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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2020 in Posts

  1. I find the 2019-nCoV response by the population at large, the media, and the politicians to be pretty bizarre, frankly. The fact of the matter is that the reported death rate for people aged 10-50 is 0.2%, and the actual death rate is probably far lower, since a lot of people with the virus seem to have mild, or even no symptoms and thus go unreported. (In fact, that's one of the problems in trying to contain the virus.. people with no symptoms can nevertheless still infect other people.) For MOST people, certainly anyone between 10 and 50 years old, the worst that can happen is you feel like shit for a few days, you stay in bed, drink your fluids and watch TV, then you get well. That's it. To be sure, there' a serious problem in that there's no vaccine yet. Even the regular flu would be pretty serious without a vaccine. Even if there were a vaccine, this virus is (slightly) worse than the usual flu in terms of symptoms and its contagiousness. If you have very young children or are older then there is definitely some cause for concern. I'm 55. My mom is pushing 80. Even for the normal flu we do tend to get our yearly vaccination. Without a vaccine the major problem is this older/younger cohort of people, large numbers of whom will die without a vaccine. Especially if they all get sick at once and modern medical services get overwhelmed. For instance, there's ~60,000 ICU bays in US hospitals. About 20,000 of those are already in use, mainly supporting people who have fallen ill with the regular flu. If we have 1/3rd of our resources already taken up by a disease for which there IS a vaccine, what's going to happen when the one for which we DON'T have one gets out of control? THAT is the real problem here. Unfortunately the press is all about revving people up these days, not informing people. Our "leaders" too have their heads up their behinds. So we now have people in the general population with little to no actual science or medical knowledge being directed by inane Presidental tweets or listening to uninformed talking heads in the media, and then panicking over shortages of toilet paper. I hate to imagine what they're going to do when the body count of old people dying from the disease starts climbing. We are truly the descendants of the B-shippers.
    3 points
  2. Greetings, angrytwix89! Inuyasha is one that I need to check out at some point. Also, always great to see another My Hero Academia fan Hope you enjoy your time in the community & looking forward to getting to know you!
    3 points
  3. good evening. i have been watching anime since the early 2000s. my first shows were Inuyasha and FMA and have been hooked since then. this isnt my first time being on an anime forum but it has been YEARS since I have been on one. will be nice to make some friends to talk about anime/mangas with!
    3 points
  4. Thank you. That's a good deed. Babies can't get immunized, so if the people around them can do so it helps the child. That's what all the hand-washing with this SARS variant is about now too. Right now there's no way to vaccinate people, so even though people in their 20s and 30s have pretty much nothing to worry about personally it indirectly helps all the people that they interact with. Some of THOSE people might be in for serious problems if they get it. Stockpiling toilet paper and bottled water isn't helping. The best thing people can do is wash their hands several times a day with soap and water for at least 30 seconds. You won't get sick, and us old folk will appreciate it. About that B-Ship thing.
    2 points
  5. "I seek nothing more than to battle the most powerful beings alive, which excludes the lowly likes of you" - Lord Sesshomaru
    2 points
  6. I thought this would be a fun and somewhat interesting topic to throw up. As corona/covid-19 discussions are on the news everyday its really making a lot of people anxious. I was conducting interviews a few weeks back for new hires, and one potential candidate voiced his concerns about his safety well working in case the virus showed up in our city. As this is something that we can't necessarily control we did discuss the use of proper hygiene and what would occur if it say popped up in one of our employees. He ended up not taking the job (this was a highschool kid) his mom lives in Taiwan and told him to not work right now - because of the dangers. Anyways, now there are people who are clearing shelves of toilet paper in Canada. I know its bad in Australia as well....but....Canada doesn't have any outbreaks and the people who have contracted the virus are those who came back from cruises (not passed to random strangers). It seems people are seeking out toilet paper because it's big, its a 1st world comfort and everyone is leaving shelves bare and fueling the fear. I think its silly. What are your thoughts? How's your cities toilet paper supply? What are some bizarre things you've noticed?
    1 point
  7. I just cannot get enough of this song!
    1 point
  8. So...I was listening to Dangerous Curves from Friday...and I just had to post this song they played XD Give this woman some gawd dang frickin' pizza!
    1 point
  9. I can't think of a single situation where panicking has ever made things better so I just do my best to remain calm, look at the facts that are available, & go from there. Like I said earlier, I keep certain items stocked in my house at all times so I'm good there. I've also started taking a real good & honest look at my health over the last year & have put practices into place such as working out on a daily basis, watching what I eat, etc. because I believe in preventing problems before they start when possible. In all outbreaks like this, the people who will be the most affected are those with medical issues or compromised immune systems so I believe that improving one's health is one of the best weapons in situations like this.
    1 point
  10. Is it really that bizarre? It's something “new” to focus on and is affecting a lot of people. It's hard to gauge political input from my end though (especially because you're viewing it from the States side) – it's not really discussed as much here from a political stand point EXCEPT, all the mention about financial blowback after the fact. Money....But, then again, I don't know, I feel like its been handled well and is organized when it comes to finding people who are sick. And....I don't use twitter lol. I have a few friends who are nurses here and they're already dealing with an influx of flu cases right now. However, we have become so blasé to the flu and how bad it can actually be I don't think people who are 20's-40's really think that much about it unless they are in the medical field. I worked as an Optician for 7 years and would get the flu shot because it was offered during the day at work by the clinic owners. However, I have never sought out getting immunized. That being said, when my sister had a baby I did go on my own volition BECAUSE of my nephew being born. Even with the shot though, there are variations of strain when it comes to the flu, so even being inoculated doesn't always help. But, those who are vulnerable will go out of their way to protect themselves, as they should. Back to the media, they have been discussing each case, each death from all around the world, and so of course you're going to be panicked hearing it all the time. I would be freaked out if they started discussing anything negative over and over again for months. It's true that a lot of the symptoms will go unnoticed, also – quarantined people my foot, there is a lady in Calgary Alberta who was on the California princess cruise, quarantined for 14 days, no symptoms came home and then almost a week later had the virus and now they've had to close down the business she was working at, and she is now again self quarantining until she is healthy again. I think a lot of people are reflecting on how it is popping up – but in Canada, for example, the people who are popping up are those who are coming back from travelling, not from receiving it from having it transferred randomly with no known connections. As for the vaccine, I have another friend who is a phlebotomist and she was mentioning the trial vaccines they received a the hospital shes at. She deals with research – and I know that there has been a a lot of joint efforts to find a vaccine globally so hopefully something will come up soon to help those who are vulnerable. But, hospitals are already overwhelmed under the flu season so places that aren't prepped to take on so many people – that is scary – BUT, I would feel more nervous for 3rd world countries where the infrastructure isn't there. But, yes to much revving of fears, and then FOMO, because once something is out of place enough times, it will keep on catching. Please don't go out and buy more toilet paper. Hahah @efaardvark also....ps. Because I'm really not cool with slangs – what is B-shippers? haha Also, honestly, as long as you're just making sure you're stocked for a month or two, I don't see a real issue. Furthermore, no battle royales happening to gain said supplies. AND, you're getting ACTUAL necessities like meds and food. That at least is logical to me haha
    1 point
  11. I'm not one to panic but it never hurts to be prepared so yes, I have stocked up on items such as extra toilet paper, over the counter meds, non-perishable food items, etc. I stay fairly well stocked on these items anyway, so I just picked up a few additional of each. No crazy hoarding of bottled water or anything like that. There is no shortage of anything in my area that I'm aware of & no sense of panic either, To anyone who is currently in an area that is being severely impacted by this outbreak though, I hope that you & your family are doing well!
    1 point
  12. @The History Kid aw man, I want to hear this joke now. I agree it is ridiculous. I mean, yes, its good to protect yourself...but in a logical way. Its just another form of the flu.(worse for elderly, sick, weak immune systems, children). Its crazy though, Netflix had aired pandemic in Canada and it talks about the spread of the flu. Was interesting timing haha. My friend sent me a snapchat where he was holding a bag of bounty and some royale leaning over them as if he was just in a battle. With a tag "spoils of war" He's in Edmonton. Which...just sounds funny on its own if you know anything about Canada.
    1 point
  13. I started out watching Sailor Moon as a kid.
    1 point
  14. right now its god of war and final fantasy and dragon age inquisition and dragon ball xenoverse 2
    1 point
  15. That is a tough one. I could have a different answer every week for this question. Right now I would say the Dan machi universe because I'm so into the light novels right now. I like the idea of being an adventurer and joining a familia. Daytime or Night time?
    1 point
  16. That's so hard, as I would love to travel everywhere. I suppose I would choose to go to Singapore all the different cultures 0-0 all the different foods 0-0 If you could be in one anime and have to spend the rest of your life in it - without knowing what role you would take on, which anime would you choose?
    1 point
  17. Thanks i have watched and read Demon Slayer im also currently watching Dororo and Vinlad Saga i loved the promised Neverland and Deathnote but have never heard of Shiki or VS but i will be sure to watch them. i looked up VS b
    1 point
  18. I do. I have one dog. Would you rather explore the bottom of the ocean or the moon?
    1 point
  19. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XKDGZ-VWLMg&feature=youtu.be
    1 point
  20. Weird Al and Star Wars? Yeah, that gets a click...
    1 point
  21. Do you know what your Chinese zodiac is? I loved the storytelling from Fruits Basket that describes the banquet legend of the order of the animals arriving to the party. I’m the year of the Horse. There’s all kinds of compatabilities related to Chinese Zodiacs. I like to see what year my friends are. So far it’s been true to the myth. Mind sharing yours? And what traits you share with your animal? Mine: These Horses are kind and positive. They are too straightforward and blunt at times, hurting others without realizing. They place great value on love and need a partner that can tolerate their faults. Compatible with Goat, Tiger & Dog
    1 point
  22. Yet the first thing to come to my mind is the Jackie Chan Adventures cartoon series
    1 point
  23. Lore: This is the most widespread legend about Chinese zodiac. The Jade Emperor (The Emperor in Heaven in Chinese folklore) ordered that animals would be designated as calendar signs and the twelve that arrived first would be selected. At that time, the cat and the rat were good friends and neighbors. When they heard of this news, the cat said to the rat: 'We should arrive early to sign up, but I usually get up late.' The rat then promised to awaken his friend and go together. However, on the morning when he got up, he was too excited to recall his promise, and went directly to the gathering place. On the way, he encountered the tiger, ox, horse, and other animals that ran much faster. In order not to fall behind them, he thought up a good idea. He made the straightforward ox carry him on condition that he sang for the ox. At last, the ox and him arrived first. The ox was happy thinking that he would be the first sign of the years, but the rat had already slid in front, and became the first lucky animal of the Chinese zodiac. Meanwhile his neighbor the cat was too late so when it finally arrived, the selection was over. That's why other animals appear behind the little rat and why the cat hates the rat so much that every time they meet, the cat will chase and kill it. Of course each animal has its own special story of how it arrived to the banquet. Look them up individually for even more fascinating details.
    1 point
  24. Lucky Star, Pokemon, DBZ, Beyblade, Cowboy Beebop, Hellsing, just too many. (As you can see I'm a bit old school)
    1 point
  25. I hate having to pick THE favorite - there's so many to choose from! - but I think the Ghost in the Shell series is probably at or near the top of my list. I've also really liked (in no particular order) Haibane Renmei, Shakugan no Shana, Mushi-Shi, all the Haruhi Suzumiya episodes and movies (except maybe the infamous "Endless Eight" arc.. OMG!), Clannad: After Story, Lovely Complex, Spice and Wolf, Natsume's Book of Friends, Angel Beats!, Usagi Drop, Humanity Has Declined (the banana episode always makes me lol), the Bakemonogatari series, Shigatsu Kimi no Uso, Shin Sekai Yori, Kokoro Connect, Pet Girl of Sakurasou (first season anyway), Kotoura-san, Blue Spring Ride, Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash. Also all the Ghibli movies.. I just watched Whispers of the Heart again a couple weeks ago, but also Spirited Away, My Neighbor Totoro... So, so many more.. Hard to even make a top-10 list! I know I'll think of more as soon as I post this too.
    1 point
  26. Currently i am racially confused, im not sure if i should remain a white cis female or give in to the nagging voice in the back of my head that tells me i truly belong in the Sweet Potato community. I've felt, since i was very young that i belong with a more "natural" people, people who understand me like no one else does... It was only up until recent i realized who those people were... The Sweet Potatoes... I now realize that i should start my transition into their ways of life but I'm struggling to give up my current lifestyle as a normal human being... I'm actually quite offended that they don't have Sweet Potato as a gender on AF. @Optic beware, I may sue for oppression of the Sweet Potatoes. In other words I'm fine.
    1 point
  27. I'm so dumb...I was trying to see if my computers brightness was making my avatar bright and instead was clicking my volume button and my dumb butt was agreeing that it was getting darker. That's enough internet for today...
    0 points
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