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How to Argue Effectively


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Well, Cy~, you're a total productive person for posting this. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


Did I do it right...? <_<


Jokes aside, nice thread. :) Could always count on you to make another useful discussion to the forum. lol

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Did I do it right...? <_<


Masterfully well executed! I felt my heart flutter at the eloquence! (o^.^o)


Jokes aside, nice thread. :) Could always count on you to make another useful discussion to the forum. lol


Hahaha, it's self serving more than anything, tbh. I have moments of extreme forgetfulness when I fail to remember all of the stuff I wrote in that post, so I like having it (or some variety of it) on the forums that I frequent, as a healthy reminder to contain my more baser urges. :naughty:

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This is wonderful! Would I have your permission to spread this around (to other forums) when I see people making bottom of the pyramid responses? (which happens often)


Are we allowed to discuss where we think we fall on this scale? I definitely do think when I argue I fall more into the counterargument category. I do sometimes get to refutation. I've very very very infrequently refuted the central point. I can say with some experience that higher levels of arguing has a much greater effect to achieving the point you're trying to make and helping people see your point of view. Going lower and lower only leads to more strife.


I love debating btw. I know we're not allowed to talk religion or politics on the public forums but if it's cool with the mods I invite anyone who wants to debate to PM me. I'm very comfortable with myself and my views (and I'm flexible if you prove your point!) so I'm happy to do so any time.

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Would I have your permission to spread this around (to other forums) when I see people making bottom of the pyramid responses?


Ehehe, I've never had anyone ask me something like that before.


Permission granted! (y):angel:^_^


Quite frankly, if it's to make the Internet a better place, then I am all for it.


Are we allowed to discuss where we think we fall on this scale?


I don't see why not!


For the record, I think that, in casual conversation, counterargument is actually one of the best compromises between the time spent building your argument and the quality of the result (communication). Speaking for myself, I tend to rely on counterarguing quite a bit in the online sphere. However, at my job (government accounting), I stick solely to refutation and refuting the central point. It's a more formal setting, so I have a lot more to lose by being sloppy with an argument.


And, you're right, dropping below "Counterargument" is actually really risky if you value your relationship with the person that you are arguing with. It's far too easy to offend, unintentionally, when you try to take shortcuts in a tense discussion. Especially if you're talking with a diverse group of people with many different viewpoints and experiences, it's better to put more effort into an argument. It may turn out that you learn something about a different culture, or pick up a new viewpoint. I know I have, sometimes.


I love debating btw.


Heya! Me too!


Though, I confess that I don't have as much energy for it, these days, due to getting more than my fill from my workplace, hahaha. :'(

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Ok I think you might have to much time on your hands


That's kind of a crummy thing to say to someone who put a decent bit of thought into writing this, don't you think? :?


I might be odd, but I prefer to encourage activity on the forum, rather than make casual comments without a great deal of thought behind them that might discourage people from being comfortable with being active here. I mean this in a very general sense, not just with regards to your comment on this thread.


With that said, I feel that I might as well clarify that this thread was written in roughly a half hour, and is more or less only the latest version of a thread that Cy~ has previously crafted on other forums in the past. As for having too much time on her hands, she has full time employment, and is in the process of writing a visual novel so... no, she really doesn't have too much time on her hands. :?

Edited by Guest
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I apologize


Just posting to say that I really appreciate the fact that you went back in here and made an apology post. Not everyone is that graceful, so like thanks. :angel:


Actually, I really wish that I had a lot of spare time. I would be on this site posting like a <censored> (hidden by order of my spouse, ugh mods (n);)@zoop).


Instead, I seriously spend way too many hours each week swearing prodigiously while attempting to keep up with a pace of 1,000 words a day on my writing while holding down a full time job. That sounds like a lot of words a day, but the final target is over 200,000 words, so I'm just flat out fucked. I'll be working on the same thing for at least a year, if I'm lucky. :'(


It's actually a little disheartening, so yeah, I take breaks from the grind to come here and post random stuff. Now, you know the secret. (Which is that I'm insane. @_@)

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Very nice, i always thought some of this was commen knowledge until i actually went on the internet xD. But good job, though i dont know about you guys but sometimes i find it hard to focus when in an argument and i completely forget most of my evidence and end up looking like a jerk.


I alsl have the huge problem of forgetting people dont know everything i know that makes my evidence stand out and work xD

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  • 4 months later...
4 hours ago, Peacock said:

How to be good at arguing:

by being right in the first place ;)

My friend is allot like you when I argue with him but most times I come out on top by talking him into a corner.

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4 hours ago, Greeneyes said:

My friend is allot like you when I argue with him but most times I come out on top by talking him into a corner.

Tbh, I meant more along the lines of "being right in the first place to prevent the need of an argument." In all honesty, arguments can be incredibly constructive, and if you are willing to sit and argue your point effectively and without altering to the child-like reasoning, then they can actually help build  character.

Also, nice to see you again Greeneyes ^^

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