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Coffee or Tea?


Which do you drink more?  

40 members have voted

  1. 1. Which do you drink more?

    • Coffee
    • Tea

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Alright! Coffee or tea? Which do you drink more?


I personally love Cappucinos, Flat Whites and Latte.


Throughout my Europe holiday I enjoyed Nero Coffee throughout London, Starbucks Coffee in Amsterdam and Coffee Inn in Vilnius. Back home I love McCafe coffee. McCafe is in almost every McDonald's in Australia.


How about you? :)

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Honestly I really love them both but if I had to choose, coffee without a doubt! A good cup of coffee in the early mornings is something that really makes me happy. Ever since Ciara told me about Starbucks in 2004 (on the old AN) I got so curious about it, I looked around online and I wanted to try it some day so badly! Also because my favourite bands and artists really seemed to be into Starbucks so that also triggered me. Finally when I was in the UK for the first time I notice a Starbucks at the airport and I almost begged my parents to go there haha. I fell in love with White Cafe Mocca right away!


Starbucks is definitely my favourite Coffee-shop but there are some other good ones too like Douwe Egberts (Dutch Coffee Brand) and McCafé (tried that on holidays too) but never will be able to compete with Starbucks for me. I am also very creative with coffee at home and seem to surprise my family with it. All with all, I love coffee! Not too much, 1 a day max because I don't want to get too much caffeine inside me haha.

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While I don't like tea as much as coffee, I like mine in the form of milk tea, or teh tarik which some people here call it. When I go to the kopitiam or mamak shop for a bit of makan, I'll take milk tea to accompany me.


Oh tea with milk is amazing! I also like to add a bit of honey to my tea. First time I tried milk in my tea was in London, at first I thought it was weird to do that but once I tried I fell in love with it. Japanese Green Tea is also something I enjoy very much.

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Neither. I don't like either of them. I drink coke, iced chocolates and chocolate frappes instead :P


Since your answer is "Neither" I think Optic should change the poll with more answers! =)

A lot of people love them "Both" and some "Neither". Thanks Line ^^

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Tea, iced for first preference.


Hot tea I go with English breakfast, peach infused or a few other 'specialty' ones. Pretty much always with milk.


I like light green teas. Found a boutique one at a show once that was super. Didn't turn bitter unless you stepped for 20min. Green tea straight, no additional stuff unless in it (cornflowers seem a popular tea addition for some reason).


Favs: tangerine and grapefruit iced tea (Gloria Jeans), peach black tea with pearls (Easyway) and mango frappe which also has tea in (Starbucks).


It is a pity Starbucks are so hard to find down here. I wish I could try a hybiscus iced tea again that I had in America. Was different and really nice. Not available at the few down here.


Best breakfast ever is a GJ or SB iced tea with a plain toasted beagle and cream cheese!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I used to hate coffee! Then for some reason I started drinking it and now I like it, I think it's a taste you have to aquire like wine or beer. So I think I'm Team Coffee, but I've been drinking green tea all the time because it's supposed to increase your metabolism or something like that.

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I started with coffee at a very early age! When I was 6 or something but that was decaf (so no worries) because my parents always drink it and I got so curious. What I found so amazing was how black coffee becomes brown with some milk in it, I always thought it was magic or something haha. The real coffee (with caffeine) I started drinking at the age of 18 I think? Not sure, exams and projects etc. is what made me drink it, to stay awake. I really love coffee!

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Hot tea I go with English breakfast, peach infused or a few other 'specialty' ones. Pretty much always with milk.


English breakfast tea, full cream milk, two sugars is my absolute favourite tea. :D

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Whoa, dropping the edumacation on tea there. Impressive.


Me? I know a bit, but never really researched. I do have an eye on a tea history though :blush:


I do have a tea plant though. Camellia sinensis.


I managed to get a very sick one from a nursery for $1. It was very, very sick though. Much better but it appears will never grow big enough for me to harvest (since tea is from all the new foliage). Maybe once we transplant to the ground (or buy a new healthy one).


Hot tea I go with English breakfast, peach infused or a few other 'specialty' ones. Pretty much always with milk.


English breakfast tea, full cream milk, two sugars is my absolute favourite tea. :D


One to one and a bit depending on how well steeped/brewed =)


Unless it is ages, two is too sweet :P

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Hot tea I go with English breakfast, peach infused or a few other 'specialty' ones. Pretty much always with milk.


English breakfast tea, full cream milk, two sugars is my absolute favourite tea. :D


Mine as well! But I think I would prefer honey over sugar! Also good for a sore throat. I love English tea from the brand Twigings.

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  • 5 months later...

Since my last reply I've discovered I am mildly lactose intolerant towards full-cream milk. It's more of a hindrance as it only congests my throat.


As a result I've had to go for Skim milk. :(


My coffee and tea preferences remain unchanged. ^_^

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  • 4 weeks later...

I like coffee because it's more effective in keeping me going.


Also, taste-wise...


Coffee's taste allows for a bit more liberal experimentation. You can easily use it for cakes and other sweets too. It's slight bitterness does great.

Black tea with honey and milk is wonderful.

Green tea is insanely popular here in Japan (they even have green tea-flavored ice cream!), so over the years I've developed a liking for it, but I still prefer coffee.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not sure if I am going off topic already, but talking about green tea, I am now into this beverage called the Yakult Green Tea. I think it is just a mixture of one of those Yeo's Jasmine Green Tea and Yakult, but it tastes pretty refreshing when cold. :P

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