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I'd think it was a sign, a sign to say live life to the full, don't waste a second of it, and have no regrets.

What would you do if you seen a 1:1 double of yourself on a cover artwork, like a movie box art, or the image of a book author.

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I would probably do nothing, thinking they were somebody else, unless they did something wrong?

Would would you do if the government made clones of you for the express purpose of letting somebody kill them, so they can get stronger?

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Depends, if nothing else to do, strike up a conversation.

Otherwise, ignore them.

What would you do if you found out your entire life were a tv show that people watched (think Truman Show movie)?

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I would be a little surprised at first, then relish in my new found freedom of being able attack people with legal repercussions.

What would you do if you were the last person alive on Earth?

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What do you mean "would", Jackie Chan used it instead of alcohol to become a better drunken boxing master 😂

Would you agree to live without ever using the internet again (including not asking others to use it for you) if you were offered a billion bucks?

Edited by Illusion of Terra
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Probably for infinite money because while I really have no desire to spend a lot, it would allow the ability to travel and meet friends from all over and  be able to take them to nice places and do fun things. 


What's your favorite type of weather event? Such as snow, rain, etc?

Edited by Sofi
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