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Everything posted by Ohayotaku

  1. Welcome to the forums, hope you enjoy it here I’ve never read the manga version of Deathnote, but the anime definitely stands out as one of the best psychological titles.
  2. A new season of anime is under a month away now. Although the big name titles seem to have all been delayed until 2021, that doesn’t mean there isn’t some interesting things just around the corner. https://www.livechart.me/fall-2020/tv Some titles I’m curious to check out: How about eveyone else?
  3. In a way, can’t fully blame her for being crazed & resentful if she’s been imprisoned for centuries to power Amaterasu unlike the Woman in Black who made the choice willingly. I’m anticipating next weeks ep as it looks to maybe give some insight into Licht & Joker’s characters. While it seems they’re assisting the good guys for now, they’re secrecy suggests that their ultimate motives might make them enemies. The OP seems to suggest a connection of some sort between Joker & Burns (Company 1’s chief) but will have to wait to see.
  4. More motivation to make it through 2020 alive
  5. While I know nothing about it personally, I’ve seen a number of positive comments about anime series called Bartender, and it’s apparently getting licensed for North American release https://www.crunchyroll.com/anime-news/2020/09/04-1/shout-factory-partners-with-anime-limited-to-release-bartender-in-north-america
  6. While there’s no denying the artistic merits of the Ghibli films & they make a good gateway for new or younger viewers of anime I can’t honestly say I’ve felt a connection to any of them & my memories of most of them are pretty vague. I’d say Princess Mononoke is probably my favorite & the one I’ve rewatched the most, followed by Castle in the Sky & My Neighbor Totoro.
  7. Started rewatching Golden Kamuy in preparation for October. Edit: definitely a good idea. Just 3 episodes in and already had 2 instances of “Welp, that guys dead. No, wait, he’s still alive, but I think he dies later” And haven’t even gotten into the convoluted backstories & motives of some of the characters.
  8. Not sure what happened with the original post, but my own recommendations for the best Netflix original/exclusive anine titles would be: Little Witch Academia ( 2 OVAs & tv series) Aggretsuko (currently 3 seasons & a special) Dorohedoro (1 season, but definitely needs another). *warning* extreme violence & dark humor.
  9. They definitely haven’t exhausted the series potential yet, but the whole “Just count to 10” soliloquy at the end had a sense of closure to it. But considering it’s arguably Netflix’s best original anime series, it’s hard to imagine them not continuing it. Just finished episode 14 of The Great Pretender which is all that is currently available on Netflix. Continues to be alright, but not really anything special.
  10. Guess that pretty much settles the question of who Tohru is meant to be with, as even Yuki admits that it’s Kyo that recognizes her as a woman & needs her romantically even if he doesn’t realize it yet. For himself, it’s all about gratitude for finally being shown the unconditional & non-judgmental acceptance he was never given as a child . And how it’s given him the courage to finally search for his own identity & soulmate. His interactions with Kakeru have also helped him be more open about his feelings with others. The antagonism between them is somewhat similar to him & Kyo, but without the raw emotions at the core. It’s ironic how Tohru’s nurturing & self-sacrificing nature has made her something of a surrogate mother figure to so many of the Sohmas (Kisa, Rin, Yuki & probably Momiji) despite her own youth & the fact that she is very much still traumatized by her own mother’s death. Agree with Shigure that I have got to see this play Especially with the script being reworked to suit the actor’s personalities and Ayame & his assistant providing the costumes. I hope they dedicate most of next week’s episode to it instead of just skimming over it. Just 3 more episodes till the seasonal break. Anticipating & dreading it at the same time
  11. Pretty much anything from the Gundam franchise. Also Star Blazers (Space Battleship Yamato).
  12. Just finished season 3 of Aggretsuko & must admit I was totally unprepared for the swerve it took leading into the finale. Not sure if there will be another season, but this one was the biggest surprise of the year, even outdoing Deca-Dence IMO. Absolutely amazing that a series about chibi animal office workers can have this much to say about life & relationships. Oh, and it made me laugh alot too
  13. Made my first post-Covid trip to the movies to see The New Mutants. Certainly not on the same level as the Avengers Marvel movies, but none of the X-men movies have been. Still found it enjoyable enough & better than I was expecting (6.5/10)

  14. The New Mutants as someone who was really into the X-Men titles back in the 80s & 90s I had serious misgivings about this one. But they actually did a better than expected job of incorporating elements of the original characters into the new storyline. Illyana is like a whole different character though they do manage to reference Limbo & Lockheed and she retains her teleportation portals & Soul Sword. Roberto also seemed different personality wise (and completely different in appearance) but Rahne, Sam & Dani were all recognizable. A lot of the details were sketchy, but enjoyed it overall & would actually be interested in a sequel.
  15. For something retro there’s Maze: The Megaburst Space. Though she actually switches back & forth between being male & female and you may have trouble finding it. For something more recent, there’s Saga of Tanya the Evil.
  16. @NeonKettle a couple heads-up’s on Re:Zero: There’s an OVA episode called Memory Snow that takes place between episodes 11 & 12. Nothing happens to advance the overall story, but it let’s the characters have some fun which is welcome considering how heavy the series gets at times & I enjoyed it. There’s a 2nd OVA called The Frozen Bond that takes place before the series and focuses on the relationship between Emilia & Puck and the prejudice & persecution she’s had to deal with. I would recommend watching it before watching Season 2 anyway. Anyway, glad to hear you’re liking it as Season 2 is really good too.
  17. It’s been a while since I watched it, but think you might mean Roy Fokker (Rick’s big-brother figure). Again, if you can find the original Star Blazers (aka Space Battleship Yamato) there are some similarites. Yeah, best not to expose children to Naga’s cleavage Along the same lines as Slayers, they also might like Radiant.
  18. Started watching Aggretsuko season 3 & enjoying it quite a bit
  19. Magic Knight Rayearth might be more their speed as the leads are a bit older & it’s more action oriented. There’s also Deltora Quest which is an anime based on an Australian fantasy children’s book series. And Ronja the Robber’s Daughter which is a Ghibli inspired/inflenced series. I actually thought Robotech & Slayers were a bit advanced for that age But then I started out with Star Blazers around age 10, so ... If you can find the original series (Quest for Iscandar & The Comet Empire) they might enjoy it, though the animation is kinda dated. The updated versions (2199 & 2202) get a bit overly philosophical & metaphysical. For something similar to Slayers, maybe Record of the Lodoss War. Then there’s always stuff like My Hero Academia & Hunter x Hunter.
  20. A definite recommend for anyone looking for something more cerebral than your typical anime series.
  21. Knew I shoud’ve filled up the tank last night. 12 hours = 50 cents/gallon


  22. Yes, I cried. More than once. Even though my own life experiences couldn’t be more different than Yuki’s, the feelings & truths this week really went into some personal territory for me. To be forgotten , to feel unneeded. That your life didn’t matter. At the risk of TMI, I’ll just say that Alzheimer's is a terrible disease & leave it at that. Thank god there were lighter moments as well. Seeing the younger versions of Kyo, Hatsuhara, Momiji & Kagura interact, some things never change Though the funniest was seeing Tohru’s mom go from hysterical parent to hell-to-pay gang leader Also the history behind the baseball cap. I always felt that it seemed out of character that Yuki gave it to Tohru, so no surprise that it actually belonged to Kyo. Funny thing, I waited till morning to watch so it wouldn’t interfere with trying to go to sleep. But now I have to try to put on my public face & go to work. Smartest thing would be to wait until the weekend before watching this show, but don’t know if I can wait that long
  23. “I was a little useful. I’m happy if I was. It makes me so happy. Yeah, I know now. I know that there was a moment when someone else needed me. Even if nobody remembers, even if you forget, there was ... definitely.” ”This world isn’t enveloped in light, but it’s not all dark either.” - - Yuki Sohma (Fruits Basket 2019)
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