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Everything posted by Teru

  1. Dude, I played 1, 2 and 3, didn't played Ascension for some reason, I don't really feel like playing it to be honest. I played the three first games when I was younger ans when I didn't know how to speak/understand english so I don't remember a lot of the lore, little to nothing but I still like it a lot, would love to play again if I get my hands in a playstation. Looking forward to the new one as well.
  2. The Turing Test is a great game, you all.

  3. What @Cy~ sad apply to me as well, I normally don't get confused with the stories but I remember 2 animes that bugged me when I watched them. The first one was the anime movie, Paprika and the second one was Serial Experiments Lain.
  4. I'd watch but I'm bias so you'll have to judge for yourself. The last two episodes were not that good in comparison with the other ones in my opinion.
  5. Ok I watched both episodes... I miss Mamika.
  6. I remember when I was younger and I used to search animalog (it was an watch anime online site) and I would just open in a random page of it and watch one of the animes of that page, I saw some horrible ones (I'm talking to you, Phi Brain Kami no Puzzle). Today I watch mostly animes tha are airing in the current season but sometimes I watch some older ones that I see in some AMV and like. I agree with this so much, I watched so many shitty animes on animalog and how I, for some reason, dislike droping animes even if they are shit, used to watch them till the end. The only one I dropped was Phi Brain.
  7. This is it, I'm finally going to watch the last episode of Re:Creators, please don't suck, I still love you.

    1. zoop


      Let us know how it is!

  8. I don't know if the right side of my headset is dying or I'm getting deaf.

  9. Honestly, I just use the discord chat right now to see if there's any new post because there's a sound alert.
  10. OverLord is more serious in my opinion, the light novels are going strong and great. Konosuba is one of the best comedies I've ever seen.
  11. I was watching some GTA V roleplaying yesterday and now I understand what @[2178:Cy~] said about people getting too into the character.

    1. Cy~


      Bwauahahaha, I know right? Tell me moar! What happened there? :O

    2. Teru


      Basically this guy was RPying as a singer and out of nowhere he go to a sort of stage in this house and starts playing wonderfully, starts on 3:26:42. Have some fun. Edit: The link won't work, I'll pm you.

  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoK0bAjsHoo -Crying inside-
  13. Hi.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tefutakato


      @[2173:Teru] Doing okay. How about yourself?

    3. Teru


      After having internet issues I'm alright.

    4. Tefutakato


      @[2173:Teru] I'm glad to hear you're alright.

  14. ... I haven't seen the last one either, that's kind of funny.
  15. So many lovely people here.
  16. I used to play CS:GO but now I'm taking a time from it, I'll most probably come back to it in the future though.
  17. Monogatari series even though my favorite anime is Amagami SS.
  18. I'm very excited even though this is the first time I'm hearing about this.
  19. Currently 3°C here, oh god, I was waiting for this.

    1. zoop


      Cold weather is beautiful

  20. I'm not that into cars but I have a friend which is. The only car that I think it's beautiful it's that one from Tokyo Drift, the RX7 Veilside, what a wonderful car that one is.
  21. That moment when you try to take a picture for your cousin and then your glasses reflect the game.
  22. I have some mangas that I started and until this day I did not read them all the way through the end.
  23. I used to think which one is better, SAO or Log Horizon, then I watched OverLord and my doubts were no more.
  24. I just waited 40-50 minutes for some hot dogs on the way home, it was worth it.

    1. Kohloo


      Those better be damn fine hot dogs!

    2. Viper


      It's always worth it lol

    3. Teru


      I'm not really that into hot dogs but every once in a while I eat them and when I went there, they didn't had the bread for some reason and she said they would be arriving "in 10 minutes".

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