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The last thing you ate/drank


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11 hours ago, Animedragon said:

That sounded weird so I had to look it up. It seems that we Brits call eggplants aubergines, and aubergine spaghetti still sounds weird but that's fine if you like it. 🙂

The last thing I had was a couple of buttered bread rolls and a banana.

I'm not a fan of eggplants myself, but I actually liked the spaghetti. It's kind of one of those healthier choice foods where you don't get all the bad stuff from eating pasta lol and Pessi is kind of a health nut. Which I suppose is good because he keeps introducing me to healthier options like this. It doesn't actually taste much different than normal spaghetti once you get the sauce on there and stuff. I thought I would really hate it but I was pretty impressed it tasted so nice. 

Today however the last thing I ate was a triple baconator and cheese fries xD It's been a long week though and I wanted something super unhealthy with all the cheese and bacon and calories. 

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10 hours ago, Sasuke said:

A puréed nut spread with a grape relish reduction paired with a delicious white bread bun. 


Anywho I had Papa Johns ~ We had cheese sticks + pizza + buffalo wings. 

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I slid my way down in the snow and ice to the McDonald's on the corner and bought myself a hashbrown and sausage biscuit for breakfast : > This was a decision I came to regret about halfway down the street, but at that point it felt too late to turn back. I soldered on despite harsh weather conditions, frozen body parts, and facing certain death. 

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1 hour ago, Sarada said:

I slid my way down in the snow and ice to the McDonald's on the corner and bought myself a hashbrown and sausage biscuit for breakfast : > This was a decision I came to regret about halfway down the street, but at that point it felt too late to turn back. I soldered on despite harsh weather conditions, frozen body parts, and facing certain death. 

If you've got snow and @Sakura hasn't there's going to be trouble 😀.



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3 hours ago, Sarada said:

I slid my way down in the snow and ice to the McDonald's on the corner and bought myself a hashbrown and sausage biscuit for breakfast : > This was a decision I came to regret about halfway down the street, but at that point it felt too late to turn back. I soldered on despite harsh weather conditions, frozen body parts, and facing certain death. 

I hope by typing this that means you made it home from this ninja mission successfully? To me it sounds like this was at least an A-rank mission, possibly S. 

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On 11/21/2024 at 3:06 PM, Sasuke said:

I hope by typing this that means you made it home from this ninja mission successfully? To me it sounds like this was at least an A-rank mission, possibly S. 

I did 🫡

Today I had scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast and that's the last thing I ate. I'm in the process of making a very late lunch which will be a tuna salad croissant with lettuce plus tomato with some icey water. 

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9 minutes ago, Sarada said:

I did 🫡

Today I had scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast and that's the last thing I ate. I'm in the process of making a very late lunch which will be a tuna salad croissant with lettuce plus tomato with some icey water. 

I can't cope with a cooked breakfast, cereal and milk is my choice.  That lunch sounds very posh.

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