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Everything posted by Greeneyes

  1. I'll look at it I haven't finished the Anima but I will soon and Ill probably need the Manga when I'm done..
  2. You have watched the show there not really cute I can think of a few other thousand names that can describe then but if you think they are cute.... then ok..... .......
  3. I created this thread to ask you these questions. It's okay to talk about anything here, How are you? What is your current hobbie? What's your favorite animal? Your favorite game? And anything else you don't mind sharing about yourself! I am greeneyes I am doing pretty well, my current hobbie is animating and creating wallpapers. My favorite animal is a cat, right now my favorite game is csgo and I like tic tacs!
  4. Greeneyes


    So you want good weather or OK weather?
  5. Greeneyes


    You may hate it I feel jealous...... Arkano you must live far from me its just getting warm where I am!
  6. I would hug you back as long as you don't grab anything otherwise you might not live....
  7. I would hug you back as long as you don't grab anything otherwise you might not live....
  8. No game no life but if it gets a second season then I hope they make it as awesome as the first! I know the movie is coming out but that I am pretty sure is back story for how the world tet if that was his name created....
  9. Yes!!!!! Don't call the police if you can't find Kirry.......
  10. Sao............ as long as Sao is one here I'll he OK....
  11. Thank you I will do this for future until it is improved upon!
  12. Yeah it might be bigger than that I can check. Is there a way to up that even or no because they say bigger is better
  13. Ok, I tried in a thread and profile cover. It's 1.5 megabytes.
  14. Okay then...... (smile).......
  15. I'm interested now, what may it be....? If I shall ask so boldly.... or are you scared to announce it hehe.......
  16. Recently I have tried to upload a few images and I cant apparently its to big I checked the file size but it said that it was smaller then the max limit on the upload, so I had to cut the photo basically in half to be able to upload it so I am suggesting that if it is possible you can make the upload size bigger or something in that direction....
  17. Ok thanks for telling me how it works!
  18. I didn't know how to get on so I didn't know what to do...
  19. Nice to meet you Roygbiv.
  20. Ok I posted a similar thread a little while ago but its not this I am asking if someone on the forums or if you have a specific website where I can have my profile pic aka the girl to the topish left remade but in full body but not the outfit the picture is based off if you accept then ill tell you in more detail if you give me link or something ill go off that thanks for the help if you can give any...
  21. I cant say I cried but I can say that it was the closest, Isla from Plastic Memories My friends say I either don't have a heart or it is black as coal.....
  22. Hard to make something better then godly but I want to try! It's another challenge for myself#
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