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Everything posted by Animedragon

  1. HOT ! It's 9:34pm and it's still 24c outside.
  2. Currently watching K-On. A great series and lots of fun to watch, with just enough seriousness to keep things in ballance. A great cast of characters, excellent animation and artwork and a well written script. What's not to like?
  3. How do you fix a broken website? With stick e-tape.
  4. Just finished "Sound! Euphonium" series 1. A simple but really enjoyable series, I wish series 2 was available in the UK. Yes, I know I could buy the US release, but it's in two parts at $79 each, that's about £65 in UK money and the days when I could afford to pay £130 for anime series are long gone! In practice it would probably be more than £130 by the time international postage and import duties are added.
  5. You might also like "Grave of the Fireflies". It's a film and runs for about one and a half hours, it's an excellent story but a very sad one.
  6. I finished watching Stellvia this evening. It's an enjoyable Sci-Fi series with an interesting storyline that isn't quite as straightforward as it first appears. The series also has a good cast of characters and gives you time to get to know each of them. I'd have one or two questions about some aspects of the plot, but it's never wise to probe too deeply into such matters, especially with Sci-Fi series, because you can end up spoiling your enjoyment of the series.
  7. What did the grape say when someone trod on it? Nothing, it just gave a little whine.
  8. Welcome aboard. Make yourself at home and pull up a cushion, or a chair if you don't like sitting on the floor.
  9. You might like to take a look at "ef:A Tale of Memories" and " ef:A Tale of Melodies". "Melodies", which is the second part, is more depressing than the first part. Both parts have excellent music.
  10. It's temperatures above 35 degrees Celsius I have trouble with. 🥵

  11. Been there, done that. There's been a few times when I've seen a DVD at the back of the cupboard of a series I really liked 20 odd years ago and decided to watch it again and after a couple of episodes I'm wondering what I ever saw in it. Fortunately most of the DVDs in my collection are as good now as I remember them being 20+ years ago when I first watched them.
  12. Now the weather has cooled down a bit I thought I'd go into the garden and attack a few weeds. But the ground is so hard and dry that I might well have been trying to dig holes in concrete. So I sprayed a bit of weed killer on the weeds and went back indoors. I don't think the weed killer will do much, despite what it claims to do on the bottle I think it's more like weed fertiliser than weed killer !!
  13. Off the top of my head I can think of two series that would have been better if they'd had a proper ending. 1. Neon Genesis Evangelion. An impressive and influential series totally ruined by the mess they made of the final two episodes. Did they run out of money or time, or both, to create properly animated episodes and had to make do with what appeared to be a series of vaguely animated storyboards. Or had they just piled so many plots twists, turns and sub-plots that they'd "painted themselves into a corner" and didn't have the faintest idea how to end the story. 2. Last Exile. Another series with initially a good story idea, but no real idea of how to end the story, resulting in the final episodes being a muddled and confusing mess. In my view both series suffered from the same fault. A good story needs a beginning, a middle and an end. Both series had a good beginning and a good middle but the creators didn't give enough thought to the ending.
  14. You're not the only one who does this, so I guess I'm weird as well*. With a very few exceptions I've watched every anime in my collection at least twice and some more often, some I've watched so often that I don't know how many times I've watched them. One reason for this is that I've no access to any live streaming services, I think there may be a couple that can be accessed here in the UK but my Internet connection isn't really fast enough for streaming, so I have to purchase on DVD or Blu-Ray every anime I watch. Which is a good incentive to watch series more than once! * Actually I've spent most of my life being regarded as weird because I'm often not interested in the things that most people are interested in, personally I like to think I march to the beat of a different drummer.
  15. I'm now watching Stellvia, an interesting Sci-Fi series with a side order of Slice of Life for good measure. I think it's a good candidate for being one of anime's hidden gems.
  16. The weather has now settled down to nice sunny days with the temperature in the low to mid 20's c. I'm happy with that, but I'd like a bit of rain for the garden.
  17. I've not seen any of the animated Batman series. Back in the 1960's I used to dash home from school to watch the original TV series and a while back Amazon had a special deal on the complete series DVD box set, which I still haven't watch all of. I know some people won't agree with me on this but I still think Adam West was the best Batman.
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