checkout has its own line and it's a vital shopping skill to choose between the one with the shortest line or the slightly longer one with the smaller trolley loads in it.

Very good of you and your sister to pick up the fallen display. Any type of bad weather here brings out people in their cars and when we do get snow people suddenly discover that they don't know how to drive in snow.

I instantly regretted going along on this shopping trip the minute we stepped into the grocery store and you had to wait to get through the line of people to enter 😆At the checkouts you just got into the line closest to you because there was no way to move at the front of the store to select lines since the lines on every checkout went all the way down the aisles. They are forecasting heavy snow here, then a thick layer of ice on top of the snow, followed by more snow with the weather guy saying to expect power outages with the ice and plan for the possibility of not having electricity for 150-180 hours. People went crazy at that :V 

12 hours ago, Sakura said:

That was the wildest shopping trip I've had in awhile, people go nuts when they here the word snow. I legit saw some lady in a wheelchair plow through a display and keep on going and then me and my sister stood there and picked it up because what the heck o_o Not to mention the roads are swarmed with people right now driving all crazy swerving into every restaurant and shopping center x.x 

No but that lady was crazy lol 

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I've never seen things at shops back in England either the way they were here last night. I suspect they are even worse today. 

I've gotten all my bags ready and I'll be leaving in the morning ahead of the storm. I'm enjoying my last day here with my friends at Sakura's and Zeref's home. 

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Today I was very industrious, I took down the Christmas tree and packed all the Christmas stuff away then vacuumed the living room carpet to get rid of all the artificial pine needles that came off the tree. Then I went upstairs and changed the sheets on my bed and watched my usual 4 episodes of anime while eating my lunch and dinner.

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3 hours ago, Animedragon said:

Today I was very industrious, I took down the Christmas tree and packed all the Christmas stuff away then vacuumed the living room carpet to get rid of all the artificial pine needles that came off the tree. Then I went upstairs and changed the sheets on my bed and watched my usual 4 episodes of anime while eating my lunch and dinner.

I need to start working on getting ours down but that probably won't happen until next weekend. 

@Sarada just left with her friend to drive back to Illinois so we've just said our goodbyes to her. Hoping they have a safe trip and it's good they've left early ahead of the bad weather moving in overnight. 

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I was sad because my sissy left today along with her rats 😭 I miss the rats so much I keep looking over where their cage was and they aren't there anymore lol ~ Of course I miss my sister too but the ratsssssss ;-; XD 

I'm glad we got all of our shopping done earlier in the week because from what I understand it's just chaos out there >.> I talked to our resident building maintenance guy that knows everything that goes on here and he said he's lived here 22 years and the power has never gone out once even when they had that huge ice storm several years ago so it doesn't look like we will have to be worrying about any power outages in this building at least most likely. Either way, I still made sure I charged up all my phone chargers today and that we had 2 gallons of water in the fridge. 

I also achieved getting 99 woodcutting on OSRS today which is something I've been working at for awhile now. 

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4 hours ago, Sakura said:

I was sad because my sissy left today along with her rats 😭 I miss the rats so much I keep looking over where their cage was and they aren't there anymore lol ~ Of course I miss my sister too but the ratsssssss ;-; XD

It comes to something when you miss your sister's rats a bit more than your sister 🙂.

4 hours ago, Sakura said:

I also achieved getting 99 woodcutting on OSRS today which is something I've been working at for awhile now.

Congratulations 🏅

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17 hours ago, Sakura said:

I was sad because my sissy left today along with her rats 😭 I miss the rats so much I keep looking over where their cage was and they aren't there anymore lol ~ Of course I miss my sister too but the ratsssssss ;-; XD 

It's not like I blame you the babies are fun to be around lol. They probably miss you too. 

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It's snowing heavily here all day so there is no way to go outside yet. I've spent the day indoors but I did go to our apartments gym and workout for awhile. 

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I've mostly been annoying @Zeref by opening the balcony door every other few minutes to touch the snow lol ~ I still haven't been able to go outside because the snow has been coming down far too hard for it to be enjoyable to do Winter activities yet, but tomorrow I will probably be outside the entire day in it ☃️

I took some pictures of the snow from our windows ~





There are a few videos of how hard it was snowing:

And lastly, I was extremely glad that we haven't taken down our Christmas tree and Christmas lights as of yet because I was able to get a very pretty snow view with the Christmas things still up from our living room 🎄







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