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Status Updates posted by Viper

  1. 90% of all my friends are female, I need some male friends 😢

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Viper


      @Tefutakato I accept yes lol

    3. Nukemsloth


      Bruh as of now, I already thought we were friends lol, but who knows. You could be someone who you have to trust first, but who knows. 

  2. Why did you have to be gone when I just came back :|

  3. That moment when you are in so much pain and the person you need and want to help you is the reason why you are hurting :(

  4. I'm not dead just had a horrible 2018 but hopefully things go well now 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SleepyLeoulf


      @Viper Your most welcome Viper dear and that's good to know. Stay strong and sending you A LOT of good and positive vibes your way~

    3. RyePotatoes


      It's going to be alright :D

  5. Wow this looks so cool and tidy now

    1. Xyro


      I know right!

      Optics done such a smashing job ^w^

    2. Viper


      He did really well

  6. Viper

    Happy Birthday, I hope you have a nice time with friends and family

    1. zoop


      Thank you so much! So far so good, I'm happy to say. :)

  7. Can't wait for Attack on Titan season 3 now next year

    1. shironeko


      yees~ me too! :D I wanna know more...

    2. John jobs

      John jobs


  8. All the glowing peeps are out tonight

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kohloo


      Earn lots of credits by uploading videos to the vocaloid media section. 120 credits are given for each video uploaded. It's not hard. Been kinda telling people about it for awhile now.......

    3. Orius


      lol But I'm not a vocaloid fan... I wouldn't know what to upload. :P

    4. Kohloo


      I was just giving you an easy alternative to getting credits. Find vocaloid (Everyone knows Miku), upload video! (Make sure it's not a duplicate and not overly sexual. No pr0n in my media section!)

  9. All the glowing names made me jealous so I had to join you all

    1. Kohloo
    2. RyePotatoes


      Come to think of it, I am too. XD

  10. I'm gonna try and be more active now

    1. RyePotatoes


      Where did this status go? O.O Paul, You didn't say being active on liking posts and stuffs! :p

    2. Viper


      I'll be active on everything then from now on lol

    3. RyePotatoes
  11. Am I the only one getting tired of the Christmas songs?

    1. Wodahs


      tbh cant say ive heard any this year and till you mentioned it I hadn't realised but still don't care

    2. Frost


      No. I work with dogs, and I'm pretty sure even the dogs are starting to go into a fit of internal rage. xD

    3. RyePotatoes


      Joy to the world! The lord Has come!

  12. Viper

    Hi Lina what's up

    1. Lina


      Hi...Paul? (Did i get that right? Lol)

    2. Viper


      Yes you did lol

    3. Lina


      I love how u are the one who always welcomes me xD

  13. I am already loving this place already it's very tidy and easy to use

    1. Frost


      Glad you are enjoying yourself so far, Viper!

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