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Everything posted by efaardvark

  1. One word. Plex. Electronic sorting, searching, and finding is soooo much easier. Plus electrons should make it a lot easier to take it all with me when I head to the outer planets. Then there are my "backup" copies of everything in the bookshelf. Multivolume sets are grouped together, but that's about it. My physical shelf is totally disorganized. Not even alphabetized. New stuff goes in wherever there's enough physical space.. once I've ripped a copy for the plex server of course. If I like the artwork enough then I lean it against the rest or prop it up with the cover (or whatever) facing outward for display purposes. That's about it.
  2. Part of my cousin's thanksgiving decorations...

    Scan Nov 28, 2019, 6.25 PM.jpg


  3. So it looks like the US Army guys at Edgewood are saying that by 2050 cyborgs will likely be a real thing, both on the battlefield and in the general population. Sounds like a GitS world isn't that far off.
  4. Some of these contracts.. Yikes! I mean, yeah, three stars. But 17 Kerbals? I only have 12 in my whole space program right now, and 5 of them are more or less permanently assigned to my Minmus science/research station. And I haven't even found any class-E asteroids yet! I've only just recently upgraded my tracking station so I can even start looking for them. Still, 17 years to do it in, and over $250k advance. Might be worth it. With the advance I can expand my Minmus base to add some mining equipment so I don't have to lift the fuel, ore, and monoprop from Kerbin, and that would give me a constant supply of consumables even after I'm done with this particular contract. Heh. Then I'd "just" need to hire (or rescue) the Kerbals, get tankage and living quarters built, shipped, and installed into an as-yet-undiscovered asteroid, AND then move said asteroid into Minmus orbit. That's a lot of work. I need to start researching the "Nerv" (nuclear rocket motor) if I'm going to be taking on asteroid-moving contracts, and it'd be better if I'd already found the asteroid. Then I could mine the asteroid itself for the fuel resources and not have to ship them in from some unbuilt elsewhere. Maybe I should let this one go after all. I don't think I'm quite ready to tackle something like this just yet in my current game.
  5. It may. First real rain we've had in a while so the streets will be slick. Los Angeles drivers are idiots when it comes to weather. (Bad weather? Drive extra fast to make up for any delays.) The snow level is coming down too. Maybe as low as 2000 feet. Fortunately I don't have to go up the 14 (freeway) as that's probably going to be icy. There's been some high winds too, and we even had a brush fire down in Santa Barbara a couple days ago. Probably nothing bad enough to call off the turkey-day festivities though. I'll check the sigalerts site when I get up tomorrow to see what I'm up against. I'll likely just get going a little earlier than usual to allow for traffic delays. Maybe start back a little earlier too.
  6. Our family usually all heads over to my cousin's place in Fillmore. (About an hour's drive on LA freeways.) They usually do a deep-fried turkey as the centerpiece, and everyone else kind of does a pot-luck thing for the side dishes and deserts. Afterwards there's usually a group that turns on the (US) football game at some point, the kids go play computer/console games, my mom and her sister talk forever about who knows what... Basically, get together with friends and family, eat, and do whatever seems like fun.
  7. I was driving a rover and the front fell off. This is not normal.
  8. Yeah, the Humble Bundles are electronic versions only. Still, not a bad deal. They usually give you a PDF version as one of the formats too, which is my preference. (The other format options would be ePUB and/or mobi.)
  9. I guess that's one way to look at it. To me any such "work" just makes it that much more satisfying when I succeed.
  10. I will readily admit that it does take a certain mindset to enjoy fully. It is basically a SimNASA. There's a lot of different aspects to the game though. It is part flight sim. It has aspects of civilization, simcity, railroad tycoon, and a few others. Some people really get into designing/engineering vehicles, even ones like trucks or helicopters for which there is no in-game reason. Some people like replicating real-life vehicles. Some people build gundam-like vehicle (even some that transform in-flight). There's one youtuber, "SWDennis" who spends a lot of time just trying to get the physics game engine to do wacky, unexpected things. Some people just like to see the faces that their kerbal pilots/passengers make as you fly them around. Some people like to build ICBMs and target the other space centers on Kerbin. (Kerbin is the home planet of the Kerbal race.) Some people get into the kind of puzzle-solving aspect of the contracts. Some people like to explore. As if that's not enough there's a huge set of mods too. The base game has no weapons (well, unless you count hurtling rockets) but there's a mod called BDArmory that lets you build lasers, missile launchers, machine guns, etc. into your vehicles. I'm into programming, so I have a mod called kOS that lets you control your rockets via programs you write. There's a whole modpack called "reality overhaul" that make real-life things like ullage motors and air/water/food/power supplies necessary. In fact, the only game that I know of that rivals the KSP mod scene is minecraft. There's literally thousands of mods for the game. Getting bored of the game? Add a few mods and all of a sudden there's a whole new set of game dynamics to explore. It's always a good time. And that's just the original game! There's a KSP2 coming out next year that looks to be awesome as well!
  11. Maybe you had to be there. I'm sure that orbital mechanics, delta-V, rocket engineering, mission planning logistics, and the rest is not for everyone. To each their own. For myself.. Well, if I'm not already bored of it after all these years then I don't think I'll be getting bored of it any time soon.
  12. Built a space telescope ... And launched it into a solar orbit... Then I built a rover... And sent it to Minmus, where it found and scanned an interesting green sandstone rock, getting a bunch of science in the process..
  13. Stringing together technical-sounding terms in meaningless ways to "explain" impossible technology. "Reversing the polarity on the pattern buffer to phase the ship into subspace and keep from being hit by photon torpedos." Bafflegab. Closely related to unobtanium and very similar to MacGuffinite.
  14. Just found a place that has "Science Fiction and Fantasy", and "Sword and Sorcery" genres.  WTF??  Why bother to have two separate categories if there's no meaningful separation?  "Science Fiction" IS NOT the same thing as "Fantasy", and it is annoying as heck to have to dig through the one to find the other!

    No name or link because I don't want to risk sending them any clicks.   :veryangry::veryangry:

    1. efaardvark


      "Fantasy" is not-real, by definition.  "Science" is real, by definition.  If I'm looking for something not-real then I am definitely, logically, absolutely NOT looking for something real, and vice versa.  I will certainly allow that bad SF can be considered fantasy, but that's generally the author's fault not the genre.  There's also stuff like Sword Art Online that certainly looks like fantasy, even though it is actually science fiction.

      That said, as a buyer I can't use a label like "science fiction and fantasy" in any meaningful way.  Lumping them together is simply being lazy and/or ignorant.  They might as well be just saying, "Here's a book.  You figure it out."

    2. Illusion of Terra

      Illusion of Terra

      Well, they might have a point. After all, you might need quite a bit of fantasy to believe that something was actually meant to be science fiction 😂 
      Also, with 'alternative facts' being a thing nowadays, who knows what's 'real' 😂 

      Seriously though, personally I'd expect quite something different from the 'fantasy' genre than from the 'science fiction' genre. Science fiction being something that while it might seem like magic still being able to be described in some way by natural sciences (and often related to some 'tech stuff'), while fantasy being something that functions on a completely different level (and often related to some flashy 'magic stuff').

  15. I hope that Disney doesn't ruin Hulu. The deal with Comcast keeps recognizable shows like SNL and The Office for at least 5 years, but less-popular (i.e. less profitable) shows, and especially stuff that doesn't mesh well with the corporate image of itself that Disney likes to promote, may very well not get renewed. The focus of what gets added to the catalog going forward now that Disney has total control will likely change significantly as well. There's quite a lot of anime content that is liable to get lost in the shuffle. And of course with Disney you know the subscription price will increase, by hook or by crook. They're already cracking down on account sharing, even between family members (via IP/device tracking and monitoring your broadband network usage, especially if you get your broadband through Comcast), and Disney+'s $13/mo Hulu/espn bundle even includes the ads version of Hulu. Yes, you pay for the bundle and it still includes commercials! I haven't investigated Disney+ too closely so maybe you can avoid ads at the $45 level, but even beside the bundling aspect in the first place, having to pay /anything/ for ads is just sooo wrong! What other streaming options are there though? With Disney and Apple it seems like streaming in general has become big-business, which typically means expensive. Not to mention less interesting as anything that's not top-10 profitable and politically acceptable to the corporate censors gets weeded out. Legally I mean. Yeah, I know I can get everything from a couple (dozen) other "download" sources. I want to make sure the animators get paid for their efforts however. If you get your stuff "for free" from places like that they you're just rewarding advertising and IP theft, and discouraging future anime production. As for me, I'm on Crunchy mainly, and I've occasionally used Netflix, Hulu, and Funimation. None of them has everything. You can't get everything even if you subscribe to all 4.
  16. San Fernando Valley? Sounds like you're relatively close. I'm just a bit East of you in the Crescenta Valley. I usually follow the 3-episode rule.. watch 3 episodes then decide if I want to continue. Of the 3 (Bookworm, Dr. Stone, and Noukin) I haven't watched any of Dr. Stone yet. The others I've watched the first few episodes, but I've set them aside for now. When the season is done I'll go back and binge them. Time allowing... the backlog in my Crunchyroll queue is hopelessly enormous. Planetes That's the kind of science fiction I like. Also things like Ghost in the Shell are good. Stuff like Star Wars, or even star Trek, is basically the same as fantasy to me. That's fine for the entertainment, but not nearly as compelling to me as something that might actually be workable in real life. I have a background in physics, space, computers, and electrical engineering too, so I'm pretty hard to please in that respect. I can smell the handwavium from miles away.
  17. I just noticed that the Humble store is currently selling a light novel/book bundle with a bunch of Kodansha's "Monogatari" stuff by Nisio Ishin (aka "NisiOisiN"). If you're a Bake/Nise/Etc fan you might want to check it out. (Not sure if this is quite the right category for this topic but I didn't see a light-novel category sooo... <plunk>)
  18. I resemble that remark.. or at least my garage does.
  19. Hello @Jiskey! Another Californian here. (In the foothills north of Los Angeles.) I'll watch pretty much anything, though I don't have anywhere near enough time to watch everything. I prefer science fiction mostly, subs > dubs, and I'm more into the short (1-2 season) anime than the ones that go on and on forever. I binge-watch so I'm also usually at least a season behind. Of the ones you mention I've got Ascendance of a Bookworm, Dr. Stone, and Noukin on my list as well. Currently working my way through Yuno. My MAL list is here. Welcome!
  20. Just started YU-NO. Only 2 episodes into it, but it looks like it'll be fun to unravel the big ball of wibbily wobbly timey wimey...stuff.
  21. I understand it is kind of chilly in other parts of the country ( ), but here in the parking lot at work it was 98 and sunny at noon. ps.. I might be a bad person for the rofl thing.
  22. Re: FirstWorldProblems... We have TWO back doors! At some point somebody added a room in the middle of the back of the house, and a door was added on both sides of the addition to access the back yard. As for the door I use... now i don't know how to answer this. We have a loooong driveway along one entire side of the house. There's a door in back that I usually use because it's up near the garage where I usually park the car. But the door is actually in the side of the house, facing the driveway. Would that make it a back door or a side door? And yes, I just posted to confuse the issue.
  23. I accepted a big $$ contract in KSP to land a 7-kerbal, wheeled "outpost" on the Mün... I think I'm going to name it Catbus.
  24. So there's currently an uproar in Japan about a "glasses ban" for women in the workplace. Discuss.. ( if you just heard, "ふゆかいです". )
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