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Everything posted by Sakura

  1. I have decided to become a dolphin and swim off into the ocean never to be seen again.
  2. I'd rather not know, I'd just panic otherwise lol. Ice in your drink or no ice?
  3. I'm happy I have a 4 day weekend this weekend and I can sleep in ~
  4. I kinda feel that way too. I don't watch as much anime as I did when I was a teenager anymore, and what I do watch is usually stuff I've already watched and want to rewatch. I do find some new stuff I like here and there but not the way I used to. Most of the stuff that I find I like is stuff that came out in the 90s or early 2000s times.
  5. Ooo that's really pretty handwriting tbh. I've always wanted to write with one of these things because they look like they write so pretty lol I would probably accidentally stab myself with it though considering how accident prone I am LOL I think I might actually have one of these that is Harry Potter themed somewhere but I'm not sure ~
  6. Omg I forgot Adventure Quest is a game that exists I used to play that so much when I was a teenager. There was another version of it too that wasn't multi-player but I don't remember what it was called that I used to play all the time ~ tbh I'm surprised Adventure Quest still exists lolz
  7. Right? And I have a long weekend so I'm excited to sleep in for 4 days e.e
  8. I've still never actually watched this but I've heard it's really funny ~
  9. Do you do calligraphy with these?
  10. Heyooo, how it be?
  11. I'm going grocery shopping tomorrow and now I need to check this out lol I feel like I've been lied to my whole life
  12. Tooooo much work lol I'm doing tree runs. Just did my tree run a few agos tbh and getting ready to do herb runs then go back to firemaking ^^
  13. I feel like we would somehow build a post-zombie society and learn to survive. I for one would enjoy running the streets whacking heads of zombies until the end comes XD What is your most favorite item that you own?
  14. From mythology probably a dragon or hellhound or something lol A dragon that I could fly everywhere on would be fun ~ What's your current fave anime?
  15. Space creature sounds more fun lol Light colors like pinks/pastels, or dark colors like black/gray?
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