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What's the weather like where you are?


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Hot again.  And we're on fire.  Again.  They're calling this one the "line" fire and some evacuations have already been ordered.  Not really near me atm but it is in the national forest area and growing so I'm keeping an eye on it.  I can already smell the smoke when I go outside but at these temps I don't intend to do that unless I absolutely have to. 🌡️🥵

Edited by efaardvark
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2 hours ago, efaardvark said:

Hot again.  And we're on fire.  Again.  They're calling this one the "line" fire and some evacuations have already been ordered.  Not really near me atm but it is in the national forest area and growing so I'm keeping an eye on it.  I can already smell the smoke when I go outside but at these temps I don't intend to do that unless I absolutely have to. 🌡️🥵

Hope you remain out of the area where this is happening. 

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4 hours ago, efaardvark said:

Hot again.  And we're on fire.  Again.  They're calling this one the "line" fire and some evacuations have already been ordered.  Not really near me atm but it is in the national forest area and growing so I'm keeping an eye on it.  I can already smell the smoke when I go outside but at these temps I don't intend to do that unless I absolutely have to. 🌡️🥵

I looked at the news link you shared and that looked very bad and I hope it doesn't come your way. Stay safe.

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9 hours ago, efaardvark said:

Hot again.  And we're on fire.  Again.  They're calling this one the "line" fire and some evacuations have already been ordered.  Not really near me atm but it is in the national forest area and growing so I'm keeping an eye on it.  I can already smell the smoke when I go outside but at these temps I don't intend to do that unless I absolutely have to. 🌡️🥵

Yes like the others said, I hope you stay safe. That looks really bad. 

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10 hours ago, Zeref said:

Hope you remain out of the area where this is happening. 

It's about 50 miles away and no wind in the forecast so I'm not worried.  The scary times are when the wind pushes the fire into the city.  The area's "Santa Ana" winds come from the deserts so they're super dry and at their worst can hit hurricane speeds.  They can push a fire around faster than people can move out of the way.  Lately no winds though, just high temps and low humidity.

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The weather is great~ 💜 Except this morning when going to school it was actually really, really cold. I think it was like 48 or 49F so I had to wear a sweater but by lunchtime it was around 70 and too warm for a sweater so you basically have to wear a t-shirt or something under your sweater this time of year so you can change when it gets warmer in the afternoon lol I think it's supposed to be around the same again in the morning around 49 or 50. 

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Not nearly so hot today as it has been.  It was actually quite pleasant at lunch today as long as you stayed out of the direct sun.  We’re still on fire however..


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2 minutes ago, efaardvark said:

Not nearly so hot today as it has been.  It was actually quite pleasant at lunch today as long as you stayed out of the direct sun.  We’re still on fire however..


Are you going to have to leave the area?

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5 minutes ago, efaardvark said:

Not nearly so hot today as it has been.  It was actually quite pleasant at lunch today as long as you stayed out of the direct sun.  We’re still on fire however..


Oh no hope it ends soon

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1 minute ago, Sakura said:

Are you going to have to leave the area?

Hopefully not.  Not any time soon at least.  This weekend there was just the one fire, the "line" fire, and it was over 50 miles away.  Thanks to the heat and dryness there are now -3- fires going, and one of the new ones is only about 25 miles away.  😮

For my area the danger is that the fire can burn basically unchecked in the nearby national forest areas.  That area is steep terrain and plenty of trees and brush, which thanks to the recent weather is very dry and makes excellent fuel for the wildfires.  It's hard to get anything in there in the way of people or equipment to fight the fire directly too.  For the most part that area has no roads or water to speak of.  The only thing they can really do is try to direct the fire with air drops of retardant and water.  If they can get fire crews into a strategic position to cut gaps in the brush ahead of the fire that's another way to deprive the fire of fuel.  If they can manage to direct it downhill or into an already-burned area where there is no fuel then the fire will sometimes go out on its own.  Again though, given the terrain that's a hard, dangerous job, especially in extremely hot, dry weather like we've had recently

The main thing to watch out for is if the wind picks up.  If the wind happens to start blowing the fire in your direction then things can escalate quickly.  So far no wind in the forecast though.  <knock on wood>  Still, they're telling everyone who lives in or near the national forest are to be prepared to go on a moment's notice if things start to get out of hand.  Definitely something I'm monitoring closely, but so far the area that I'm in is in no immediate danger and no evacuations have been ordered yet.


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Foggy and cooler this morning.  Hopefully that helps the fire situation.

edit: for anyone in the LA area the alertla.org site has a map of the fire(s) and the regions affected by evacuation orders.

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22 hours ago, efaardvark said:

Hopefully not.  Not any time soon at least.  This weekend there was just the one fire, the "line" fire, and it was over 50 miles away.  Thanks to the heat and dryness there are now -3- fires going, and one of the new ones is only about 25 miles away.  😮

For my area the danger is that the fire can burn basically unchecked in the nearby national forest areas.  That area is steep terrain and plenty of trees and brush, which thanks to the recent weather is very dry and makes excellent fuel for the wildfires.  It's hard to get anything in there in the way of people or equipment to fight the fire directly too.  For the most part that area has no roads or water to speak of.  The only thing they can really do is try to direct the fire with air drops of retardant and water.  If they can get fire crews into a strategic position to cut gaps in the brush ahead of the fire that's another way to deprive the fire of fuel.  If they can manage to direct it downhill or into an already-burned area where there is no fuel then the fire will sometimes go out on its own.  Again though, given the terrain that's a hard, dangerous job, especially in extremely hot, dry weather like we've had recently

The main thing to watch out for is if the wind picks up.  If the wind happens to start blowing the fire in your direction then things can escalate quickly.  So far no wind in the forecast though.  <knock on wood>  Still, they're telling everyone who lives in or near the national forest are to be prepared to go on a moment's notice if things start to get out of hand.  Definitely something I'm monitoring closely, but so far the area that I'm in is in no immediate danger and no evacuations have been ordered yet.


I'm glad it's still pretty far away from you because I know these can escalate pretty quickly. I hate seeing anything involving fires since i know how it feels to lose everything in one :/ So I hope you and everyone around you stays safe and all your belongings and homes too. I'm always worried about the wildlife too though when I hear that it's burning through a lot of the forests. 

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