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Everything posted by Seshi

  1. Thats a good thought on length @Ryan Dave Jimenez I hadn’t noticed that new seasons were only going to be 13 episodes Im still used to 26 being standard. So I was wondering why everyone keeps talking about the season ending already
  2. Great Teacher Onizuka, Akira, Amagi Brilliant Park, Kikis Delivery Service
  3. I personally love tea, and would come have tea and cake with you
  4. The game is simple: Continue the pattern. One Anime title is given, and you continue to name anime that start with the last letter of the previous anime title. Try not to repeat titles. List only one Anime title per reply to keep this pattern: User 1: My hero academia User 2: Accel World User 3: Digimon User 4: No game no life End example. Edit: To make sure the anime titles are not repeated, please copy the last list and add to it with your post. These can be hidden in a spoiler tag. Edit 2: Forgot to mention, try not looking up anime and only going from memory! You can of course double check what you think is a title, just to be correct though. ———————————————————-—Shall we begin? Great Teacher Onizuka
  5. When celebrating birthdays as adults, what do you like to do? Do you have separate celebrations with family and with friends? Do you go out, or stay in for a house party? Also for your children’s birthdays (if you have kids) what are some of those experiences that went well. ———————————————— Lately I’ve been super blessed to have the opportunity to celebrate my birthday with friends near and dear. Last year I was taken out to a mani pedi, and dinner and (window) shopping at a clothing outlet. Things I’d love to do for a special occasion would be rock climbing, spa day, dessert festival, and visit new restaurants.
  6. Seshi


    I hear ya.. lots of little things get passed along in our genes, even environmental exposures unfortunately
  7. Seshi


    No one can understand their mystery yo, so we just got a new trampoline and my cat Boaz likes to jump never thought he’d go for it
  8. Seshi


    Nope I’m a ninja Took it out for you
  9. @Beocat best video I’ve ever seen thanks! that definitely uplifted my day
  10. Seshi


    They help each other with grooming, but other than that they are complete opposites and I think that annoys each of them. Boaz (my male) fluctuates between being super hyper and needing ALL the attention to being super chill, and Eve (female) is prissy and likes her own space.. so they kind of don’t get along often. They’ve learned to cope with it..
  11. I collect money from countries I've visited. Also Silver spoons I should just take them out of their cases and eat with them...
  12. I get that way too and agree Ren is the only tolerable one. This series holds a lot of nostalgia for me, since I stopped playing my beloved RPGs - I kind of live vicariously through this show.
  13. Seshi


    Genetics are weird! Who do you look most like in your family? My sister just had a beautiful dark skinned baby, her boyfriends family are Native American, she looks Arian. The baby has blue eyes (for now) and black hair, and looks a lot like his grandma on dads side. Ive read that Hazel eyes (like mine) come about from a parent having blue eyes (dominant) and another parent having dark eyes. So though a lot of babies are born with blue eyes, the color will change as melanin develops and they will turn hazel (in some cases). I’m guessing this will probably be the case for my new baby nephew. I look most like my Dad, I seem to have gotten his genes in the physical department, but apparently a study was done where it was discovered that your intelligence comes from your mother. So I got half and half I guess.
  14. I’ll probably do something petty like this
  15. Yes, I loved 8,9,10, and 12... before and after that I never got into them. The later games seemed like a failure to me. And since I first played 8, I thought the graphics in 7 and below were terrible, thus never playing them.
  16. @ArchieKun I really didn’t like school, it was boring - as a result I didn’t pay half as much attention in class as I should have, unless it was a truly interesting topic, like Psychology. Also I don’t think I was challenged enough in school, wish I didn’t go to public school. Even though I took advanced classes, the only interesting ones were the college courses. The others I didn’t even study for.
  17. @SanguineTear Do what I do and bring the movie over to a friends house. Most people like this movie, and it’s so worth a rewatch.
  18. Nope, Nope.. But funny guesses. I’m bad at describing things and simultaneously being funny I think.. Y’all are great at this though. @Ohiotaku I cheated... Steins Gate O. You have googleable materials in your funny synopsis. HA Mines super ambiguous, but I’m sure someone will get it eventually.
  19. Finally met someone who understands Final Fantasy
  20. Lore: This is the most widespread legend about Chinese zodiac. The Jade Emperor (The Emperor in Heaven in Chinese folklore) ordered that animals would be designated as calendar signs and the twelve that arrived first would be selected. At that time, the cat and the rat were good friends and neighbors. When they heard of this news, the cat said to the rat: 'We should arrive early to sign up, but I usually get up late.' The rat then promised to awaken his friend and go together. However, on the morning when he got up, he was too excited to recall his promise, and went directly to the gathering place. On the way, he encountered the tiger, ox, horse, and other animals that ran much faster. In order not to fall behind them, he thought up a good idea. He made the straightforward ox carry him on condition that he sang for the ox. At last, the ox and him arrived first. The ox was happy thinking that he would be the first sign of the years, but the rat had already slid in front, and became the first lucky animal of the Chinese zodiac. Meanwhile his neighbor the cat was too late so when it finally arrived, the selection was over. That's why other animals appear behind the little rat and why the cat hates the rat so much that every time they meet, the cat will chase and kill it. Of course each animal has its own special story of how it arrived to the banquet. Look them up individually for even more fascinating details.
  21. I’m not sure I’ll continue One Piece. I stopped right after Luffy entered the Grand Line. For some reason the show lost its appeal after a while.
  22. I love introducing friends irl to my fav anime. It’s probably the best incentive for owning the DVDs. The reason I never finished monster is because I somehow lost the 3rd disk...
  23. Seshi


    @Nono Dane cooks “car alarm” is still stuck in my head til this day..
  24. Seshi


    Boaz and Eve I adopted them from a shelter in 2013. First I got Eve, then she seemed lonely when I was gone, so I got Boaz about a month after (they are siblings). They hates each other from day 1 opps
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