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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/27/2023 in all areas

  1. Found and raided a mansion w/my brother and his wife. (There were actually -2- of these chicken rooms in this one. And they were right next to each other. What are the chances? )
    2 points
  2. I'm new here!, I'm trying my best to still appreciate the art the effort the talent that goes into anime , bit it just seems like there is no effort anymore when it comes to story,, I know there are lots of manga adaptions and I understand monetary complications but doesn't it seem like the love of the media is gone or best case scenario watered down ?
    1 point
  3. 1 point
  4. But the drawings were made by real people who had the ideas in their heads and thought it was OK to sexualise minors and show underage girls in adult situations. Back in the mid 1990's when I started watching anime there was a huge amount of outrage in a couple of the national newspapers here in the UK over the amount of graphic sex and violence in anime. It wasn't a good time to admit that you watched anime, and even now I've noticed the occasional raised eyebrow when I mention anime. Sadly it has to be said that at least one distributor pretty much encouraged this attitude as a means of gaining some free publicity. On one occasion they showed an uncut version of a film at a pre-view screening for journalists, that contained scenes that had been cut from the actual release version, the outcry and outrage made the papers next day.
    1 point
    1 point
  6. i finished drawing mi-tan in omori style (which ill be using to post that we are looking for RMT replacement) a tribute to one of the best games, that somewhat went on par with undertale WAS DEEP i also play final duet on the laboratory, its calming af >.>
    1 point
  7. finished omori AND OMFSHGIHIASDIAJSD IT WASSOGOOD gonna do another ending when i finish other stuff for now, the laboratory im working at is lacking RMT's and the chief RMT doesn't know how to post she just posted for sake of posting smh so im gonna go ahead and try to post a hiring WITH UNIQUENESS TO IT IM GONNA DRAW A FEW SHIZ IN OMORI STYLE AS A TRIBUTE TO OMORI also omori drawing style is cute, NGL feels similar to black souls artstyle, but black souls is darker and makes less sense omori has cutesy pencil/crayon art in it and i find it attractive, NGL
    1 point
  8. so im working hard on job and well, let me sing you a meme song BUT IF YOU CLOSE YOUR EYES.... Does it almost feel like noothings changed at all
    1 point
  9. been drawing mimi expressions for project i planned to do since...forever but im drawing it really, really, really REALLY slowly >.> mainly couse i keep getting derailed <.> [read; distracted] also had runny nose today, so i focused all my energy on healing up i need to be fully healed for when i work, dont wanna be prone, and then swab probable/assumed covid patients ~.~
    1 point
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