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Everything posted by Animedragon

  1. Yes, we could do with some rain here. But please not until the builder has finished painting my house and the paint has dried.
  2. Today I started on Sailor Moon S. Back in 2001 this was the first Sailor Moon series I watched.
  3. It's now 10pm and the outside temperature is still 25c. The weatherman says that by next Sunday it'll be 34c. I don't like the cold so really like the warm weather, but 30c+ is getting a bit too warm even for me!
  4. Same here. No one wants to listen to someone talking about a hobby or interest that they have no interest in. None of the friends I meet regularly are interested in anime, all they're interested in in football, cricket or rugby, so this forum is where I come to talk anime.
  5. What's the difference between a tin and a can? A tin can, but a can can't.
  6. 7:00am and it's already 20 c. Looks like it's going to be another HOT one today.
  7. This was my experience exactly. I was looking for a good anime related forum and a search produced this place. I read a few of the posts and decided it looked an interesting and friendly place to be, so here I am. And, yes, it did turn out to be the interesting and friendly place I thought it was.
  8. I've now finished Sailor Moon R and I continue to be impressed with well this 29 year old stands up. It has a good cast of main characters each with their own individual personalties the supporting characters are also good. The plots and storylines are also good, although I think that the Doom Tree arc was just a bit implausible, I mean, why would a couple of aliens who are out to steal energy from people bother to enrol in a junior high school? The Black Moon arc was far superior with a well thought out and developed storyline. Years ago I read an article in a film magazine that said the when it comes to Sci-Fi films the audience and the film maker enter into a contract whereby the audience go to see something that is impossible and the film maker presents the story in a way that makes it appear to to be true. A suspension of disbelief where the audience expects to be basically 'tricked' into believing what is on the screen is real, and woe betide any film maker who does anything to break that suspension of disbelief. The same applies to Magical Girl shows, the Magical Girls have to be believable and, at least to my mind, the Sailor Moon series succeeds in doing this.
  9. I've never had any inclination to watch Naruto, the series just doesn't appeal to me. I can understand your dropping Toradora. I think that if I'd been watching it on a streaming service I would have dropped it as well, but I had it on DVD, and if I've bought a series on DVD I stay with it as it would be a waste of money not to do so . Initially I wasn't over impressed with the series, but on a rewatch I thought it a bit better but having seen it a couple of times I think most of the problem with it is the series's obsession with Taiga's violent "Palmtop Tiger" persona which never seems to change and develop in any permanent way. The series has some interesting characters but the overall character development and plot are a bit weak. To my mind it's one of those series that could have been so much better, but somehow just missed the mark.
  10. Continuing hot and sunny with temperatures expected to rise to 31 C next week.
  11. Welcome to the forum, I hope you'll enjoy being a member.
  12. Firstly, welcome to the forum, sounds like you'll fit right in. Secondly, Like you I like talking about anime and often watch YouTube videos about it. Unlike you none of my friends watch anime* and most probably don't know what it is and those that do most likely think it's all Pokemon. *Well, that's not strictly true, I do have one friend who watches anime but he only does so when we meet up and as we live quite a distance apart and he is very busy with work we only mange it a couple of times a year. So this forum is the only place I can talk about anime.
  13. Very warm and sunny, and expected to get hotter in the coming week.
  14. Welcome to the forum. You don't have to be crazy to be a member, but it helps!
  15. Welcome aboard and make yourself at home.
  16. An odd job man knocked on the door of a house and asked if there any jobs he could do. The householder said yes, you can paint the porch round the back. A few hours later the odd job man knocked on the door again and said I've done what you asked, but I think you should know that it's a Lamborghini not a Porsche.
  17. I must be very near the 90% mark as well, and that's likely to increase because my favourite TV programme ends this week.
  18. These two I did some years ago. Went to an anime con just so I could visit the dealers room. Travelled into central London once a month to visit a certain Sci-Fi shop just to see what anime stuff I could get. (this might not sound too weebish, but NO ONE in their right mind travels to Tottenham Court Road tube station in the evening rush hour) More recently I watch between 5 and 6 anime episodes a day. Now that might sound a lot, but I watch them while eating my lunch and evening meal and 3 episodes is about 1 hour 15 minutes and just the right length for lunch time and dinner time. I used to watch TV, but the programmes that are on at lunch time and early evening are a bit dull and boring.
  19. I know what you mean. I remember DOS and loading Atari games from tape.. Beep..beep..beep.. 20 minutes later ...beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep........LOAD ERROR!! Now we can load programs in seconds. CD's and DVD's seemed a really hi-tech step forward when they came out, actually I still prefer having a physical CD or DVD to play or alternatively an MP3 or MP4 to play rather than stream something of the 'Net. But what really made me think we were in the future happened at the start of the Lockdowns in 2020 when we all discovered Zoom. WOW! I could see and talk to 20 people in real time. No fancy and expensive studio facilities required, just a device that had a camera, screen and Internet access.
  20. I'm no good at picking up languages, but I've picked up a few random words and phrases from watching subbed anime, none of which would enable me to have any sort of sensible conversation with a Japanese person! Although sometimes when watching anime I read the subtitles and think "that's not quite what the character said", most of the time the translation isn't wrong it's just the American term for the subject rather than the Japanese term. I guess I notice these more because I'm in England and we have different words for things. It's often said that America and Britain are two nations divided by a common language! When I was at work a guy asked me where the bathroom was, I nearly directed him to the shower room then I realised he had an American accent and he actually wanted the toilets.
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