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The last thing you ate/drank


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14 hours ago, Emotion Flux said:

I'm glad you feel better now. ^^ Do you get sick a lot of the time? It seems like not too long ago you had a cold. ;.;

I had two slices of homemade pizza and a Fresca for a midnight dinner. lol Better late than never, right? ^^;

I have allergies during this time of the year. 

I just had Chicago dogs and soda ~

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I'm eating a chicken sandwich, coke, and some chips right now. 

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Finally got to make that Chettinad Chicken curry recipe. It turned out great.

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I've mostly only been snacking today. I've had chips, popcorn, soda, bagel bites, cheese cubes, a donut. Nothing that amounts to real food. I always do this when I'm studying and today all I have been doing is studying for exams this coming week. 

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The last thing I had to eat... was... a sandwich I think? Some kind of buffalo honey flavored turkey mom got me for lunches. Since then I've been drinking various things, but the last thing I drank was a Strawberry Starlight Skittles flavor of powder drink that mom got me a little box of. Skittles flavored drinks are awesome~ ^^

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On 5/21/2024 at 7:54 PM, Fenris XIII said:

The last thing I had to eat... was... a sandwich I think? Some kind of buffalo honey flavored turkey mom got me for lunches. Since then I've been drinking various things, but the last thing I drank was a Strawberry Starlight Skittles flavor of powder drink that mom got me a little box of. Skittles flavored drinks are awesome~ ^^


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A Coke that was watered down from the ice in the glass melting was the last thing I drank. Last thing I ate was a handful of jalapeno cheese bread from the store that mom bought me to snack on when I'm hungry.

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5 minutes ago, Forlorn said:

jalapeno cheese bread

Not the last thing I ate but this reminded me.  I found some jalapeno pepper cheddar cheese in block form at the store so I made some from-scratch mac-and-cheese with it this weekend.  Tasty, and something I could handle even with my level-1 culinary skills.

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A turkey sandwich with lettuce, tomato, onion and mayo + a sprite. 

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