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Everything posted by Animedragon

  1. Good morning. Ah, housework, I suppose I should do some of that but recently it's been too hot to think about doing much. I did do some dusting last week, but I notice that the dratted dust is back again.
  2. It's not as HOT as it was, but it's still quite warm with temperatures in the mid 20'sC which is my sort of weather.
  3. I haven't yet decided if I'll watch Rebellion this time round. I've seen it a couple of times and wasn't impressed with it, It always leaves me thinking that the animators got too carried away with the psychedelic stop-motion graphics and forgot that a film needs a clear storyline more than it needs fancy graphics. The overall impression the film left me with was that it was an example of style over substance.
  4. Currently watching Madoka Magica (again) The Magical Girl series for those who don't like traditional Magical Girl series.
  5. Today I am very happy. Here in the UK if you hold a driving license it automatically expires on your 70th birthday and you have to apply for a replacement, and as I will reach that age later this year I had to send off my application for a new license. Today I received a letter enclosing my new license. So I am a happy Anime Dragon.
  6. I've been watching "The Barchester Chronicles", a BBC costume drama set in the precincts of Barchester Cathedral and its surrounding area in the 19th Century and based on the books by Anthony Trollope.
  7. Nakago, in Fushigi Yugi, was hugely overpowered compared to the other characters. He was also a cruel, mean, arrogant, deceitful and thoroughly nasty character.
  8. When I was a child, my parents told me I could be anyone I wanted to be. Later on I found out that identity theft is a crime.
  9. This evening I finished Sailor Moon Stars. It's quite a good series with a rather different storyline in that the enemy is very different to the enemies in the other series. The Sailor Starlights were an interesting addition and gave the story a different focus than the earlier series, the one issue I have with that is that sometimes it looked like Sailor Moon's team had their attack powers scaled back a bit to make it look like the Starlights were more powerful. I also thought that while there weren't any obvious filler episodes several of the episodes were padded out with a bit of filler. However, it was good to see Sailor Saturn getting some decent screen time. The final battle was spectacular and, given Sailor Moon's character and personality, it ended the only way it could have ended. So, my Sailor Moon marathon is over and very enjoyable it was too. For a series that started 30 years ago it's stood the test of time very well in my opinion.
  10. Hot and muggy here as well. The Good Thing is that the temperature has dropped from 38c to 24c and we even had a bit of rain last night.
  11. Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he saw the zebra crossing.
  12. It's bright and sunny with a projected 26c maximum temperature, still very warm but a lot better than the 36c we had the past two days.
  13. A classic song from classic album. Back in the day everyone had this album in their collection.
  14. Android. My current phone is Android as was the previous one and the next one will be as well, but my current phone is only about four years old so there's lots of life left in it still.
  15. It's 10pm and it's still 30c outside. The weather forecast says it could be hotter tomorrow!
  16. It's very hot and sunny. The temperature is currently 36c and slowly rising. About an hour ago I went out to hang some washing on the line, it only took about 10 minutes but in that short time I was nearly a cooked Animedragon.
  17. I'm a warm weather person, but it's currently 29c and that's a bit too warm even for me and I'm loosing the incentive to do anything except those things that I absolutely must do. The Met office has issued a red warning for extreme heat for Monday & Tuesday with temperatures expected to be around 39c. Apparently this is the first time a red warning for heat has ever been issued in the UK
  18. Welcome aboard, pull up a cushion, or a chair if sitting on the floor isn't your thing, and make yourself at home.
  19. What's the difference between an organist and a terrorist? You can negotiate with a terrorist. (Apologies to any organists reading this.)
  20. If you want lots of murder then Noir will do you as the per episode body count can be quite high. If you want to cry then watch Clannad After Story. If you want pretty artwork then anything by Hayao Miyazaki, Makoto Shinkai or Kyoto Animation will do you.
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