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We did some nice decorations in the house nothing too big or crazy and a tree. I like the Christmas lights on at night, it gives a nice atmosphere. 

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I love when all the lights are off and you're in a room with just the Christmas lights on, it's a really nice feeling especially late at night when it's so quiet out, or when there's snow falling ~

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Approximately 200 house fires a year in the United States are caused from people leaving their Christmas tree lights on. This is usually with real Christmas trees opposed to fake Christmas trees and happens when the hot lights ignite the dried needles. 

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Jeeeeez!!!! I'm suddenly a lot happier with our Christmas tree that we've used for so long it feels like forever, but I -think- we used to get real Christmas trees... Oh yeah, because there'd be something with water in it at the bottom of it, but I'm grateful that none of those trees caught fire. Holy crapola. o.o Hopefully we'll be able to put it up this year, but I can't do it by myself since it involves moving things that belong to my parents. Otherwise I'd offer to try my hand at putting the tree up. ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ I can't remember why mom and my step-father got the fake tree, but probably because it's lighter compared to a real tree and we don't have to clean up any needles that might drop. I'm just guessing though.

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This is why I never get live Christmas trees lol I've heard too many stories about them starting house fires so I've always had fake ones ~ I think as long as you are careful with lights and stuff though and don't leave your Christmas tree lights on while you are gone you don't run as high of a risk of anything happening. Makes sense though when the needles dry out they could catch fire on really hot lights x.x I always make sure all our lights are off when we go to bed or leave the house just to be safe. 

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6 hours ago, Forlorn said:

I can't remember why mom and my step-father got the fake tree, but probably because it's lighter compared to a real tree and we don't have to clean up any needles that might drop. I'm just guessing though.

Artificial trees are better because you can use them every year so they're cost effective over a number of years and you don't have the problem of disposing of a real tree after 12th night.  I till have problems with dropped needles though, every time I put up or take down my artificial tree I have to vacuum the carpet to clean up all the little bits of artificial pine needless that come off the tree. 🌲 

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Did you know that some artificial trees may contain a chemical which can cause health risks? The majority of artificial trees are made using a not-so-great plastic called polyvinyl chloride (PVC). PVC is a major source of phthalates, one of the better known endocrine disrupting chemicals. They have been linked to asthma, neurodevelopment issues, cancers, obesity and type II diabetes, reproductive harm, and male fertility issues. 

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18 hours ago, Animedragon said:

Artificial trees are better because you can use them every year so they're cost effective over a number of years and you don't have the problem of disposing of a real tree after 12th night.  I till have problems with dropped needles though, every time I put up or take down my artificial tree I have to vacuum the carpet to clean up all the little bits of artificial pine needless that come off the tree. 🌲 

I like the fact you can re-use them it seems better for the environment or something prolly @.@ 

2 hours ago, Zeref said:

Did you know that some artificial trees may contain a chemical which can cause health risks? The majority of artificial trees are made using a not-so-great plastic called polyvinyl chloride (PVC). PVC is a major source of phthalates, one of the better known endocrine disrupting chemicals. They have been linked to asthma, neurodevelopment issues, cancers, obesity and type II diabetes, reproductive harm, and male fertility issues. 

But apparently not better for your health 😵 Now I'm scared of my Christmas tree lmao ~ 

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On a positive note, unless you are working at a PVC manufacturer, your chances of developing a health issue related to it are relatively low. It's suggested as a good idea to allow PVC products to air out before bringing them into your house. 

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Deep down we all love Pessi though ~ because where would we be in life without him posting these random terrifying facts that make us even more scared of the world around us every couple of days? 🥳

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That is a bit worrying. I tried to find out how many people in the UK die from being entangled in bedsheets without any success so perhaps it's just a US problem.  Looking at my bed I'm not sure how I could get tangled up in the bedsheet 🛌.

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I'm glad to know my facts have changed lives 🌟

Here's a new one: 

Two Scottish doctors originally invented the chainsaw for childbirth. The cutting device was specifically designed to make removing the woman's pelvic bone easier and less time-consuming during childbirth. The flexible chainsaw also caused less trauma to adjacent tissue than the rigid saws and sharp knives typically used to perform the procedure.

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HOLY - EXPLICITS - And I have never been so glad to have been born in this century as a woman than I am after reading that 😭 Not that I want any kids either way but if someone came at me with a chainsaw while I was having one I think I would just choose to die NO THANK YOU X.X 

3 hours ago, Animedragon said:

That is a bit worrying. I tried to find out how many people in the UK die from being entangled in bedsheets without any success so perhaps it's just a US problem.  Looking at my bed I'm not sure how I could get tangled up in the bedsheet 🛌.

Well I looked it up and it seems like the vast majority of the deaths are infants or disabled people who can't untangle themselves well 

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19 minutes ago, Sakura said:

HOLY - EXPLICITS - And I have never been so glad to have been born in this century as a woman than I am after reading that 😭 Not that I want any kids either way but if someone came at me with a chainsaw while I was having one I think I would just choose to die NO THANK YOU X.X 

Well I looked it up and it seems like the vast majority of the deaths are infants or disabled people who can't untangle themselves well 

In the past there were a lot of unsafe conditions, and that is why I am happy living in the 21st century.

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