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Everything posted by EnviousEnvy

  1. Never watched any sports anime actually. Been wanting to but don't know where to start. I know almost none about sport anime.
  2. ACNH (Switch) Actually started working on my island and making it more fall themed. Made a new fall plaid design for my stalls and moved some of my apple trees to make them more appealing as well as getting rid of some trees and flowers since my island feels overpopulated with them. DBZ Kakarot (PS4) Finally defeated Dedoria (probably spelled wrong) after a week of getting my ass handed to me. Need to get some more potions now though. Persona 5 Royal (PS4) Defeated Madarame awhile ago but didn't play long enough today to find out much.
  3. Is it bad that I totally forgot that I bought the DLCs for Planet Zoo? 😅🤣

  4. WOW (PC) First time playing World of War craft and I actually kind of dig it. First mission was confusing in the beginning but got the hang of it in no time. Controls are probably the easiest I've ever come across in a PC game. I might even dig this game more than Fallout 76 and ESO. ACNH (Switch) Fall is the most depressing season so far. All it does is rain, rain, rain. And it seems like I'm the only one who hasn't had colorful leaves occur in the game. Not sure if it's because people are time traveling or what. I heard from a couple people playing the Southern Hemisphere version that fall is literally crap. If it's true I really hope it gets fixed in the future.
  5. My dryer decided to crap out on me... 😑

  6. I think I'm only half way into Goblin Slayer and I absolutely love the series so far. Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1&2 (Xbox Bought this game yesterday for nostalgic reasons and I totally forgot how bad I am at these games but I still enjoy it (if that makes sense ). I used to play all the Tony Hawk games with a friend during my school years before he unfortunately passed away. I hope they also bring back the TH Underground series too!
  7. The Sims 4 (PC) Working on my main Sims siblings lives at the moment. Got him in college and a relationship. Fortnite (PS4) Worked on a bit of week 3 challenges with a friend and leveled up. Man of Medan (PS4) Since the new game is coming out next month I figured this is the time to play and actually beat this one. Didn't get far into it tonight though.
  8. This rain and literally stop any time now... It's literally been raining for the past 3 days so I don't want to do anything but lay in bed under the blankets. 🌧 🥶 

    Autumn is my favorite season but I'm not all about this wet and rainy part. Ugh. 

    1. Ohayotaku


      Blankets are my kryptonite

  9. My Time At Portia (Switch) Spent majority of my day playing MTAP. I almost have the bridge done and working on leveling up while stocking up on supplies.
  10. I watch both but it honestly depends on the situation. Some anime like Dragon Ball Z and Wolf's Rain I grew up watching Dubbed because that's what was aired on TV so I still watch them dubbed. Others I'll watch subbed mainly unless I'm with my fiance because he claims he can't keep up with the speed of the subs.
  11. I actually watch them pretty frequently and I have quite a few favorites; Spirited Away, Ponyo, My Neighbor Totoro, Pom Poko, The Cat Returns, When Marnie Was There, etc. I see that GKids is slowly re-releasing Studio Ghibli films under their name now too. I love Ohko's Inn which was also released under the GKid's name.
  12. Fiance was able to come home for Labor Day weekend (came home Saturday) and went back to work late Monday night. Gonna miss him again but glad I was able to see him finally (has been 3 weeks otherwise since the last time I seen him).

  13. My Time At Portia (Switch) Working on random commissions for villagers and still working on that stupid bridge. Also building relationships in this game is very difficult for some odd reason. Oh and I noticed a very funny bug in the Switch version of the game, even have a picture to show.
  14. Claymore Intro: https://youtu.be/IoaYuQxRxKo Loveless Intro: https://youtu.be/ITSnSJOM2OI
  15. Final Fantasy VII Remake (PS4) Had to defeat these creatures that looked like dementors from Harry Potter. I think Jesse has a big crush on Cloud due to the fact that she invited him over one night, lol (Sorry but Cloud belongs to Tiffa). The Sims 4 (PC) Been awhile since I picked up this game. I've been wanting to play it for awhile but I keep forgetting about it until it's bed time. I played a few hours on it. Got the older brother to age up to young adult and now he's living on his own in a run down apartment trying to make it big in becoming a athlete. DBZ Kakarot (PS4) Gohan, Killin, Bulma and Vegeta all made it to planet Namek in search of the Dragon Balls. Bulma's ship unfortunately took a hit from two of Frieza's henchmen and now have to find a way to fix it.
  16. TMI: Don't read if you don't like to hear about girly stuff, lol. 


    No wonder why I was feeling like poop all day yesterday and was extremely emotional on Wednesday... after eating dinner I discovered I started my freaking period.

    Reason why this caught me by surprise is because I haven't had one since my surgery last June and now today I finally got it. Now I'm having cramps and want to eat everything. Ugggh...

  17. Grounded (Xbox One) Decided to jump on the bandwagon today and play a bit of this. It's pretty fun and reminds me of a kid friendly version of games like Ark and Conan Exiles. I'll probably play it for awhile then forget about it like I did the others Digimon Story Cyber Slueth (Switch) I originally played the game on PS4 and nearly beaten it until a friend of mine gifted me the Switch version of the game so I'm replaying it.
  18. Today marks the one year anniversary of Mr. Michael Lindsay's death and I wanted to pay tribute to him on here by remembering some of the work he has done in the past. So if you knew some anime series he was in and the character he voiced please list them here. Or If you have ever met him in real life either at a convention or outside of a convention please also share your stories of him. I've only ever started going to conventions last year so sadly I have never met Mr. Michael Lindsay in person but have grew up with some anime series that he was apart of. Kankuro - Naruto Kankuro was one of my favorite characters in the series (along with Shikamaru & Choji). Mainly because he was quite a bit different than the other Shinobi. He fought using puppets and was pretty badass but wasn't a total douche about it. He said things point blank, he was focused and at times a pop of humor would sneak out. Kisuke Urahara - Bleach Kisuke was/is a character in the anime called Bleach; another anime I grew up. While he wasn't one of my favorite characters in the series I recognized his voice from the Naruto series. Kisuke was portrayed as a owner of a small store that sold candy and Shinigami items in the human world but in the Shinigami realm he was recognized as the former captain of Squad 12th Division. So because of this he knows a lot about the ins and outs about Hollows, etc and helps out Ichigo a lot throughout the series. I know a few more but would like to leave some for other people if they would like. (If you only watched subbed anime that's great but please don't be harsh on those who watch only Dubbed or are like me who watch both. I just happen to of watched these two series in dubbed because they didn't air subbed on cable).
  19. ACNH (Switch) Seen the first signs of fall in the game and at the moment not very impressed but then again it's just the beginning. Had someone from Southern Hemisphere tell me fall is very disappointing in the game. I'm very hopeful though because I'm seriously stoked for Halloween! Fortnite (PS4) Had my first victory this season. Doom is a b*tch to defeat though, ugh. My Time At Portia (Switch) Even though I originally started the game on Xbox (it's on gamepass currently) I wanted to actually own it on the Switch. So now I'm trying to get back to where I was previously. Also restarting has helped me remember stuff I either forgot about or skimmed past and regretted it . And I'm actually focused on where I'm putting my crap this time too instead of all willy nilly.
  20. Currently watched two more episodes of Food Wars and recently restarted Attack On Titan
  21. Snapchat-1683150443.thumb.jpg.3de3d06f1d2154abc9ef976159786561.jpg

    Someone decided to jack my gaming chair 😅

  22. Irritated at a friend because he decided to become toxic over a stupid video game match. Otherwise I'm tired and going to bed.
  23. Fall/autumn happens to be my favorite season and my favorite holiday also happens to occur during fall (Halloween). The colorful leaves that crunch under my feet, the crisp air, the pumpkins sitting outside people's homes, cozying up under a warm blanket with a cup of hot coa coa while watching Halloween movies, decorating my home in all of the spooky-ness that I can. Also around that time my fiance is home from his job until Spring. I'll take fall/autumn over any other season; including summer (you heard me right, lol).
  24. I will never understand how some gamers can rage and literally scream at their other squad mates because things didn't go their "way". It's no wonder why I rarely game with others when it comes to Fortnite and COD. Just showing me that I have some toxic, child-like friends. 🙄

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. XII360


      @EnviousEnvy yea you should probably steer clear when he invites you to play games, atleast in terms of games

      personally, if he goes "your avoiding me" or some crap, id remind him what he did to you

      though, not gonna lie, he sounds like a spoiled brat

      excuse my language

    3. Ohayotaku


      Some people take their “fun” a bit too seriously 

      Was going to comment that when what you do to de-stress starts stressing you out it’s time to find a different hobby, but considering how worked up Fruits Basket has been getting me, sounds kinda hypocritical :P Though it’s more cathartic than anything

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