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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2017 in all areas

  1. Apparently, the Steam Workshop link only has a screenshot so I kinda just went to Youtube and picked a preview of the said wallpaper there. lol.
    2 points
  2. latest?cb=20140419012421 It's gotta be Jiji of Kiki's Delivery Service. Although honorable mentions are the wonderful Chito-san and Kenny-san of Flying Witch Maybe Happy of Fairy Tail? Ooh or Chomuske from KonoSuba? Ugh so much choice I love cats can you tell lol
    2 points
  3. I could recommend Kobayashi-san Chi no Maidragon? About a maid who is a dragon and wow I'm not doing this justice As with most anime descriptions its exactly what it sounds like but not at all like you would imagine from the description lol Anyway she (Touru) is assertive yet kind as you requested but also cute and hilarious. The last two go for the whole anime, but you should see for yourself if it interests you? She isn't too dense either which is a good sign I suppose It's very character focused too, since it's slice-of-lifey and centered around her and who she 'serves'.
    2 points
  4. Nah. I've been inactive for quite a while, many new members probably joined in while I was gone. So I thought "I should introduce myself again. FOR THE SAKE OF THE NEW GENERATION!" or something like that. So I did. lol
    2 points
  5. some one say ecchi harem romcom !!!!!!...... only kidding and ill come to say hiya to your welcome thread too @Nectar but atm here now I'm going to say hiya and welcome to my the forums TheAnimeTimes yes yes ill try to make it all mine Mwahahaha but ill still let any and all post and have fun so see you inside
    2 points
  6. Happy and healthy, huh? This forum is basically set-up for an ecchi harem romcom
    2 points
  7. The avatar above you is hunting you. You have a small head-start, but circumstance and contrivance will conspire against you to force a confrontation. You don't know why you are being hunted, but it seems safe to assume that it's for some sort of particularly nefarious purpose. What do you do? Where do you go? How will you fight back? Tell us the epic tale of your heroic last stand against whatever terrifying antagonist it is that you end up facing. It's okay if you're not familiar with the character or characters in someone's avatar - just go by appearances. _____________________________________________________________________________________
    1 point
  8. I use a cracked Samsung s4 active I accidentally dropped it and when I tried to ketch it, it landed in my hand as I was raising it so it flew out of my hand and landed like 10 feet from me and shattered but it still sort of works...
    1 point
  9. Oh Gawd. I had a hard time figuring out exactly what rating to that post. 'like', 'funny', and 'creative' didn't quite do it justice, so winner it is. Definitely a more in-depth response than I would have ever imagined, but for what it's worth that was quite amusing to read. ^^ With that said, for the sake of not intimidating people away for fear of having to make similarly long and involved posts (though those are more than welcome!) I present to you: something a little bit lazier. _____________________________________________________________________________________ I'm pretty sure I could take Kobayashi in a fight. Probably. She might be a bit unpredictable while drunk, but by and large I'd be confident of my chances... with that said, however, if I had done something to offend her to the point of wanting to hunt me down like an animal, I'd have to presume that her maid would be similarly upset with me... and so... with that in mind... I would run. To the ends of the Earth, without stopping and without looking back. And when the time would come for our inevitable meeting, I would throw myself to the floor and beg forgiveness for whatever sin I had committed, hoping against all hope that my apologies would be sufficient enough to keep me from being roasted alive by her overly excitable dragon companion.
    1 point
  10. I use the beautiful iPhone 4S! Yes it's laughably outdated but I think it's modern enough to get by with just now as it does everything a new expensive smartphone would do except play Mario Run even remotely well Its also nice in the hand, I don't like flimsy new phones with massive screens. I have big hands and I still drop them. It's very bricky in the hand, fits me well and serves its purpose. So well that I have two of them incase one breaks. I'm not joking
    1 point
  11. Since I don't know of the character, I'll just go on appearances and assume a nimble, assassinesque character Sorry if I'm entirely wrong The footsteps of my two heavy heels echoed their crunches in the gravelled streets around the empty village. They strook the ground with haste and their incessant beating created a pulse not unlike a lonely grandfather clock. Except, there was something I found was off about the usually comforting beat of my leather boots. The echo was never quite the same every time. Unnaturally so, and sometimes I heard sounds that didn't match at all. Confused after a long day at work, I marched on regardless, trying to focus. I turned the corner onto my avenue sharply, and, without even a moment to react I felt the thickly treaded wheels of a mountain bike collide with the end of my right shoe. As it turned without slowing even slightly each toe tried desperately to escape until eventually there was no where left for them to curl. I almost fell as the sudden wave of pain shot up my leg. As I stifled a cry, the cyclist swerved to regain balanced but did not look back but instead continued. I gritted my teeth and bent my knees over and over to try to calm my quickly numbing foot. That was when I realised, that I wasn't mistaken before. I really did hear sounds in my own footsteps. I could hear, approaching quickly to my right, the sounds of someone, running. 'They must have just been walking along behind me' I thought as I turned myself around, preparing to pretend to not be hurt and assure her that I would be fine. What greeted me wasn't a concerned pedestrian, however. It was a young girl with a disturbingly stern and focused gaze, wearing clothing fit for combat. I saw her retrieve a long silvery knife from her side and rush with increasing pace. Naturally, before I was even truly aware of it, I started to run. I bolted away, becoming completely primal as my body defied my slow, action-numbed brain. To bolt, though, as I understand it, means to scurry away in a specific direction with huge velocity. I had neither of those things as I limped and struggled as quickly as I could in a very non-specific direction, which happened to be towards the garden of an elderly couple. I could hear my unnamed pursuer approaching closer and closer and I soon learned that trying to outrun them would be futile. As I continued to stagger, my attention snapped to the pocket knife my grandfather always insisted I carry in the upper left pocket of my jacket. I reached into the pocket desperately in one last attempt to free myself from the absurdly unlikely and surreal situation I had found myself in, and gripped the knife. I turned on a dime and looked at the attacker dead in the eye. They had me firmly in their sights too, as their stone-cold eyes remained fixed onto mine as the glistening blade lifted higher and higher until finally my primal instincts could take no more and in a panic I launched the knife from my hand and cowered away. A moment that felt like a thousand lifetimes hit me. As I laid there, pathetically curled lightly in a ball on the driveway of Mr and Mrs Parkinson I waited and waited for the story to end. But it didn't. Cautiously, my head jittered up and my horrified expression simply mounted itself deeper as I found the attacker's body splayed across the ground, with my knife plunged deep into their neck. Whether I was the luckiest man or the unluckiest man on the planet that night, is debatable. --- Wow that's garbage And not remotely epic, just one random dude coming home from work and being incredibly lucky against a trained assassin Eh, I still tried my best to be interesting and I enjoyed playing about with words for the best part of an hour. So even though you probably wasted your valuable time reading that, I had a little fun writing it, seeing as if it's a rarity for me these days. Cool idea for a forum game, I like it, though I dread to think of what Kobayashi-san will do the the user after me haha
    1 point
  12. I've been using Wallpaper Engine for a while now so.... yeah. My Wallpaper is animated, 1080p and runs at 60fps.
    1 point
  13. Then just Wodahs. Anyways, you've completed over 150 in such a short time? And here I can only complete a few per month...still, it seems there's alot of anime we could talk about. So let's be friends and do that.
    1 point
  14. Agreed, all fronts.
    1 point
  15. I just, I mean that's one hell of a way to introduce yourself. I got a good laugh out of that. Anyways, to actually answer the question, because I'd be an ass just posting that and leaving, pretty much anyone from the Hyperdimension series has potential, depending on what you like.
    1 point
  16. Tbh I think it's a bit overrated. I didn't feel like it had a good amount of character development where needed. That said, it was suuuper enjoyable to binge
    1 point
  17. Basically it sounds like you want a sweet but assertive girl who basically isn't the "I'm so stupid save me MC" trope. Am I right?
    1 point
  18. Good question, I second that
    1 point
  19. Huh, so it is, never would have guessed haha Guess I'm just not observant enough Thanks for the warm welcome!!
    1 point
  20. Got it... I'll have to check it out then!
    1 point
  21. Dibs on being at the center \o/ Thanks for the warm welcome everyone
    1 point
  22. I think Clannad is the best example I've seen of a 'realistic' romance in anime, to be honest. Some aspects of the story do contain supernatural elements, however the core of the show is fairly down to Earth, especially compared to something like Mirai Nikki. At the core of it, the story is basically entirely character driven, and consists of both personal triumphs and personal tragedies. Very highly recommended - I don't tend to ever watch high school romance anime, but this one is easily at the very top of my anime ranking list.
    1 point
  23. finally get 5 minites to scratch my ass and answer this to find out zoop has basically done it for me
    1 point
  24. hiya Megumi , welcome to the forums the rules are simple ! I'm god !!!!! but seriously its not a bad place we can all have fun and get along so don't be shy to make posts (lots of posts) even if your just asking questions some times we are here lots , some times not so often but we will reply where we can
    1 point
  25. well first off the cake is a lie , some times tho we have pie and occasionally an odd forum member or two give out cookies (and even an odd odd one that gives potatoes) but for some reason they seem to go missing anywho enough of that and what ive come to say and can offer is a hiya and welcome to you Nect I mean Jack , I'm Wodahs but you can call me wodahs or shadow which it is spelt backwards feel free to ask or discuss any thing or just post and we will see you in side more
    1 point
  26. hey Fru *waves back , hiya and welcome I can PM a hiya as well if you want besides here but anyways yes we are an easy going friendly bunch so have fun in the forums and we will see you in there ps if you want we can also just talk
    1 point
  27. The ET game for the NES, really bad stuff here, maybe i'm too old for this kind of thing lol
    1 point
  28. Crunchyroll is a great place to start. It depends on what you're looking for, if you want subbed Crunchyroll is a great place to go to see anime that are currently airing as well. Funimation has a streaming service, and have recently partnered with Crunchyroll to create an app called Vrv. You can find more dubbed anime on Funimation. Viz is also a great place to check out some shows. They are great places to browse when looking for something new to watch. Netflix often carries the more popular series that have either been around for a while, or they have some rights to. Hulu is another place you can go as well, as they tend to differ slightly from what Netflix has.
    1 point
  29. I love Akame Ga Kill! It was the first anime i finished that left me in shock and feeling uneasy all night. As for the anime being all about Tatsumi, I disagree. For me the anime is about akame but tatsumi is the main driving charcater for plot. The ending pretty much confirmed this. Books have done this type of thing before. It probably has a name but i dont know. But one book series i had didnt even follow the title character most of the time.
    1 point
  30. Credits are the forum's currency. You can buy a variety of things using it. For example, you can request a nice smiley, make your username glow, have music attached to your profile. Some users also manage shops. They can make you a customized avatar/signature for a certain price. You can click HERE to go to the AF Shop. You can also click HERE for more info regarding credits and the shop.
    1 point
  31. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2B1QtFRrvw Oh. That. I forgot about that.
    1 point
  32. 3 late 4 running away Are y'all mods here or something? Or just active community members?
    1 point
  33. That's a much better and more reasonable way of putting it, really. At the end of the day, no one gaming platform will be able to cover everyone's needs.
    1 point
  34. It has to be TTGL because penis euphemisms reign supreme
    1 point
  35. ZGHsiFP5whAYf6LC What is this
    1 point
  36. Common assumption. Fairly incorrect, though. The truth of the matter is that, speaking from experience, as long as you don't shoot yourself in the foot by trying to go super cheap while building your system, you're unlikely to need to upgrade anything for about five years, if not more, depending on the type of games you play. On the other hand, if you do need to go cheap on/skip out on one component early on, with the intention to add it on later - you can typically do so with minimal fuss, and generally without the level of additional expense required by a Playstation 4 Pro, or XBOX Scorpio. That's what Wodahs was actually saying, though I'm guessing that you actually understood that. As for console games just working... I dunno, it seems like any time I boot up any of my consoles to play a particular game (not terribly often, I admit), I need to wait through at least one system update, followed by at least one title update, whereas all of my PC games update themselves in the background, due to my PC being booted up already for non-gaming tasks. Not to say that PC gaming is inherently better than console gaming, or saying that there's anything wrong with preferring console games over PC games, nor am I trying to be a jerk, but your joke was a bit lazy. Gotta aim higher than that.
    1 point
  37. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9b0CPerywqU
    1 point
  38. This may cause me to seem like some sort of grinch. I apologize if that is the case, but this has been kind of bothering me for a while now. The Creative Corner board on this forum is bogged down with threads that serve no purpose beyond advertising Youtube videos, posted in large part by folks who have displayed no interest in the forum beyond that purpose, who in some cases don't even bother with an introductory thread before they begin their advertising spiel. Case in point, taken from the first page: https://animeforums.net/community/threads/check-out-my-youtube-channel-doki-doki.3777/ https://animeforums.net/community/threads/re-anime-podcast-new-episodes-every-friday.3774/ https://animeforums.net/community/threads/need-some-help-please.3767/ https://animeforums.net/community/threads/hi-may-you-check-this-yuri-on-ice-vid-i-did-comment-feedback-very-much-appreciated-3.3765/ https://animeforums.net/community/threads/top-10-anime-quotes-fullmetal-alchemist-brotherhood.3764/ https://animeforums.net/community/threads/may-you-wonderful-people-check-my-new-original-anime-vid-i-posted-the-other-day-3-commentfeedback.3762/ https://animeforums.net/community/threads/animania-tv-recommendation-s01e01.3755/ https://animeforums.net/community/threads/may-you-awesome-people-check-my-new-anime-original-video-about-bleach-fairy-tail-naruto-shippuden.3752/ https://animeforums.net/community/threads/may-you-wonderful-people-check-out-my-new-original-anime-vid-may-you-comment-feedback.3746/ https://animeforums.net/community/threads/may-you-wonderful-people-check-my-new-original-anime-yt-video-i-posted-on-yt-comment-feedback.3742/ https://animeforums.net/community/threads/my-2-videos-i-posted-yesterday-today-may-you-wonderful-people-check-it-out-comment-feedback.3739/ https://animeforums.net/community/threads/my-new-video-i-posted-the-other-day-may-you-awesome-people-check-it-out-comment-feedback.3734/ https://animeforums.net/community/threads/%E2%9C%96-top-10-anime-quotes-death-note.3730/ https://animeforums.net/community/threads/hi-may-you-amazing-people-check-my-new-yt-video-on-my-yt-channel-i-made-an-original-anime-video.3723/ https://animeforums.net/community/threads/%E2%9C%96-top-5-anime-quotes-masamune-kun-no-revenge.3708/ https://animeforums.net/community/threads/%E2%9C%96-top-5-anime-quotes-detective-conan.3686/ https://animeforums.net/community/threads/hi-people-call-me-bell-and-i-love-anime-games-etc.3663/ https://animeforums.net/community/threads/my-new-youtube-video-may-you-give-me-feedback.3678/ https://animeforums.net/community/threads/celestia-community-invite-3.3650/ https://animeforums.net/community/threads/one-punch-man-english-song-cover-kanashimi-tachi-wo-dakishimete-tv-size-version-ft-lollia.2230/ https://animeforums.net/community/threads/my-song-covers.3562/ Twenty one threads - that's half of the front page being taken up by people who have never posted outside of their own advertisement threads and/or their own welcome thread. So --- what's the big deal? This box provides at-a-glance information regarding what people here are talking about. It seems like, more often than not these days, it is taken up in large part by "Check out my thing" threads posted, again, by people who have displayed absolutely zero interest in this community. Instead of having topics that are likely to be of interest to the community and worthy of actual discussion being highlighted at the top of the index page, we instead have nonsense that, frankly - based on the average number of replies these threads get - nobody cares about. In addition to jumbling up the content listed in the New Topics side bar, it also pushes topics that might be of actual interest to folks down amongst a mess of spam threads. Given that this forum often tends to be fairly low activity (which is okay), this means that posts to threads that actually have some degree of substance can take a while - meaning that they can get pushed down far enough that members who don't scroll beyond the first several threads (and could they be blamed, if all of those threads are simply video advertisements?) or beyond the first page of threads won't even see them. With that in mind, I very strongly request something along the lines of these three options be implemented. There may be better courses of action available, however this is what comes immediately to mind. 1: Prevent members who are under X posts (where X is a small and easily reached number) from making threads in the Creative board, while also removing any threads advertising Youtube channels or videos that are created elsewhere in an attempt to sidestep this. 2: Remove threads located in the Creative board from the Recent Topics side panel. 3: Allow people to advertise their channels and videos without restriction, however limit them to one thread and require that any new videos or content they wish to advertise be placed within that thread, something that is most courteously done in the case of this thread. Apologies for the rant, but I rather like this place and want it to do well - as such I strongly urge that any and all actions that can be taken to make it more appealing to people passing through be taken. While the impact of this particular bit may admittedly be limited by itself, there are probably a fair number of other such minor improvements that can be made... and little things do add up. Anyhow, thank you for taking the time to read my ranting.
    1 point
  39. Actually,a relationship will not disrupt my time to watch anime. My BF has no interest in anime,but It is a way for me to find some free space in this relationship. It is good I think.
    1 point
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